Did Luke die in TLJ? (SPOILERS)

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MemberRespectedDec-22-2017 9:00 AM

I watched Star Wars 8 with a friend some days ago and I'm confused by this. Did Luke die in the movie at the end because if that's so then I'll refuse to watch the next episode. The new characters aren't as interesting as Luke and the original cast so if they won't have Luke in the next episode as either a force ghost and have him in many scenes then I'll boycott the movie.

11 Replies


MemberContributorDec-22-2017 9:14 AM

He ripped-off Obi-Wan from A new Hope.... so bye bye Luke in the flesh...


Member2KDec-22-2017 9:15 AM

Mark Hamill is in denial that he died, although it looks like he did. Disney has screwed everything up so it's their loss. Star Wars ends at episode 6.

Good grief.


MemberContributorDec-22-2017 9:25 AM

Emperor GorillaGodzilla

But Disney was so original... nothing ripped off the old trilogy.

Im Durp

MemberInitiateDec-22-2017 9:28 AM

Yes he died, but after how they dealt with the character don't really care, his death scene was the most Luke-like part of that whole movie.


To me though not canon the legends novels are where Luke's story went.


MemberRespectedDec-22-2017 1:28 PM

That sucks if so, I'm seriously thinking about boycotting the next movie. No Luke means no interest from me. Perhaps this is emotional but it makes me kind of sad which is the only Star Wars character that I have reacted like this to. Episode 9 or no nine, at this point I don't care about it because I'm just so disappointed.


MemberConversationalistDec-26-2017 5:47 AM

Luke's story is from episode 4-6 The End. Luke/Han/Leia Should have been left out of 7-9. Like Kylo said:Kill the past..let it go.

I suppose Kylo could have cut luke in two and his bloody corpse would of made the fans happy.

Luke is a minor character just a pawn to set up tension in the stories.


MemberConversationalistDec-26-2017 6:05 AM

I hear/read a lot of HATE for this movie(Episode 1/Jar Jar/Ewoks springs to mind). Seriously. Have the fans learned nothing from these movies?!......That they are a big joke?

And now they are quitting when the going gets tough? Or doesn't go their (selfish) way? Crazy.

Life is not fair. Bad things happen. Poisoning your Star Wars well is a bad idea. 


MemberContributorDec-26-2017 9:00 AM


"That they are a big joke?". Not fans are poisoning the well but Disney. Why should one sustain something that they don't like. In the vain hope that somehow what will follow they will like, a thing that will never come? What a joke!


MemberConversationalistDec-26-2017 11:28 AM

I know all about the quitters the cowards that are Star Wars fans. Something happens that they don't don't like and they bail.

Just like Finn(SW fan)...had to be tazed before he could escape.

Or Poe(SW fan) Mutinied cause he knows better.

Why would anyone want a True SW fan in their foxhole? They're gonna run when it goes against them. Have to be shot for desertion, put in the brig. Rats deserting a sinking ship comes to mind.

Who do you think will be on the Millennium Falcon at the End? True SW fan?! Lol...NOT a chance. They showed their true color years ago(bright yellow).

The whole movie was about them. Running away(Finn), Cowardice(luke), Mutiny(Poe).

Fans finally got to see themselves in the mirror(Like Rey...Who wanted to see something different). Didn't like what they saw.


I'm not a SW fan. So I really don't care if they make another one...Or if I watch another second of any SW film......BUT I do know I'd be on the Millennium Falcon at the end(As a janitor or whatever they need me to do)







MemberConversationalistDec-26-2017 1:09 PM

Oh and it's kinda' cool that the fans have turned towards the Dark Side! .....Just a small amount of followers(true believers) aboard the Millennium Falcon!

Cool if you think about it.

'Are you aboard the Falcon?' need a t-shirt.....

I Meme Everything

Member2KDec-30-2017 10:38 AM

Damn this movie is polarising...

"Part of the journey is the end..."

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