Rise of the Kaiju (fanfiction)

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Member2KMar-01-2021 9:02 PM


Disclaimer: Most of the monsters depicted in this fanfiction are owned by Toho, Daisei, Sony/Tristar, Legendary/Warner Bro’s, TMS, and Tokyo TV.

This fanfiction is unrelated to my Gojiverse, This fanfiction will neither feature any marvel characters nor canonize all godzilla movies; it's its own continuity. I am to make this fanfiction more in-line to a proper Godzilla/Gamera storyline that draws inspiration from all eras (Showa, Heisei, Millenium, TriStar, MonsterVerse, and Reiwa) 

Creative feedback is appreciative.


251 million years ago…


A blinding flash of light raced across the mid-day skies before a terrible thunderous roar echoed across the earth. The once clear skies were now smothered in dense clouds of ash. From the Siberian traps came a bright light shooting up into the dark skies, the light exploded into a fireball; radiating like a star before taking form. Massive blinding illuminating golden wings unfurl from its metallic cocoon as the creature stretches out its three biomechanical serpentine necks to their fullest extent.

From the coasts, sharp dorsal spines burst from the watery depths. BwuamBwuamBwuam...blue atomic fire bursts from the water directly at Primal Ghidorah. The Ghidorah recoiled for a moment before firing its gravity beams towards the coastline, the water exploded wherever the beams touched; revealing the kaiju hiding beneaths. A massive triop-like beast rose from the water, it was a Deiakhan, a radioactive deep sea arthropod that serves as earth’s balancer since the late cambrian period. Its tail spines begin to glow blue, Deiakhan flares open its mandibles as it releases its atomic beam into Primal Ghidorah. Ghidorah collectively flashes its teeth before shielding itself with its wings, the atomic energy like a great wave washes over Ghidorah’s golden form. The golden wings unfurl, ghidorah collectively flickers its tongues at its adversary. Ghidorah’s left head fires a gravity beam behind Deiakhan, Ghidorah's right head fires a gravity beam in front of Deiakhan; the guardian kaiju is tossed around like a ragdoll. Then Ghidorah’s middle head roars before commanding all to fire directly at Deiakhan’s soft belly.


Deiakhan squealed in pain as its body was being lifted out of the water by the beams, Ghidorah levitates Deiakhan closer to its trio of hungry mouths. It stretches out its weak vestigial arms to hold the triop-like kaiju onto its smooth scaly underbelly while its jaws clamp down on to Deiakhan’s soft spots. Atomic energy flows into Primal Ghidorah jaws and skin like a sponge. Deiakhan’s body makes one last spasm before recoiling into death. Primal Ghidorah took to the skies as it rained down from the sky a volley of cluster gravity beams onto the planet surface, the earth rumbled by the touch of Ghidorah’s radiant light. The following centuries and millennia the earth burned under Ghidorah’s reign; The forests were dying while many beasts lie suffocating on the surface. Every volcano across the earth has since erupted, leading to what will be called The Great Dying. The oceans were polluted with large quantities of unfrozen methane, causing the waters to become acidic which kills many marine lifeforms. Primal Ghidorah cackled at the destruction it had wrought. 


Tiny moth-like insects clinging on to the surviving trees caught in the inferno began to radiate with a blue-green light, their collective energy summoned the avatar of mother earth herself; Gigamoth. Gigamoth flared her wings, she cried out to Primal Ghidorah in defiance, Ghidorah turned its three collective heads towards Gigamoth. Ghidorah’s middle head sneared, the right head growled, the left head turned away from its siblings towards another threat; it was the beetle-like Megalon, the spider-like cephalopod Scylla, the spider Kumonga, the lobster-like shrimp Ebirah, the crab-like shrimp Ganimes, and a swarm of the dragonfly-like Meganulons come to Gigamoth’s aide. The meganulons kamikaze into Ghidorah, the three headed space dragon disintegrates most of the swarm before Kumong spits its web around the left and center head, sticking them together. Megalon charges in prematurally as Ghidorah’s right head is still free, Ghidorah open’s its jaws, a flash of light radiates from within its jaws before blasting the beetle kajiu apart with its gravity beam. The right head turns its attention to free its siblings, Gigamoth seizes her chance, she digs her bladed forearms into the right head’s neck  decapitating it. Gigamoth makes a speedy getaway before turning back around to finish off its sibling heads; the middle head fires its gravity beam into its left head, tearing away kumonga’s webbing as well as obliterating lefty’s head. Ghidorah fires its gravity beam into Kumonga, obliterating the spider kaiju. Gigamoth barrels towards Ghidorah, to strike at its last remaining head. Ghidorah ignoring the other arthropod kaiju focuses on Gigamoth, its sibling’s headless necks began regenerating their heads. Gigamoth flares her antenna, a beam of energy fires out of them, the regenerating ghidorah sibling heads bursts into goo. Ebirah clamps its pinchers around Ghidorah's left leg while Scylla wraps her tentacle mouth around the right leg. Gigamoth prepares to slice off the middle head, she cries in anticipation. Primal Ghidorah fires its gravity beam into Gigamoth, the beam sent her flying backwards, in due haste Ghidorah flapped its wings hard to gain lift off despite the efforts of scylla and ebirah, Gigamoth fired her energy beam into Primal Ghidorah as it took to the skies. Scylla and Ebirah release themself from Ghidorah’s leg before falling back into the water. 


Primal Ghidorah flees back into the dark cold void of space. Gigamoth landed on Deiakhan’s carcass, she nudged the fallen kaiju to awake. Deiakhan remained motionless, the volcanic fires burned the sky, rivers of molten magma flow to claim Deiakhan’s remains. Gigamoth quickly returns to the skies, she cries as she releases her divine energy over the planet earth. For one million years, Gigamoth spent her energy repairing the damage Primal Ghidorah has brought to the blue planet. A new dawn sets up on the Earth, the Permian period as well as the paleozoic era has now ended, the dawn of the Triassic and the beginning of the Mesozoic has begun. Gigamoth softly lands on a mountain overlooking a great valley. Tiny diictodon leave their burrows as vegetation returns to the surface. Gigamoth will spend the remainder of the Triassic recovering from her wounds, for the time for Ghidorah’s return will come again and she doesn’t know if she would be strong enough to stop them.

