Rise of the Kaiju (fanfiction)

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Member2KMar-01-2021 9:02 PM


Disclaimer: Most of the monsters depicted in this fanfiction are owned by Toho, Daisei, Sony/Tristar, Legendary/Warner Bro’s, TMS, and Tokyo TV.

This fanfiction is unrelated to my Gojiverse, This fanfiction will neither feature any marvel characters nor canonize all godzilla movies; it's its own continuity. I am to make this fanfiction more in-line to a proper Godzilla/Gamera storyline that draws inspiration from all eras (Showa, Heisei, Millenium, TriStar, MonsterVerse, and Reiwa) 

Creative feedback is appreciative.


251 million years ago…


A blinding flash of light raced across the mid-day skies before a terrible thunderous roar echoed across the earth. The once clear skies were now smothered in dense clouds of ash. From the Siberian traps came a bright light shooting up into the dark skies, the light exploded into a fireball; radiating like a star before taking form. Massive blinding illuminating golden wings unfurl from its metallic cocoon as the creature stretches out its three biomechanical serpentine necks to their fullest extent.

From the coasts, sharp dorsal spines burst from the watery depths. BwuamBwuamBwuam...blue atomic fire bursts from the water directly at Primal Ghidorah. The Ghidorah recoiled for a moment before firing its gravity beams towards the coastline, the water exploded wherever the beams touched; revealing the kaiju hiding beneaths. A massive triop-like beast rose from the water, it was a Deiakhan, a radioactive deep sea arthropod that serves as earth’s balancer since the late cambrian period. Its tail spines begin to glow blue, Deiakhan flares open its mandibles as it releases its atomic beam into Primal Ghidorah. Ghidorah collectively flashes its teeth before shielding itself with its wings, the atomic energy like a great wave washes over Ghidorah’s golden form. The golden wings unfurl, ghidorah collectively flickers its tongues at its adversary. Ghidorah’s left head fires a gravity beam behind Deiakhan, Ghidorah's right head fires a gravity beam in front of Deiakhan; the guardian kaiju is tossed around like a ragdoll. Then Ghidorah’s middle head roars before commanding all to fire directly at Deiakhan’s soft belly.


Deiakhan squealed in pain as its body was being lifted out of the water by the beams, Ghidorah levitates Deiakhan closer to its trio of hungry mouths. It stretches out its weak vestigial arms to hold the triop-like kaiju onto its smooth scaly underbelly while its jaws clamp down on to Deiakhan’s soft spots. Atomic energy flows into Primal Ghidorah jaws and skin like a sponge. Deiakhan’s body makes one last spasm before recoiling into death. Primal Ghidorah took to the skies as it rained down from the sky a volley of cluster gravity beams onto the planet surface, the earth rumbled by the touch of Ghidorah’s radiant light. The following centuries and millennia the earth burned under Ghidorah’s reign; The forests were dying while many beasts lie suffocating on the surface. Every volcano across the earth has since erupted, leading to what will be called The Great Dying. The oceans were polluted with large quantities of unfrozen methane, causing the waters to become acidic which kills many marine lifeforms. Primal Ghidorah cackled at the destruction it had wrought. 


Tiny moth-like insects clinging on to the surviving trees caught in the inferno began to radiate with a blue-green light, their collective energy summoned the avatar of mother earth herself; Gigamoth. Gigamoth flared her wings, she cried out to Primal Ghidorah in defiance, Ghidorah turned its three collective heads towards Gigamoth. Ghidorah’s middle head sneared, the right head growled, the left head turned away from its siblings towards another threat; it was the beetle-like Megalon, the spider-like cephalopod Scylla, the spider Kumonga, the lobster-like shrimp Ebirah, the crab-like shrimp Ganimes, and a swarm of the dragonfly-like Meganulons come to Gigamoth’s aide. The meganulons kamikaze into Ghidorah, the three headed space dragon disintegrates most of the swarm before Kumong spits its web around the left and center head, sticking them together. Megalon charges in prematurally as Ghidorah’s right head is still free, Ghidorah open’s its jaws, a flash of light radiates from within its jaws before blasting the beetle kajiu apart with its gravity beam. The right head turns its attention to free its siblings, Gigamoth seizes her chance, she digs her bladed forearms into the right head’s neck  decapitating it. Gigamoth makes a speedy getaway before turning back around to finish off its sibling heads; the middle head fires its gravity beam into its left head, tearing away kumonga’s webbing as well as obliterating lefty’s head. Ghidorah fires its gravity beam into Kumonga, obliterating the spider kaiju. Gigamoth barrels towards Ghidorah, to strike at its last remaining head. Ghidorah ignoring the other arthropod kaiju focuses on Gigamoth, its sibling’s headless necks began regenerating their heads. Gigamoth flares her antenna, a beam of energy fires out of them, the regenerating ghidorah sibling heads bursts into goo. Ebirah clamps its pinchers around Ghidorah's left leg while Scylla wraps her tentacle mouth around the right leg. Gigamoth prepares to slice off the middle head, she cries in anticipation. Primal Ghidorah fires its gravity beam into Gigamoth, the beam sent her flying backwards, in due haste Ghidorah flapped its wings hard to gain lift off despite the efforts of scylla and ebirah, Gigamoth fired her energy beam into Primal Ghidorah as it took to the skies. Scylla and Ebirah release themself from Ghidorah’s leg before falling back into the water. 


