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Unpopular Star Wars Opinions
Jan-26-2018 5:06 PM15 replies
Top 10 Favourite Star Wars Lightsaber Duels
Jan-20-2018 11:54 AM10 replies
how to include mechagodzilla into the monsterverse
Jan-20-2018 5:13 AM34 replies
Planet of the Monsters first impressions: Multiple Godzillas, symbolism and more
Jan-18-2018 4:32 PM7 replies
Godzilla Awards Project Questionaire
Jan-17-2018 2:00 PM11 replies
(SPOILERS)First Reaction to Godzilla: Monster Planet.
Jan-17-2018 6:57 AM21 replies
Omen's Uncertainty
Jan-17-2018 12:30 AM10 replies
Prometheus - What Was with the Alien Flute?
Jan-16-2018 5:18 PM22 replies
Prometheus - Why Was Holloway So Unpleasant?
Jan-16-2018 5:07 PM16 replies
Top 10 Favourite Star Wars Villains (canon)
Jan-12-2018 1:08 PM11 replies
INTERLINKED - Blade Runner 2049, Alien Covenant, Aliens and Soldier - Updated!
Jan-10-2018 6:00 PM47 replies
Jan-09-2018 4:47 AM39 replies
MonsterVerse Monsters: Who do you want?
Jan-07-2018 10:37 PM72 replies
Blade runner replicant tech timeline
Dec-28-2017 12:38 AM20 replies
Birth of a Tyrant Chapter 3
Dec-26-2017 7:01 PM12 replies
Did Luke die in TLJ? (SPOILERS)
Dec-22-2017 9:00 AM11 replies
*SPOILERS* Star Wars: The Last Jedi Discussion *SPOILERS*
Dec-18-2017 11:16 AM57 replies
Alien: Covenant art by Khang Le
Dec-08-2017 1:59 PM13 replies
Ridley Scott says he will do another Alien movie with no horror and no alien
Dec-04-2017 12:52 PM67 replies
Hundreds of preserved Pterosaur eggs found!
Dec-01-2017 4:59 PM1 replies
Multiversal Empire: The Military
Nov-29-2017 1:40 PM38 replies
Random thoughts/questions/and fun fan theories
Nov-27-2017 12:22 PM14 replies
Tyrannus Universe: Imperion
Nov-26-2017 2:59 PM11 replies
Bio-Mechanical Xenormoph... Shoe-Horning
Nov-24-2017 1:18 PM33 replies
The Flag of the Multiversal Scified Empire
Nov-22-2017 11:46 AM10 repliesPINNED
Godzilla: Planet of the Monsters Box Office Watch
Nov-22-2017 10:48 AM35 replies
The Olympian WMD Files: Case File I
Nov-21-2017 8:44 PM11 replies
Predator in Alien: Covenant trailer? Solved!
Nov-16-2017 1:10 PM6 replies
Ebirah is REAL!
Nov-15-2017 4:28 PM10 replies
Alien Awakening Timeline
Nov-14-2017 8:59 AM53 replies
Timeline War Plot Synopsis and Character Roster
Nov-13-2017 5:42 PM13 replies
Lost in The End Part 8: Nightmare at the Edge of Eternity
Nov-13-2017 9:10 AM19 replies
The Vengeful Rex II Part 4-6
Nov-12-2017 6:31 PM12 replies
ALIEN 5: Resurect? or Purge?
Nov-07-2017 6:11 AM36 replies
The Engineers did not create life on Earth!
Nov-04-2017 6:41 AM19 replies
Godzilla: Domination (Chapters 1-9)
Nov-03-2017 4:21 PM18 replies
Top 4 Worst Dinosaur Movies
Nov-03-2017 12:28 PM15 replies
Double Feature Creature Features!!!!
Nov-01-2017 6:19 PM28 replies
Questions and Answers
Nov-01-2017 2:32 AM32 replies
Blade Runner 2049 opens in China and Japan
Oct-31-2017 8:56 AM47 replies