259 Replies


Member2KApr-13-2021 10:07 AM



A year after the 2000 election and a new president was sworn in the United States, Xukia disguised as a human, continued to monitor the White House. “Xukia, you have new orders. This president is a supporter of the M-COM unit. Dispose of him, quickly” Xukia saluted the controller, “By your command, Controller” she entered through the building only to be caught by the security. The silent alien detectors had alerted the president's body guards. “Controller, I have been caught!” she tries to transmit only to hear silence from the controller. “You there stop!” the guards bolted towards her, she pulled out her phaser pistol, the guards stopped to pull out their sidearms. Xukia quickly takes off running, she dodge the bullets as much as she can but was nicked in the leg; she topples over on to the ground, dropping her own gun. The guards quickly subdue the xilien woman as they arrest her. Xukia bit down hard on her back tooth, the capsule broke releasing the poison, the Xilien woman smiled defiantly as she embraced death. However, she awakens in a containment cell, her limbs strapped down to a table. She glances over to see an IV hooked into her arm. An attractive blonde woman dressed in a lab coat was checking her vitals. Her name tag displayed Dr. Eva Valen, Xukia struggled to free herself, Valen’s eyes darted towards the alien woman. “Struggle zall youz like, you’ll znever free yourzelf from zthose constraints,” Valen then darted her eyes at some paperwork, “You zare vondering, vhy zam I still zalive? Hmm? Tiss is zimple, I zwon’t zallow you to die. Of zall zthe xiliens vee captured, zyou are zthe first to zurvive,” Valen explained. “Now, zexplain yourzelf and zyou vill live zcomfortably on zee earth”


“I will tell you nothing, Hominid!” Xukia growled. “How zrude, zlooks zlike zthe gloves come off, as zthey say” Valen taps on her tablet, the wall slides open revealing the alien interrogation chamber, “zLast chance, ztell us vhat vee vant and vee letz you go” Xukia smiles at her capturer, “Do your worst, Hominid!” The xilien woman is rolled into the chamber as they place a metal harness over her head. Valen flips the switch as the device fires microfibre wires that burrow themselves into her cranium before connecting themselves into her cerebral cortex. “Juzt relax, zeverything vill be fine”, Valen said as she looks at the monitor, she shifts through the Xilien woman’s memories. Xukia tries to struggle but it was no-use, whatever they gave her left her body weak. “Zo you xiliens zare divided by class or biological zdistinction?” Valen asked. “Yes, we are divided into the Unjoined and Joined” Xukia obediently answered her back. “Fascinating, tellz me zmore” Valen commanded. “Unjoined are evolutionary throwbacks, ferals, rejects, we are indisualists, we serve as laborers, foot soldiers, bounty hunters, spies, and assassins. We are expendable, our lives mean nothing to the Joined; who are our superiors” Xukia explained. “Vere zyou happy, in zhat life?” Valen asked. “No,” Xukia answered. “zExplain to me, zhe Joined” Valen asked. “The Joined are our superiors. They share one mind among many bodies, they are our engineers, benefactors, scientists, and leaders” Xukia explained. “Zvery gut” Valen commented, “Zrest now” she increased the sedatives in Xukia’s IV, Xukia fell asleep. “Zthis information vill greatly benefit zthe EDI” Valen stopped in front of a mirror as she looked at herself, “Perhaps zone day, I vill be able zlook at zthe mirror vith my zown eyes” she reminded herself she was controlling a clone puppet of herself. 


Valen walked through the facility, a logo of Earth with massive Moth wings plastered everywhere bearing the acronym of the Earth Defense Initiative. The EDI have come to recognize that the kaiju Mothra, Leomothra, Kong, and even the Atlantic Godzilla were more valuable as allies than enemies and so they were protected from EDI attacks. Although the Pacific Godzilla have helped humanity in these last couple of years, contact with this species has been limited due to their indifference to mankind. Commander James Murphy stared up at the holographic Earth map, he bared the M-COM insignia on both shoulders. “Incoming flight from New York City, United States” the announcer spoke over the intercom. An HTAV (Heavy Transport Air Vehicle) lands in the docking hangar, five M-COM soldiers disembark from the HTAV. “We got injured onboard, the Xiliens have taken Manhattan. Commander, they were waiting for us” Captain Conner reported. “We were pushed back into the Bronx, before we retreated into Brooklyn. Lost several men there, would have lost more if not for one of the Titans”


“Which Titan?” Commander Murphy asked


“Godzilla,” Captain Conner replied, “The atlantic one, sir”


Dr. Valen approached the two military officers, “Commander Murphy, zi have urgent nevs” The captain salutes the Lieutenant Colonel before returning to his men. Murphy turned his attention to Dr. Valen, “Yes, Doctor Valen? Did you get anything out of the alien spy?”


“Ya, zi have. Zhe spy has revealed zhat zhe xiliens zare divided into dual classes, zjoined and zuntjoined. Zjoined zare a hivemind zubspecies, zif vee target zhe joined zit could turned zhe tie in zhis vwar”

“So if we are able to take out their commanders, this invasion will cease. Excellent news, Dr. Valen. I’ll pass this information to the brass. You are dismissed, doctor” 


“Danka, Commander” Dr. Valen takes her leave. She walks down one of the corridors, she waves at one of the guards who nods his head politely as she passes him bye. She stopped to turn around and noticed the guard was wearing his uniform incorrectly. “Excuse me, you zare wearing yourz uniform vrong” the man gasped before smiling at Valen. He pressed a red button under his shirt, it emitted a loud pinging noise. Valen reached for her ears as the pinging got louder and louder, Valen collapsed onto the ground as she lost consciousness. Her eyes then shot open as she stared at the metal ceiling, feeling ***bersome and gigantic she realized she lost control over her clone puppet. Dr. Valen as Biollante panicked as she swung her massive vine limbs against the kaiju resistant glass cage, she started taking deep breaths to calm herself down. 