Primal Ghidorah flees back into the dark cold void of space. Gigamoth landed on Deiakhan’s carcass, she nudged the fallen kaiju to awake. Deiakhan remained motionless, the volcanic fires burned the sky, rivers of molten magma flow to claim Deiakhan’s remains. Gigamoth quickly returns to the skies, she cries as she releases her divine energy over the planet earth. For one million years, Gigamoth spent her energy repairing the damage Primal Ghidorah has brought to the blue planet. A new dawn sets up on the Earth, the Permian period as well as the paleozoic era has now ended, the dawn of the Triassic and the beginning of the Mesozoic has begun. Gigamoth softly lands on a mountain overlooking a great valley. Tiny diictodon leave their burrows as vegetation returns to the surface. Gigamoth will spend the remainder of the Triassic recovering from her wounds, for the time for Ghidorah’s return will come again and she doesn’t know if she would be strong enough to stop them.

259 Replies


Member2KMay-13-2021 12:20 PM


expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst


Member2KMay-22-2021 10:38 AM

 Still working on the next chapter, but what would you like to see in it?



Member2KMay-24-2021 9:12 AM

Mothra.. we haven’t seen her in a while

expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst


MemberConversationalistMay-24-2021 9:26 AM

l e m o t h

i've officially left. thanks for the memories!


Member2KMay-24-2021 9:28 AM


Don’t say weird moth lady. 

expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst


Member2KMay-24-2021 2:36 PM



The portal quickly seals away. The central Tokyo smoked in atomic fire as Godzilla stomped through the ruined city. King Ghidorah returns from Yokohama to strike at Godzilla with his gravity beams. Godzilla charges up his dorsal plates, while clenching his claws, he expels the atomic fire into King Ghidorah. The space dragon quickly countered the atomic fire with his golden wings. Godzilla snaps his jaws close as he allows the atomic energy to build some more before releasing an atomic beam into King Ghidorah’s wings. Ich, Ni, and San hiss as the intensity from the atomic beam chars their flesh. The godzilla charges into King Ghidorah straight into an office building, the skyscraper explodes into dust and rubble. San coils his neck before snapping his jaws into Godzilla’s right shoulder, followed by Ni onto Godzilla’s left shoulder, while Ichi lowered his head down to Godzilla’s level. Their eyes meet, Godzilla roars as he churns up another atomic beam, his red veined white dorsal plates flicker blue before powering down. Ni and San were drinking his atomic energy through their bites, Godzilla growls angrily as Ichi cackles in delight at Godzilla's suffering.

Rodan Prime swoops down and stabs Ichi in the neck with his beak, Ni and San release Godzilla from their jaws as they reactively recoil themselves like angry snakes. King Ghidorah collectively uses all three heads to fire a volley of gravity beams into the pterosaur kaiju, sending Rodan Prime into a nearby baseball stadium. Anguruis charges into King Ghidorah’s legs causing the golden space dragon to topple over on to his side, anguirus slashes his spiked tail into Ghidorah’s underbelly before making his way to his heads, Ghidorah howls as anguirus bites into San’s neck. King Ghidorah struggles to lift himself up, dragging the heavy armoured kaiju along with it. Godzilla quickly pumps atomic energy into his tail dorsal plates, the energy snakes along into his pelvic dorsal plates. Desghidorah returns from the kawasaki district as she fires a death beam into Godzilla. Mothra counters it with her divine beam, while Leomothra fires his divine rainbow beam into Desghidorah. Desghidorah middle head, Unos snarls followed by her right head Dos and her left head Tres. She flares her red wings to display her dominance, she collectively calls out to King Ghidorah to quit fooling around and finish off Anguruis. Unos fires a death beam into Leomothra but Leomothra counters it with his divine rainbow beam, while Dos fires a death beam at Mothra but with her quick speed she avoids getting hit, while Tres fires a volley of micro death beams at Godzilla.

