Hot Topics / Featured Discussions
There is a "G Team" in Godzilla 2?
Jun-06-2018 12:57 PM12 replies
Godzilla: Generations (Chapters 1-9)
Jun-01-2018 3:51 PM13 replies
How to include Godzilla’s son into the monsterverse
May-28-2018 6:13 AM14 replies
What if Thor Forged Stormbreaker During Ragnarok?
May-24-2018 12:51 PM3 replies
Adopt a Dinosaur on the DPG Website
May-15-2018 6:26 PM17 replies
May-15-2018 6:07 PM11 replies
How to include Gamera into the monsterverse
May-14-2018 6:04 AM35 replies
Alien: Covenant memes
May-08-2018 2:16 PM69 replies
Top 10 Favourite Sith
May-05-2018 10:21 AM10 replies
how to include Gorosaurus into the monsterverse
Apr-30-2018 3:33 AM83 replies
The DAVID Dilema
Apr-28-2018 5:34 PM166 replies
The Many New Characters of SOMETHING REAL and REALITY ECHO
Apr-24-2018 12:38 AM10 replies
Ridley Scott on the problem with Sci-fi
Apr-21-2018 6:23 PM145 replies
Where is the City on the Edge of Battle trailer?
Apr-18-2018 12:05 PM15 replies
Godzilla: Uprising (Chapters 10-13)
Apr-17-2018 5:35 PM15 replies
how to include King Caesar into the monsterverse
Apr-16-2018 7:15 AM29 replies
Apr-13-2018 5:05 PM16 replies
how to include Gigan into the monsterverse
Apr-05-2018 10:40 PM74 replies
Ready Player One Kaiju Spoilers
Mar-29-2018 11:45 PM78 replies
Does a movie shown in 3D motivate you to see it?
Mar-27-2018 12:52 AM24 replies
Battra and More Easter Eggs in Pacific Rim 2
Mar-22-2018 10:56 PM12 replies
Early draft of, "The Crossing" reveals more about David and Shaw
Mar-09-2018 6:06 PM46 replies
Regarding the latest script leaks
Mar-07-2018 8:12 AM9 replies
Ghidorah leak
Mar-07-2018 7:47 AM26 replies
Why they took the King out of King Kong?
Mar-04-2018 3:33 PM20 replies
Announcing: The Godzilla Novelization Project!
Mar-03-2018 8:47 PM35 replies
The Last Mother (Synopsis and Cast)
Mar-01-2018 8:48 PM16 replies
Godzilla vs. Kong forums open!
Feb-28-2018 6:49 PM11 replies
Feb-28-2018 8:53 AM11 replies
The flayed Engineer HD photos
Feb-20-2018 2:42 PM22 replies
Godzilla: Uprising (Chapters 1-9)
Feb-16-2018 5:11 PM18 replies
Alien: Covenant work by Suzi Battersby
Feb-16-2018 9:09 AM9 replies
Alien Universe Independent Shorts Mini Film Festival!
Feb-16-2018 12:13 AM11 repliesPINNED
Galaxy of Terror (1981) Gives You the Pyramid You Don’t Get from Alien (1979)
Feb-15-2018 8:02 AM27 replies
MUTO vs. Skullcrawler - Who wins?
Feb-11-2018 12:35 PM11 replies
Carlos Huante shares unused Alien creatures
Feb-06-2018 5:07 AM13 replies
Alien Covenant Super-Facehugger by Dominic Hailstone
Feb-02-2018 4:25 PM25 replies
The Cave
Jan-31-2018 3:10 AM57 replies
Gateway Station and the Background Spaceships in Aliens
Jan-28-2018 6:22 PM7 replies
The Oscar-Winner 'Call Me By Your Name' and Bill Paxton
Jan-27-2018 7:41 PM87 replies