Her lab's alarm blares its warning “Titan der alarm, ankommend! Titan der alarm, ankommend!”. Up above a Xilien transport ship hovering above the german skyline, it releases its payload onto the city outskirts. Biollante now senses a kaiju in her vicinity, the alien kaiju dragged its bladed arm along the hill top searching for the entrance. Its skin was green and scaly, its head vaguely resembled that of a chicken, it had sharp blades running down from its chest to its abdomen, short stubby tail and a large pair of fins growing out of its back. Gigan opened its beak-mouth, its jaws filled with sharp teeth. He can detect Biollante/Dr. Eva Valen’s M-Energy signature through its red monoeye. Euro-fighters fly as they target the green space chicken. Gigan chirps at the tiny aircrafts. The eurofighters release their missiles into Gigan’s scaly hide. Gigan swats the eurofights out of the sky as it resumes its assault on Valen’s underground lab.


The man walked over to Dr. Valen’s clone husk, reached over to grab her keycard before looking up to see if anyone was nearby, “Help! Dr. Valen has collapsed” he shouted. He reached over, “Thank you for taking care of my xukia, for that you will not die today” he then walked away from her body before the others could arrive. He quickly examines a nearby guard, he fixes his uniform properly to further blend in before walking off to find the containment cell. Xukia sits on her lonely bench waiting for her fate to conclude, the first sally port door opens, she becomes alert waiting for either the Lieutenant colonel or that doctor to arrive. She could faintly hear the sounds of a fist fight happening outside her cell, then the second sally port door opened. Xichi slides the keycard to open her cell, Xukia was surprised to see the Xilien Bounty Hunter dressed in human soldier attire.


Biollante prepares herself as Gigan starts scraping his claw against the metal plated shell of her laboratory. Gigan raises his claws up, “Kiirrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrp!” he chirps. He swings down his claws, the two claws clanged against each other. Gigan examined his claws, a thick web now enwraps them together. Gigan snarls as he turns around to see a giant brown caterpillar suddenly materializing in front of Gigan, it was Leomothra’s natural camouflage ability. Biollante was amazed how she was completely unable to detect Leomothra’s presence, she wanted to help the kaiju caterpillar but all she could do was watch from the monitors. Gigan hissed as he brought his web trapped arms down to his chest, the blades that ran down his chest and abdomen sliced through the webbing like a hot knife through butter. He uses his laser to burn off the rest of the webbing. Leomothra continued to spray Gigan before he could make his next move, Gigan fighting the incoming strings of silk with his claws then fires a laser beam from his monoeye at Leomothra but misses. Mothra soon arrives on the outskirts of Berlin to aid her brother, followed by M-COM eurofighters, Anti-kaiju ray trucks, and tanks. Gigan finds itself being covered in more silk before falling limp inside of its webbed cocoon, the mothra twins roll the cocooned Gigan into lake Havel. The two caterpillar kaiju submerge themselves deep into the lake to make sure Gigan couldn’t flee as they make silk anchors for the cocoon.

Biollante feeling the danger has passed quickly attempts to reestablish contact with her clone body. The medical doctors in the infirmary check the clone husk for vitals, they detect low heartbeat and no brain activity. Dr. Valen’s eyes shoot open as she gasps for air; startling the medical staff. Dr. Valen searches herself to make sure she is indeed back in her clone human body before noticing her Keycard is missing. She remembered the suspicious guard, “My zecurity clearance iz mizzing. I believe vee have been infiltrated” she warns as she attempts to leave her hospital bed, “I muzt varn zee Commander '' the medical staff quickly hold her back.

“Restrain yourself Dr. Valen,” the nurse ordered as the kaiju biologist struggled with them. “You could die from shock if you keep up with this”

Dr. Valen relaxes, “I must varn zee commander, the xiliens zare here!”


Xichi wraps his arms around Xukia, he taps at the red button underneath his stolen uniform. The two xiliens vanish from sight, “Stay close to me,” he whispers to her. Several M-Com soldiers run past the invisible intruders, they enter the containment room. The alarms suddenly go off, “Any more bright ideas?” Xukia furrowed her brow. “You worry too much, I have this all under control” Xichi presses another button under his stolen uniform, a loud pinging noise is emitted from the device as the M-Com soldiers suddenly pass out. “Boring but practical” Xukia comments, “You seem disappointed, my dear” Xichi laughs. “Let’s make a stop, I want to repay that doctor for the dishonor she inflicted upon me” Xukia smiled wickedly.


A loud pinging could be heard outside of the infirmry, the nurses and doctors opened the infirmary doors to see what was up. M-Com personnel laid on the ground unconscious, the pinging returns, the doctors and nurses all recoil to cover their ears but soon fall to the ground. Valen, a room away, quickly slides off the medical bed, she slips into the adjacent room hoping to avoid whatever is coming for her. The hairs on the back of her neck stood up, her body gained a heightened sense of awareness as she could hear footsteps walking into the room she had just left. Without thinking a pair of vines slither out from her sleeves, the vines shoot up onto the ceiling before pulling Valen up. The door opens on its own but Valen could sense something had entered the room, yet she remained still and silent. Xichi and Xukia search the room but fail to notice Valen was on the ceiling. The foodsteps became fainter and fainter, the sound of a door opening and closing echoed across the room. Valen drops down from the ceiling believing the cost was clear. She quietly checks-in on the doctors and nurses, they were still on the floor stunned and dazed. Valen grabbed a scalpel as she slowly walked off to find the invisible assailant. She heard footsteps coming from the next room, she put her back to the wall, she gripped the scalpel tighter in her hands as the footsteps grew louder. She swings herself around the corner ready to plunge the blade into her assailant, Commander Murphy grabs her by the wrist, “What in sam’s hell are you doing Dr. Valen?” Murphy asked, surprised. “Commander Murphy? zoh my gutness. Zi am zorry vor zhis commander, Zi thought you vere an inizible azzailant”


“Invisible assailant? What are you talking about?”