Godzilla absorbs the dark energy into himself, his dorsal spines now illuminate his entire back. Rather than blue, they burn red and yellow. Godzilla body began emitting beams of light from his dorsal spines and chest; nuclear pulse! The surrounding buildings are reduced to rubble from the intense heat as Godzilla begins to exhale his red atomic spiral beam at Desghidorah. The female Ghidorah spirals out of the sky like a fallen plane till she crashes into the sea of concrete structures below. Godzilla roars as he joins Angurius, King Ghidorah swings his dual tails into Godzilla’s midsection, sending the King of the Monsters back into a series of apartment complexes. The two Atlantic Godzilla leap onto King Ghidorah’s back firing their atomic fire into the massive dragon. Ni turns to face the Zillas but is blinded by Varan and Baragon. Ichi bites into varan’s tail as he pulls the smaller Kaiju off his right head’s neck, before flinging the little kaiju into Tokyo bay. Godzilla rises from the ruins of the apartments, he moves right up to King Ghidorah and stomps on his dual tails. King Ghidorah howls in pain before Godzilla digs his claws into his tails, dragging the massive space dragon into several nearby buildings. Ghidorah slams his wings down trying to grip onto the street pavement while baragon continues to nibble at Ni. Ichi turns his head to fire a gravity beam at Godzilla but is soon paralyized by a blue atomic ring around his neck. Godzilla junior roars proudly while doing his victory dance of jumping up and down. His father Godzilla snarls at the younger godzilla to calm down, as he eyes King Ghidorah slowly flaring out his impressive wingspan.

King Ghidorah releases all of his pent up energy from his body, causing Angurius, the two zillas, and baragon to suddenly float in the air as if gravity no longer applied to them. King Ghidorah collectively sneered at these pesky kaiju before fling them all across the city of Tokyo with his Anti-Gravity Pulse. King Ghidorah lifts off into the sky before staring back down at Godzilla, Ni spots Kong and King Shisa while San spots Gorosaurus and Chitanosaurus converging onto Godzilla’s position. King Ghidorah begins to channel his energy into his scales, illuminating the night sky with his radiance. Desghidorah slowly awakens to see her brother glowing like a second sun, she collectively grins at her radiant brother. Radiant King Ghidorah collectively fires a super gravity beam into the city, however Godzilla releases his atomic spiral beam to counter King Ghidorah’s super gravity beam. The two beams collide, illuminating the night sky as if it were daylight. King Ghidorah pumped more energy into his gravity beam to strengthen it as it dominates Godzilla’s spiral beam, Godzilla feels himself being pushed backwards by the beam war. Godzilla releases more atomic energy into his spiral beam, shoving King Ghidorah backwards. The two atlantic godzilla quickly fire their atomic fire into the pacific godzilla’s beam to further strengthen it, turning the beam war towards the Godzilla’s favor. Then Desghidorah charges in to fire her death beams into the beam-war, turning the beam-war towards Ghidorah’s favor. Then out of nowhere Space Godzilla fires his electromagnetic beam into the beam-war, turning the favor back to the godzillas. The beam war quickly engulfs both King Ghidorah and Desghidorah...or it would have but at the last second another gravity beam collides into the beam war but rather turning it back on godzilla it was redirected downwards towards the earth itself. A massive humanoid figure leaps out from the city ruins into the night sky.

There hanging in the sky was Monster X, a pair of wings now grew out from his back. He glares at his two weaker siblings for not killing off the guardian kaiju in a timely manner. The Monster X’s eyed shoulders began to develop into functional heads with no neck. Monster X swooped down to engage Godzilla but Space Godzilla collided into him instead. King Ghidorah took to the skies, he spotted Godzilla catching his breath near a collection of skyscrapers. King Ghidorah swoops down to grab Godzilla with his talons but is hit with Kong’s Axe in the left wing. King Ghidorah crashed into a series of office buildings. Kong pounds at his chest while turning to Godzilla, Godzilla snorts at the giant ape before returning his gaze back at King Ghidorah. Desghidorah quickly spots four meteors falling from the sky, the pods quickly explode revealing the newly arrived Gigan soldiers. The four Gigans crash land into the ruins of Tokyo, they leap from their creators to engage the Kong, Gorosaurus, Shisa, and Chitanosaurus. Kong punches Gigan01 in the face causing the biomechanical kaiju to fall flat on its ass. Gorosaurus leaps up and kicks Gigan 02 to collide into Gigan 03. Shisa fires his eye beam into Gigan 02 and 03. Shisa then turns his attention to the down King Ghidorah. Gigan 04 flies out to Tokyo bay to stop chitanosaurus from rendezvousing with the other kaiju. 

