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The Vengeful Rex II Parts 1-3
Oct-29-2017 8:29 AM16 replies
Hulu Godzilla
Oct-27-2017 12:22 AM24 replies
Godzilla's a Plant: How do the G-Fans Feel?
Oct-25-2017 10:19 AM32 replies
Alien Covenant Fan Film
Oct-22-2017 2:53 PM22 replies
Engineer power
Oct-22-2017 2:16 PM41 replies
Michael Fassbender used Hannibal Lecter as a reference for David.
Oct-19-2017 5:42 PM24 repliesPINNED
Royal Engineer
Oct-18-2017 9:01 PM30 replies
top 5 most/least likely monsters to appear in the monsterverse
Oct-18-2017 1:41 AM25 replies
Androids + Emotions
Oct-14-2017 4:24 PM27 replies
Revived to Be Pulled Apart Again - Shaw Is Not Dead?
Oct-10-2017 12:33 PM36 replies
COMNET 12-26-2093 Upload
Oct-10-2017 7:25 AM6 replies
Godzilla vs Kong. Why I root for Godzilla
Oct-09-2017 11:31 PM12 replies
Troops of Malicron
Oct-08-2017 2:56 PM10 replies
Is Batman & Robin (1997) a false version of the supernatural that can't avoid acknowledging its acceptance of peace?
Oct-07-2017 9:11 PM20 replies
The Vengeful Rex II Trailer
Oct-07-2017 2:26 PM15 replies
ALIEN: Manticore Now Available!!
Oct-06-2017 12:57 PM42 replies
Oct-06-2017 7:42 AM11 replies
MonsterVerse Godzilla's Origins
Oct-06-2017 5:39 AM2 replies
Happy Birthday Teruyoshi Nakano!
Oct-05-2017 10:17 PM13 replies
Oct-05-2017 6:13 PM25 replies
monsterverse predictions/speculation
Oct-04-2017 8:08 AM17 replies
What Is Your Top 10 Godzilla Films
Oct-04-2017 6:04 AM10 replies
Sharp Teeth Revealed - Neomorph for Alien Covenant
Oct-03-2017 1:18 PM14 replies
The Creatures of Planet Draco
Oct-02-2017 12:07 PM26 replies
The Troops of Calamity Dragmire Anguis
Oct-01-2017 1:23 PM12 replies
Was "The Covenant" a pact between David and WY prior to embarking?
Sep-26-2017 11:43 AM12 replies
The Emperor's Equipment
Sep-25-2017 2:19 PM10 replies
Who made the eggs? – Matt Hatton answers the question
Sep-22-2017 7:42 PM14 replies
Alien Covenant Marketing Art for Fox
Sep-21-2017 4:36 PM18 replies
Elizabeth Shaw's Grave
Sep-21-2017 1:56 PM5 replies
The Tumour Garden by Matt Hatton
Sep-20-2017 8:37 AM7 replies
The results are in: A:C Box Office Gross - Japan
Sep-17-2017 1:43 PM90 replies
Skull Island's After Credits Scene May Have Disproved a Major Ghidorah Theory
Sep-17-2017 12:41 PM11 replies
Sep-11-2017 9:06 AM15 replies
The Fall of the Adna Vault
Sep-10-2017 2:32 PM10 replies
Godzilla Directors
Sep-09-2017 5:30 PM17 replies
The Tasmanian Tiger may yet be alive!
Sep-06-2017 7:59 PM19 replies
Sep-06-2017 9:14 AM19 replies
Top 10 Favourite Spider-Man Suits
Sep-01-2017 7:00 AM18 replies
Lost in The End Parts 6-7
Aug-31-2017 11:04 AM23 replies