“Zi have reazon to believe zhat zhe xilien prizoner haz outzide help, check zee holding cell” Valen explained.

“I did, the prisoner was gone. Several of my men were rendered unconscious so I put the base in lockdown, don’t worry Dr. Valen we will find them” The commander pulls out his walkie talkie, “Squad 7, 4, 2, and 11, head to the armory. Get yourself a pair of HVGs (Heat-Vision Goggles)”

Xichi and Xukia were sneaking around the corridors and rooms hoping to evade detection from the M-COM staff. There, down the hall from their position stood the main service elevator. It was surrounded by M-COM soldiers, “They have tighter security, our chances of escape grows thin Xichi” Xukia complains. “No worries my love,” he taps at the unbutton under his uniform, the M-COM soldiers cover their ears in vain as they pass out onto the floor. “Passage is now clear” the duo make their way down the hall, the sound of metal clanking and shift was then heard behind them. Xukia turns to see M-COM soldiers dressed in HVGs and headphones were waiting for them. The elevator dinged, the doors open to reveal more M-COM soldiers, the two adjacent hallways were now flooded with M-COM soldiers. Xukia quickly grabs Xichi’s blaster, “Xukia no!” “I would rather die than be taken prisoner again...” one of the M-COM fires a beanbag round into Xukia, the beanbag explodes into a powder that renders the xilien woman unconscious; Xichi accidentally inhales the dust as well before passing out alongside her. “Tango down!” said the squad leader.

Gigan bursts out of his cocoon prison by heating up the silk with his eye laser, “Kiirrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrp!” he chirps angrily. Gigan makes a break for the surface, his massive green head bursts from the lake. He waves his hook arms, “Kiirrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrp!” he again chirps. His fin wings vibrate before taking off back into the sky, he senses the two mothra larva haven’t left town yet. He flies back around ready to deal with them, he soars above a thick forest covered in silk. The two larvae are preparing to metamorphosis into their imago forms; Gigan wouldn't allow that to happen.  He fires a laser from his monoeye into the cocoon, the cooon glowed red from the devastating energies. The cocoon then burns as Gigan makes short work of it, “Kiirrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrp!” Gigan cackles. The celebration was cut short when the burning cocoon didn’t contain any mothra in it, the two Mothra larva shoot their silk all over Gigan. Gigan tumbles backwards into the wall of silk, his hook claws were now stuck and so were his fin wings. A Kumonga slowly descends on the trapped alien kaiju. A triangular spaceship passes overhead, its cannon turret quickly targets the Gigan. The cannons fire a precision blue laser at the webbing trapping the green space chicken. Gigan, now free from the web, flies away from the webbed forest. Kumonga fires a thread of silk at Gigan’s legs but the ship above fires its laser into Kumonga, making the spider kaiju explode. Gigan quickly enters a kaiju sized porthole on the underbelly of the massive ship. His hook arms clash with the metal floor while hosting himself on board.


The green alien kaiju is immediately greeted by its crew, human sized insectoids that hail from the M Nebula come to greet their creation. They were quick to work to repair any damages the earth kaiju has wrought on the poor creation. Three Xiliens watched from afar on the M Nebulians at work, “Patch up Monster Zero-Six. We want it in maximum condition before engaging Monster Zero-One”



Member2KApr-13-2021 10:08 AM

That was a crazy chapter....

“Calling yourself a hero make you a self-mythologizing narcissistic autocrat!”


Member2KApr-13-2021 3:19 PM

Yep, what would you like to see in the next chapter?



Member2KApr-13-2021 3:22 PM

The climax to this epic battle of 2000, and a set-up for a Godzilla Vs. MUTOs chapter.

I'd also like to see the Russell family and the modern MONARCH and the Godzilla and Mothra Vs. Ghidorah and Rodan matchup set up.

“Calling yourself a hero make you a self-mythologizing narcissistic autocrat!”


Member2KApr-13-2021 3:37 PM

well MONARCH got absorbed into the Earth Defense Initiative since an alien invasion has occurred earlier than in the MonsterVerse. However I will be bring in the Ford family and the Russell family.

Dr. Eva Valen along with Commander James Murphy are pretty much my central characters concerning the western countries. 

I'm brainstorming how to initiate the Godzilla vs MUTO plot. As for Ghidorah, let's just say he'll be dealing with more than just Godzilla and Mothra since Mothra Leo is in the picture.



Member2KApr-13-2021 3:40 PM

Okie Dokie....

“Calling yourself a hero make you a self-mythologizing narcissistic autocrat!”


Member2KApr-14-2021 10:18 AM



Antarctica, near the abandoned SETI Institution Forward Operations base.


Maple-leaf dorsal plates stick out of the water as Godzilla searches for any  remaining dogora. A flock of newly arrived dogora swarm over to Godzilla, their stinging tendrils cut into his scales, extracting scales, blood, and soft tissues off his hide. Godzilla exhaled his atomic fire on to the dogora swarm. The dogora crystallize as their remains fall into the snow along with fragments of Godzilla's cells. Gigan for months was tracking Godzilla’s biosignature, drops from the skies. Its razor tummy slices into Godzilla’s shoulder, despite his shoulder bleeding profusely Godzilla fires his atomic breath into the green space dinosaur. Gigan screams wildly as it plummets out of the sky into the forward operations base. Beneath Godziila’s feet the crystals from the remains of dogora and samples of Godzilla tissue begin cellular mitosis.