Gigan 01 quickly recovers before slashing into Kong’s chest with his sword arms, Kong stumbles backwards falling on his bum as Gigan 01 slowly approaches the King of Skull Island. He hisses with murderous glee. He aims his sword arms at Kong in a “are-you-ready” gesture. Gigan 01’s fin wings vibrate as he charges towards Kong, “Kreeeeeeeeeeeeeee-irkkkk” Kong snears at the charging sword gigan, too fast! Gigan was already within stabbing distance from Kong. Shisa recovers Kong’s axe, he quickly tosses it towards Kong. Kong catches the Axe to parry both of Gigan’s swords. Gigan 01’s arms go up in the air as his sword were deflected, exposing himself to Kong’s next attack, Gigan 01 snear turns into a malicious grin; Gigan’s monoeye fires a red beam at his target. Kong raises his axe to parry the laser beam but it disintegrates the godzilla dorsal plate into chard calcium leaving Kong only the handle. Gigan 02 recovers to counterattacks King Shisa with his chainsaw arms, sawing off the liondog’s arms in the process. Gigan 03 leaped down on top of King Shisa, he raised his axe arms before decapitating the okinawan guardan beast. Gigan 04 locks on to his target, he giggles as he fires his railguns into Tokyo bay, landing a direct hit on the aquatic dinosaur kaiju. Gorosaurus charges towards Gigan 02 and 03 but is hit by Gigan 04’s railgun shell.

Monster X’s side heads began to extend from his shoulders with full length necks as they bite into Space Godzilla’s neck. Monster X main neck begins to extend out to greet Space Godzilla face to face. Horns begin to sprout from all three of Monster X’s heads. Monster X’s middle head bit into space godzilla’s skull as he began to drain and absorb the crystalline clone of his energy. The massive crystals on space godzilla’s shoulders began to crack before shattering. Monster X throws the lifeless carcass of space godzilla into the chasm he made. Space Godzilla’s body falls deep within the earth until it crashes into the hollow earth. Monster X calls to his siblings to join. King Ghidorah’s wing fully regenerates but is soon tackled by Godzilla into the Godzilla Hotel. The head of Heisei Godzilla falls on San’s face. Godzilla’s dorsal plates begin to light up “BwuamBwuamBwuamBwuam!” The plates shift from blue to red, cracks begin to cover the dorsal plates as Godzilla draws more energy from his depleting atomic reserves to fire his spiral heat atomic fire down on King Ghidorah's spine. Godzilla’s dorsal plates shatter from the stress leaving behind only the jagged plate cores.



Member2KMay-24-2021 3:15 PM

oooh a massive Titan War!

Really good chapter.

“Calling yourself a hero make you a self-mythologizing narcissistic autocrat!”


Member2KMay-24-2021 3:17 PM

Quick question....when is your take on the entire Russell family happening?

“Calling yourself a hero make you a self-mythologizing narcissistic autocrat!”


Member2KMay-24-2021 3:28 PM


I think xenos trying to make it his own original story

expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst


Member2KMay-24-2021 8:12 PM

The Russel family may get to explore the final frontier

Talking about frontiers, don't forget to check out my AVPU fanfiction https://www.scified.com/topic/50490