Godzilla begins his trek towards the Forward Operations base unaware of the scattered blobs of flesh and crystal began feeding from the organic compounds in the snow. Godzilla began a steady sprint as Gigan quickly recovered from the fall, Gigan rose from the FOB before being tackled back into it by Godzilla. Gigan tumbled across the concrete and Antarctic snow stabbing his hook claws into the ice to slow himself down. Gigan roared angrily as he leaped towards Godzilla like a kaiju headcrab. Godzilla tail swipes Gigan into the ground. Godzilla steadily approached Gigan as he then proceeded to pin Gigan’s hook arms down, Gigan snapped his sharp jaws at Godzilla. Godzilla snapped Gigan’s wrists, the space dinosaur screams in agony. The king of the monsters backs off a bit before taking a breather before lunging at the alien kaiju once more, Godzilla grabs Gigan by the neck, shoving its beak deep into the snow covered ice. Gigan flayed it's broken limbs around, Godzilla then stomped on Gigan’s back, Gigan activated the razors on his abdomen but it was no use Godzilla was way too heavy for him to escape. Godzilla made a final stomp until a loud crack echoed in the cold wind, Gigan screams were cut short as its spine has now been crushed. Godzilla roars “GYYYYYYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAROOOOOOOOOOOOONNNNN!!!!!”


After Godzilla retreated back into the southern ocean, a triangular spaceship hovered above Gigan’s remains. The Xilien controllers onboard nodded their heads, “Monster Zero-Six has been destroyed by Monster Zero-One. Retrieve and salvage Monster Zero-Six of all organic and inorganic components...” Gigan’s monoeye flickered to life, Gigan let out a soft cry, “ Monster Zero-Six still breaths. Scrap salvage attempt. Monster Zero-Six will instead be designated for Upgrading” the Xilien controller smiled. Their scanners pick up on the odd cellular activity happening within the ice, “Monster Zero-Seven, we will come back to activate you when you have reached full maturity” the controllers collectively wave goodbye at the blob.

Four years later…


M-com now equipped with the knowledge extracted from the two xilien prisoners were able to take down several xilien gunships, Joseph Brody their chief engineer began reverse engineering the xilien tech for M-COM usage. M-com units were sent to Antarctica to reclaim the forward operations base for M-COM use however the expeditions ended in failure. The Matanago fell upon the M-com soldiers like zombies from a horror flick, however they allowed some of the M-COM soldiers to escape inorder to spread their spores. The Matanago spread across the globe like a plague, many M-COM bases were weakened allowing the xiliens thwart and destroy these bases. 


Meanwhile, M-COM HQ cheyenne mountain. Dr. Eva Valen and Engineer Joseph Brody have constructed several kaiju containment chambers within the M-COM facility. They managed to capture a Dogora and have been intensely studying its genetic makeup, desperately seeking an achilles heel in the alien organism. Outside of Godzilla’s atomic breath, they discovered wasp and bee venom was very effective against the Dogora. M-COM managed to launch a few satellites to triangulate the whereabouts of Earth’s kaiju. Before the satellites were rendered offline by their xilien adversaries they managed to reveal some of the locations of earth’s defenders. Godzilla was discovered near the mariana trench, Zilla or Atlantic Godzilla was discovered near Boston, Mothra and Leomothra were in Berlin Germany along with a Kumonga and an unknown kaiju signature; the rest was unreadable.

M-com Zeta Outpost base, Argentina. A massive foot plopped down into the streets of Buenos Aires, the inhabitants all screamed bug eyed at what they thought was Godzilla. “Godzilla, no! No, Godzilla!”  Its hide was predominantly blue with a red underbelly, instead of maple-leaf dorsal plates they were fan-shaped crystals. Large Crystal-like organs protrude out of its shoulders. Its jaws were more elongated compared to Godzilla, sporting two pairs of tusks at the back of its jaws. SpaceGodzilla roared, the alien clone’s pitch was higher than that of the real godzilla. M-COM fighters were quickly deployed to handle this kaiju, they fired their missiles, SpaceGodzilla crackle menacingly as the missiles suddenly self-detonated before they reached their target; after the fire and smoke cleared up it was revealed that SpaceGodzilla was protected in a self deploying energy shield. 


The volcano Laguna del maule begins to increase in activity, the M-COM base at the slopes of the volcanic mountain that monitors the sleeping kaiju within… has now awakened. The volcano rips apart as massive leathery wings spread to their fullest extent, “Shhhaaaaarrrrrrrrrooooonnnngkkkk” it caws. The M-COM staff quickly evacuated from the small base as a massive pterosaur arose from its caldera. Rodan slams his wing claws into the ground prying himself out of the volcano. He spots fleeing helicopters in the air and fleeing trucks on the ground, he licks his beak before raising his up into the air, “Shhhaaaaarrrrrrrrrooooonnnngkkkk” he calls for the other Rodans to awaken. The nearby volcanoes across the argentine-chilean border all began to erupt simultaneously as more Rodans emerged from their slumber. Space Godzilla turned his attention west towards the disturbance as a flock of Rodan were flocking his way. The SpaceGodzilla dorsal plates glow as they begin to slowly shed dust on to the ground. Massive crystalline spikes erupt from the ground, SpaceGodzilla wills the spikes to pole vault into the air. The lead Rodan calls out to its mates to dive from the spikes, unfortunately a few get impaled for not reacting quick enough. 


A pair of Atlantic Godzilla (aka Zilla) arrived from the east attempting to communicate with the SpaceGodzilla. Spacegodzilla crystal dorsal plates begin to glow yellow threateningly at the smaller godzilla. The alien clone fires its corona beam at the male Zilla before turning the beam away from him and redirecting it into his female partner. She screams as the beam burns her flesh. The Male Zilla charges towards SpaceGodzilla blinded with rage begins powering up his shark-fin dorsal spines before exhaling his atomic breath into the spacegodzilla. The spacegodzilla’s flesh blistered at the raw intensity of the beam however his flesh quickly regenerated. SpaceGodzilla grabbed the male atlantic godzilla by the throat, slowly lifting it in the air. The smaller godzilla claws at SpaceGodzilla’s hand trying to free himself. The female leaps onto the back of SpaceGodzilla crystal shoulder, she rests her ribs on the large crystal as she lashes her claws  down SpaceGodzilla’s face. SpaceGodzilla releases her mate, he whips his prehensile tail around the female Zilla’s tail to drag her off of himself. He hurles the female into the air, her massive crashes into a highway. She quickly gets back up, she barks to her mate who has also recovered. SpaceGodzilla charges at the two atlantic godzillas, the two godzillas fire their atomic breath into SpaceGodzilla. SpaceGodzilla counters with his corona beam, the three beams collide into a beam-war. The yellow corona beam bushes the two smaller blue atomic beams back at a rapid pace but then a third blue atomic beam joins in turning the tide of the beam-war in the smaller godzillas favor. The blue atomic beam collides into SpaceGodzilla’s face taking massive chunks of his face off. 


The two Atlantic Godzilla turn to their savior, it was the massive Pacific Godzilla. Standing in a semi-humanoid posture, his tail swinging erect behind him.“GYYYYAAAAAAAAAAAROOOOOOOOOOOOONNNNN!!!!!”  Godzilla introduced himself to his Atlantic counterparts. “Gryyshhhhhhhaaaaaaaroooooonnnnn” the Atlantic Godzilla introduced themselves to their Pacific counterpart. SpaceGodzilla quickly regenerates his face, his eyes widen at the significantly taller Pacific Godzilla. SpaceGodzilla’s dorsal plates glow yellow to intermediate the larger godzilla. The pacific Godzilla slams his tail into the ground, “GYYYYAAAAAAAAAAAROOOOOOOOOOONNNNN!!!!!” roaring at his clone adversary. Both discharge their breath weapons at each, the yellow beam and the blue beam play a deadly game of beam-war as the two colescening beams form a bright green ball of energy at the center of the beam-war. The built up energy from the ball explodes hurling both Godzillas into the opposite direction. The encircling rodan fell upon the prone SpaceGodzilla, he grabbed one Rodan by the neck before firing his corona beam into its face point blank. The rodan’s wings go limp as a result of becoming headless. SpaceGodzilla roars defiantly before turning his attention to a familiar presence, the triangular ship hovers above the kaiju battle. The xilien controllers smile at their creation, “Monster Zero-Seven has engaged Monster Zero-One and Monster Zero-One-Two. Release the improved Monster Zero-Six” the bay doors of the spaceship open up, a black creature drops down into the city below. Gigan flares his bladed arms wildly, his green skin now replaced with a dark blackish-blue biometal covering. His hook claws were replaced with adamantium blades and is now taller and more humanoid as a result of his upgrades. “Now Monster Zero-Six, aid Monster Zero-Seven and destroy Monster Zero-One, Monster Zero-One-Two, and Monster Zero-Two” the controllers commanded. Gigan hissed in compliance.



Member2KApr-14-2021 10:22 AM

Wow.  This may be even better than Kong's resurgence.

And I noticed the Ford family is coming now...

“Calling yourself a hero make you a self-mythologizing narcissistic autocrat!”


Member2KApr-14-2021 10:24 AM


using official Godzilla noise.

expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst


Member2KApr-14-2021 10:33 AM

Since Godzilla's presence was known to the American public since its attack on Sans Francisco in the 50's, the Brody family have a change of fate. So Ford doesn't loose his mother and his father doesn't go crazy

Yes, I perfer the GYOOAANN over the SHREEONGK



Member2KApr-14-2021 10:51 AM

Yes, I find that better than G'14.

Congrats, you're making steps to CORRECTLY write the human characters of the MonsterVerse unlike *cough* *cough* WB and *cough* Legendary....

“Calling yourself a hero make you a self-mythologizing narcissistic autocrat!”


Member2KApr-14-2021 12:09 PM

Hey I like Godzilla 2014, its my favorite MonsterVerse movie. 

I have some surprises coming up in the follow up chapter, more legacy characters. Also what do you think of the story so far?



Member2KApr-14-2021 12:18 PM

It's amazing.  Probably better than my MonsterVerse fanfics...

“Calling yourself a hero make you a self-mythologizing narcissistic autocrat!”


Member2KApr-14-2021 6:54 PM

Next Chapter Hint:
Ever played The Last of Us?



Member2KApr-14-2021 7:57 PM


“Calling yourself a hero make you a self-mythologizing narcissistic autocrat!”


Member2KApr-14-2021 10:12 PM


expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst


Member2KApr-15-2021 1:25 PM

I can't wait to release this chapter



Member2KApr-15-2021 1:27 PM

Is it ready?

“Calling yourself a hero make you a self-mythologizing narcissistic autocrat!”


Member2KApr-15-2021 1:59 PM

I'm still writing it



Member2KApr-15-2021 2:02 PM


“Calling yourself a hero make you a self-mythologizing narcissistic autocrat!”