Member2KMay-24-2021 8:40 PM


No offense but you sound like an ad. Lol

expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst


Member2KMay-24-2021 8:50 PM

sorry about that

Don't ban me for sounding like an Ad



Member2KMay-24-2021 9:51 PM

poor SpaceGodzilla Rip

expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst


Member2KMay-24-2021 9:51 PM

poor SpaceGodzilla Rip

expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst


Member2KMay-26-2021 7:56 AM



An exhausted Godzilla stumbles towards the fallen king ghidorah, he quickly bites into San’s head before tearing it off then proceeds with Ichi’s head. Before he could do the same for the last head, Ni, Gigan 02 flies into the exhausted Godzilla. Both kaiju tumble into the nearby buildings. Gigan fires a series of chained hooks into Godzilla to hold him in place. Gigan 03 targets baragon but the little kaiju had already retreated underground, instead Gigan 03 chirps to Gigan 04. The two biomechanical kaiju proceed to join Monster X in infiltrating the hollow earth. Gigan 02 powering up his chainsaw arms in anticipation but the cries of its siblings briefly distract it. Mothra and Leomothra fire a volley of divine beams into Gigan 02’s head causing it to explode. His body stiffens up as his chainsaw arms powerdown, Mothra fires her divine beam into the chains ensarving godzilla, once severed Gigan 02’s lifeless body falls backwards into a nearby movie theater. Gigan 01 sensing his brother died quickly disengages from Kong, only to be surprised by an attack from Battra. The dark moth kaiju fires a single dark divine beam into the cyborg kaiju’s midsection; Destroying it almost immediately. Battra growls in triumph before making her way back to the Ghidorahs. A swarm of the remaining Dogora flock to the injured ghidorahs, they explode giving their life energy to both Desghidorah and King Ghidorah; King Ghidorah quickly regrew Ichi and San’s head as both tri-headed space dragons cackled and roared with renewed vigor. The two alien kaiju quickly take flight. The two atlantic godzilla growls at the airborne space dragons before making their way to the critically injured pacific godzilla. They fire their atomic fire breath into the dorsal cores of the pacific godzilla until they deplete their own atomic reserves, the dorsal core rapidly begins to regrow into maple-leaf shaped plates. A swarm of small humanoid creatures sporting maple-leaf plates of their own began crawling over the injured pacific godzilla, they began firing their own atomic breaths into the pacific Godzilla’s plate cores for an extra boost. The Pacific Godzilla slowly rises up onto his feet, he growls at the Atlantics and the small godzilla-things to thank them. The Atlantics return a welcoming roar in response while the small godzillamen continue to cling on to the Pacific Godzilla’s spines. Godzilla inhales deep before bellowing to the remaining guardian kaiju.

Meanwhile in the Hollow Earth… Monster X slides down from the Tokyo chasm into the jungles of the japan side of the hollow earth. He devours what's left of space godzilla’s flesh out of spite before continuing his rampage across the hollow earth. A swarm of meganulon burst from the tree line. Monster X quickly begins to adjust to the heavily charged radioactive air of the hollow earth. He makes short work of the kaiju dragonfly with his eye gravity beams. A Jirass and Gomess join the fight, Monster X leaps at the smaller godzillasaurids before spinning in the air, thrashing the two with his long twin tails. He directs his two shoulder heads to bite into both kaiju, he quickly drains them of their energy. King Ghidorah and Desghidorah join their brother. Monster X finishes his metamorphosis, his tails grow out longer, his body begins to resemble his sister Desghidorah as he adopts a quadrupedal form. Keizer Ghidorah, Monster X has become. Keizer, now with his brother and sister at his back, resumes their assault across the subterranean jungle. A herd of Behemoth attempted to stop the Ghidorahs but they were quickly overpowered and most perished from the fight. A gang of rhedosaurus retreat from the gravity beam storm the ghidorah unleashed on to the jungle, King Ghidorah cackles in delight as he rains down his gravity beams on many of the subterranean kaiju. Desghidorah chokes out the lush forests with her death beams. Keizer Ghidorah heads straight for the mantle encompassing super-kaiju Gaia. The kaiju mitochondria that makes up Gaia pulses fearlessly, Keizer Ghidorah crackles menacingly as Gaia attempts to dissuade Keizer from following through with his plans. Keizer Ghidorah without hesitation struck all three of his jaws into Gaia.

Gaia in retaliation stings Keizer Ghidorah with her tendrils but it was no use, despite being an organic being Keizer Ghidorah’s hide is metallic in nature. Every native lifeform on earth feels Gaia’s pain including the humans. Gaia can feel her life energy being funnel into Keizer Ghidorah, however she is massive so she can handle this threat...then came King Ghidorah and Desghidorah; the two bite into Gaia as well, draining her of her energy. Keizer begins to generate Keizer energy at the apex of his wings, he summons three small portals above himself. Six red glowing eyes appear in each portal. Three skull-like biomechanical ghidorah heads come charging out of the portals radiating with intense light, like flying snakes they slither across the chasm. Primal Ghidorah opens his collective jaws as he snaps into Gaia’s jelly-like flesh. Gaia's green body begins to sport patches of dark brown as her life-bearing energies were being stolen from her. A bluish-purple atomic beam incinerates Keizer Ghidorah’s left wing. Keizer releases his main head from Gaia as he slowly turns to see Godzilla down below him. His dorsal plates were glowing bluish-purple thanks to the godzilla-men supplying their own atomic energies into him. Primal Ghidorah snarls as his left head phases out of existence, the gaian energy he had absorbed is spat back into the hollow earth’s atmosphere, the portal he left behind quickly closes.