Member2KApr-15-2021 3:57 PM


A swarm of Dogora flew above the south american city, the jellyfish-like aliens began regurgitating a horde of Matango from its stomach cavity. The Matango slowly rose to their feet after a brief moment of remaining motionless, the scent of uninfected arose their appetites enough to get them in motion. Like zombies, the mushroom infected Matango swarmed the unsuspecting populus with an intense hunger unmatched by anything else. Those that survived being bitten would later suc***b to fungal infection, the matango spores would hijack their hosts nervous system after consuming its hosts brain. The spore gradually expands the hosts head until it fully matures, the cap replaces the hosts head shortly after the bursting. Next the rest of the body undergoes a different metamorphosis, large tumorous growths start developing all over the host's skin as well as the development of claws. The Matango were nicknamed clickers for the sounds they made by the surviving M-COM soldiers, reporting their experiences of the Matango raiding many M-COM bases over the last four years.

Gigan chirps to SpaceGodzilla, telepathically relaying the controllers orders to SpaceGodzilla. SpaceGodzilla growls defiantly at Gigan, the crystals hum while discharging arcs of electricity between the crystals dorsal plates, SpaceGodzilla clenches his claws before reluctantly obeying his masters. The xiliens controllers on the triangular ship waved their collective hands over the control console, “Release Monster Zero-Eight” Meanwhile in the Xilien mothership hover above the moon’s orbit, a dogora is being contained in a holding bay. Long stabbing syringes pierce the jellyfish-like alien’s skin, injecting the poor creature with a black substance. The xilien controllers wave their hands over the console releasing the creature into space; the infected dogora heads towards earth. SpaceGodzilla charges at the larger Pacific Godzilla while Gigan engages the two smaller godzillas. The infected dogora falls from the sky before lazley crashing into Gigan. Gigan angrily slashes at the sick dogora, black sludge oozes from its wounds, Gigan quickly loses interest in the dying alien as he resumes his hunt for the zillas. The dogora howls before the black ooze consumes its entire being, a big black blob quickly takes its place. Two massive bulbs form at the apex of the blob, they open into massive red irritated eyes, next the blob forms arms, legs, and even a tail. Hedorah growls to announce its presence, “Khirrrrrrrrrrrrrrpppp” Gigan cackles mechanically as SpaceGodzilla lets out a “EEEEEAAAAAAA” The three Godzillas roar in response “GYYYYAAAAAAAAAOOOOOOOOONNNNNNN!!!!” The large Godzilla dorsal plates start to flicker, the last dorsal plate at the end of his tail switches on before domino up Godzilla’s entire back to the apex of his head. His eyes glowed blue as the atomic energy reached its peak, Godzilla unleashed his atomic fire onto SpaceGodzilla. SpaceGodzilla’s crystal energy shield manifests to deflect the atomic energy away from his body. SpaceGodzilla crystalline dorsal spines begin to charge up, crystal spikes burst out of the ground to aid in his charge up. SpaceGodzilla’s eyes glow yellow as he unleashed his corona beam into the pacific godzilla. The pacific Godzilla was hurled backwards into a nearby skyscraper. The skyscraper came crashing down on the fallen godzilla, “GYYYYYAAAAAA-OOOOOONNNNN” he screams as concrete, rebar, glass, and other contents bury him.

“Kirrrrrrrrrrrrrppppp” Gigan squawked angrily as Hedorah began trapping the Atlantic Godzillas in its self-made sludge. Gigan snorts at his ally before approaching the two trapped atlantic godzillas. Hedorah exhaled a jet of toxic air at Gigan, “wrwrwrwrwrwrwrw” Hedorah growled. “Kirrrrrrrrrrrrrrppp” Gigan snapped his beak at the sludge alien. “Shhhhrooonnnnngkkk” the alpha Rodan guided his flock back around the whole of the argentinian city. Leading by example the alpha rodan knocks Gigan down with his talon feet. SpaceGodzilla sends his crystal spikes into the sky to deal with the rodans as he approaches the buried Pacific Godzilla. Light shines through the rubble containing Godzilla as SpaceGodzilla stopped in his tracks to observe, the intensity of the light was enough to scorch a human being into cinders. The rubble erupted in a blinding light, Godzilla arose as beams of light shot out from the scales of his torso; the nuclear pulse, “GYYYAAAAAOOOOOOOOONNNNNNN” Godzilla roared as he charged at SpaceGodzilla. “EEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!” SpaceGodzilla takes off after Godzilla as the two kaiju tackle each other, both kaiju attempt to over power the other through bites and scratches. SpaceGodzilla’s crystalline dorsal plates begin to generate electricity, while Godzilla’s dorsal plates begin to generate atomic energy. SpaceGodzilla’s eyes flash glows yellow while Godzilla’s eyes glowed blue. Both kaiju released their breath weapons at each other, throwing both kaiju across Borneus Aries causing much destruction to the city. Both kaiju rise to their feet, only to charge at each other again and again; until the city was nothing more than rubble. Both Godzilla and SpaceGodzilla try to catch their breath, their hide badly damaged from burns, cuts, and puncture marks.

Hedorah almost completely enveloping the two zilla into itself, growls in pleasure. Gigan flies off to pursue the rodan flock, angry that Hedorah took his query. Hedorah began to glow blue from absorbing the two smaller godzilla’s atomic energy…Hedorah’s red eyes widened in pain, the atomic energy resonating in the blob kaiju began to cook Hedorah from the inside out. “WRWRWRWRA!!!” Hedorah called out Gigan for assistance but the cybernetic alien kaiju snorted a glare before abandoning Hedorah to his fate. “WRWRWRWRA!!!” Hedorah howls as his head begins to expand while sporting a blue glow. Hedorah’s eyes are forced cross eyed as his blubbery flesh explodes into a shower of atomic light. Both Atlantic Godzilla though severely burned managed to survive within hedorah, the two collapsed as their injuries took their toll. Godzilla briefly looked over at his Atlantic counterparts, he let out a disheartened growl. The Alpha Rodan squawked as Rodan began slaughtering his flock left from right. Rodan cawed loudly as fire began to ignite around his body, “SHHHHROOONNNNGKK!!!!” The alpha now as Fire Rodan barrelled towards Gigan to save the remainder of his flock. Gigan sadistically chirped mechanically as Fire Rodan dive bombed towards him.