Desghidorah releases her jaws from gaia before flying down to engage Godzilla. She suddenly found herself falling to the undercrust floor, her right head barely caught a glimpse of a spinning turtle shell. Gamera screams as he announces his presence to the other guardian Kaiju. Godzilla snaps his toothed jaws at Gamera, Gamera snaps his beaked mouth back at Godzilla. The two kaiju put their rivalry aside as they focus on the Ghidorah. Gaia pours her free energy into Mothra, Leomothra, and Battra. The three moth kaiju instinctually turn themselves into a swarm of smaller moths before merging Mothra Gaia, Gigamoth reborn. Keizer Ghidorah begins to regrow his left wing and with it summons another portal into reality. Primal Ghidorah’s left head shoots out of the portal to engage Mothra Gaia. The empowered moth kaiju fires her divine tri-beam into the manifested Primal Ghidorah head, sending it back into the void. Another portal opens, Primal Ghidorah’s left head again comes slithering out to attack Mothra Gaia. Mothra flares out her wings, gathering residual energies from the air into her wings. Mothra bellows at the ethereal space dragon, divine energy swims up her wing patterns into her thorax then releasing the beam out of her antenna into a powerful divine beam; causing the left head to completely unmanifest itself and its portals to shut close. Mothra Gaia wastes no time to unmanifest the right head before focusing on the center head. The center head retracted itself back into the void. Then all three of primal ghidorah heads come springing out of the same portal, firing its divine gravity storm beams at Mothra Gaia. Primal Ghidorah needed more energy, six portals open around the ghidorah and the guardian kaiju. Additional Primal Ghidorah heads emerge from the portals, bringing the total head count to Nine.

King Ghidorah releases his jaws from Gaia as he engages Godzilla, he distributes his energy into his golden scales illuminating him as he prepares to release his gravity beam pulse. Primal Ghidorah, overwhelmed with ravenous hunger pains, quickly bites into his younger son King Ghidorah and daughter Desghidorah, draining them of their energy to sustain his hunger. Keizer Ghidorah turns around too late to stop both of his siblings from being cannibalized by his father. Godzilla fires his bluish-purple atomic fire into Primal Ghidorah’s central head. Mothra Gaia joins in as she fires her super divine energy beam into primal Ghidorah. Gamera inhales as he releases his sacred divine fire breath on to Primal Ghidorah. The Atlantic Godzilla contributed with their atomic breaths as well as the godzilla-men. Rodan Prime and his flight swarm the other Primal Ghidorah heads as do a swarm of warbats, psychovultures, and hell hawks.

Meanwhile on the surface, M-COM began sending down their ordinates into the hollow earth and in secret so did G-Force. HEAV swarm the Tokyo chasm as they approach the nine headed primal ghidorah. Not far away a swarm of G-Force’s Super Xs and Super X-2s join the HEAVs side along with the new Super X-3s and Super X-4s. G-Force also deploys their new experimental weapons, the AKUMA-GF 01s; Anti Kaiju Unit Mobilized Armor-Guardian Fighter. The HEAV and the Super X-1s and X-2s fire their payload into the Primal Ghidorah heads only for their missiles to complete phase through the heads as they smash into the neighboring mountains. The X-1s and X-2s quickly switched to their laser cannons, the X-3s and X-4s broke away from the Super X flotilla as they targeted the King of the Monsters. The X-3s fire their cryo-beams into Godzilla while the X-4s begin shooting out energy absorption cables into the great balancer.



Member2KMay-26-2021 10:32 AM

This chapter is absolute chaos!

expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst


Member2KMay-26-2021 12:50 PM

I love it. 

expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst


Member2KMay-27-2021 12:19 PM

Me too

“Calling yourself a hero make you a self-mythologizing narcissistic autocrat!”


Member2KNov-01-2022 3:23 PM

Okay I will bring this fanfiction out of haitus soon

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