Fire Rodan plunged his talons into Gigan’s neck, unfortunate for the pterosaur his neck was heavily armored. Gigan laughs, Rodan bites onto Gigan’s head, Gigan continues to laugh as Rodan’s jaws were not powerful enough to crush his skull. Gigan raises his bladed arm in an almost a my turn gesture, Gigan laughs as he slashes his blade claw across Gigan’s belly but unfortunately for Gigan, due to Fire Rodan’s immense size compared to the other Rodans allowing fire rodan to have tougher hide which protected the pterosaur kaiju enough to not allow the blade to cut completely through. Fire Rodan flapped his wings hard, sending Gigan back a little ways, before charging back at the cyborg alien with his talons primed and ready. Gigan maneuvered out of the way by flying higher than the pterosaur, Fire Rodan inhaled deeply before exhaling a jet of fire onto Gigan’s ass and fin-wings. Gigan screamed in agony before flipping around to face Fire Rodan, Gigan sneered at his persistent enemy. Gigan flared his arms, barbs attached with black metallic cables shot from his arms, legs, and chest towards Rodan. Fire Rodan in too much of a blind rage to counter the projects is quickly entangled by the wires.

“SHHHHROOONNNNGKK!!!!” Fire Rodan cried. “KrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrriiiiiiiiPPPPPP” Gigan howled believing he has the upper hand in the fight. Fire Rodan glanced in the distance at a smoking volcano, his volcano before turning back at Gigan. Fire Rodan flapped his wings harder than he has ever before as he drew Gigan away from the other kaiju and his flock back west to the Chilean border. Gigan ****ed his head inquisitively at Rodan before he himself saw the Volcano. Gigan turned to prepare his laser eye beam but Fire Rodan glanced over at his adversary and quickly flew down low enough to the ground that it would make Gigan’s ride less comfortable. Gigan’s laser eye beam misses its mark as his body crashes into the ground for a brief moment before being lifted up. Fire Rodan then does it again but this time with trees, the forest gets unearthed as Gigan gets dragged through it like an anchor before being lifted back up in the air. Gigan growls uncomfortably as mud, trees, rocks, and camper debris get stuck in every nook and cranny of his armor. Fire Rodan makes one last ascent into the air before plunging himself down into the caldera of his home volcano. Gigan screams in terror as he and Fire Rodan go for a little swim in molten magma. They make a big splash into the lava chamber, the volcano smoking with silence. The rest of Rodan’s flock gathered around the Caldera edge, wondering if their alpha survived this ordeal. Fire Rodan bursts from the lava chamber, “SHHHHROOONNNNGKK!!!!” he cawed as he flew out of the caldera. Gigan briefly came up to the surface, worse for wear, his claws and armor melting rapidly. “Krissssrrrrrshhhsirrrooppp!” Gigan made one last defiant cry before coming apart at the seams. His lower jaw fell into the lava as his head caved in, he tried to fire an eye beam but his monoeye cracked and buckled inwards as the rest of his body just melted into the lava.

“Monster Zero-Six and Monster Zero-Eight have been terminated. Now it is up to Monster Zero-Seven to accomplish our goals” the xilien controllers stare off at their monitors.

SpaceGodzilla sensing Gigan as well as Hedorah were now dead, he stares intensely at Godzilla before hearing a voice in his head, “Finish him, Monster Zero-Seven” Unlike Gigan and hedorah, SpaceGodzilla chose to ignore his orders. SpaceGodzilla’s crystalline plates thicken up as he takes to the sky. Godzilla roars angrily at SpaceGodzilla, the alien godzilla turned back to the original with a death glare before roaring back at Godzilla. Godzilla’s eyes widened as he thrashed his tail into the ground wanting to continue their fight but SpaceGodzilla snorted at him before continuing his retreat. The Matnago that were terrorizing the people below are now either lying dying or are dead along with many of the inhabitants of the city. What sounded like drums approaching from the distance was the flapping of Mothra and Leomothra’s wings. The two divine Moths sprinkle the lands with healing divine energy, the sick, dying, irradiated, and the early stage infected all begin to return to full health; there was nothing the divine moths could do for those that completely transformed into Matango.



Member2KApr-15-2021 4:09 PM

So what's next?

“Calling yourself a hero make you a self-mythologizing narcissistic autocrat!”


Member2KApr-15-2021 4:21 PM

Now I have to write a new chapter lol. So what did you think of this chapter? 

As for what is next, I need to write a chapter about the increase in MATANGO, figure out how to introduce Biollante to the other Kaiju, possibly bring in Rhedosaurus, MUTO, Chitanosaurus (Titanosaurus), Gorosaurus, and reintroduce King Ghidorah. 

I plan on focusing on my Human characters again, probably do another time jump to have Ford protecting his family and properly introducing the Serizawas and Russel family.

I also want to do a Japanese focused Chapter set in Japan focusing the current political players and how they are taking the news of kaiju running rampant on the world, also I need to bring back Kong.



Member2KApr-15-2021 5:08 PM

This sounds exciting...

“Calling yourself a hero make you a self-mythologizing narcissistic autocrat!”


Member2KApr-16-2021 8:03 PM

I'll be moving my godzilla fanfiction to the fanfiction forum here on scified, hope yall don't mind



Member2KApr-17-2021 9:26 AM

Ok, send me the link please...

“Calling yourself a hero make you a self-mythologizing narcissistic autocrat!”


Member2KApr-17-2021 10:21 AM


expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst


Member2KApr-18-2021 3:06 PM

I don't think it got moved



Member2KApr-19-2021 6:47 AM

it didn’t 

expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst


Member2KApr-19-2021 8:20 AM

It's moved.


“Calling yourself a hero make you a self-mythologizing narcissistic autocrat!”
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