Rise of the Kaiju (fanfiction)

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Member2KMar-01-2021 9:02 PM


Disclaimer: Most of the monsters depicted in this fanfiction are owned by Toho, Daisei, Sony/Tristar, Legendary/Warner Bro’s, TMS, and Tokyo TV.

This fanfiction is unrelated to my Gojiverse, This fanfiction will neither feature any marvel characters nor canonize all godzilla movies; it's its own continuity. I am to make this fanfiction more in-line to a proper Godzilla/Gamera storyline that draws inspiration from all eras (Showa, Heisei, Millenium, TriStar, MonsterVerse, and Reiwa) 

Creative feedback is appreciative.


251 million years ago…


A blinding flash of light raced across the mid-day skies before a terrible thunderous roar echoed across the earth. The once clear skies were now smothered in dense clouds of ash. From the Siberian traps came a bright light shooting up into the dark skies, the light exploded into a fireball; radiating like a star before taking form. Massive blinding illuminating golden wings unfurl from its metallic cocoon as the creature stretches out its three biomechanical serpentine necks to their fullest extent.

From the coasts, sharp dorsal spines burst from the watery depths. BwuamBwuamBwuam...blue atomic fire bursts from the water directly at Primal Ghidorah. The Ghidorah recoiled for a moment before firing its gravity beams towards the coastline, the water exploded wherever the beams touched; revealing the kaiju hiding beneaths. A massive triop-like beast rose from the water, it was a Deiakhan, a radioactive deep sea arthropod that serves as earth’s balancer since the late cambrian period. Its tail spines begin to glow blue, Deiakhan flares open its mandibles as it releases its atomic beam into Primal Ghidorah. Ghidorah collectively flashes its teeth before shielding itself with its wings, the atomic energy like a great wave washes over Ghidorah’s golden form. The golden wings unfurl, ghidorah collectively flickers its tongues at its adversary. Ghidorah’s left head fires a gravity beam behind Deiakhan, Ghidorah's right head fires a gravity beam in front of Deiakhan; the guardian kaiju is tossed around like a ragdoll. Then Ghidorah’s middle head roars before commanding all to fire directly at Deiakhan’s soft belly.


Deiakhan squealed in pain as its body was being lifted out of the water by the beams, Ghidorah levitates Deiakhan closer to its trio of hungry mouths. It stretches out its weak vestigial arms to hold the triop-like kaiju onto its smooth scaly underbelly while its jaws clamp down on to Deiakhan’s soft spots. Atomic energy flows into Primal Ghidorah jaws and skin like a sponge. Deiakhan’s body makes one last spasm before recoiling into death. Primal Ghidorah took to the skies as it rained down from the sky a volley of cluster gravity beams onto the planet surface, the earth rumbled by the touch of Ghidorah’s radiant light. The following centuries and millennia the earth burned under Ghidorah’s reign; The forests were dying while many beasts lie suffocating on the surface. Every volcano across the earth has since erupted, leading to what will be called The Great Dying. The oceans were polluted with large quantities of unfrozen methane, causing the waters to become acidic which kills many marine lifeforms. Primal Ghidorah cackled at the destruction it had wrought. 


Tiny moth-like insects clinging on to the surviving trees caught in the inferno began to radiate with a blue-green light, their collective energy summoned the avatar of mother earth herself; Gigamoth. Gigamoth flared her wings, she cried out to Primal Ghidorah in defiance, Ghidorah turned its three collective heads towards Gigamoth. Ghidorah’s middle head sneared, the right head growled, the left head turned away from its siblings towards another threat; it was the beetle-like Megalon, the spider-like cephalopod Scylla, the spider Kumonga, the lobster-like shrimp Ebirah, the crab-like shrimp Ganimes, and a swarm of the dragonfly-like Meganulons come to Gigamoth’s aide. The meganulons kamikaze into Ghidorah, the three headed space dragon disintegrates most of the swarm before Kumong spits its web around the left and center head, sticking them together. Megalon charges in prematurally as Ghidorah’s right head is still free, Ghidorah open’s its jaws, a flash of light radiates from within its jaws before blasting the beetle kajiu apart with its gravity beam. The right head turns its attention to free its siblings, Gigamoth seizes her chance, she digs her bladed forearms into the right head’s neck  decapitating it. Gigamoth makes a speedy getaway before turning back around to finish off its sibling heads; the middle head fires its gravity beam into its left head, tearing away kumonga’s webbing as well as obliterating lefty’s head. Ghidorah fires its gravity beam into Kumonga, obliterating the spider kaiju. Gigamoth barrels towards Ghidorah, to strike at its last remaining head. Ghidorah ignoring the other arthropod kaiju focuses on Gigamoth, its sibling’s headless necks began regenerating their heads. Gigamoth flares her antenna, a beam of energy fires out of them, the regenerating ghidorah sibling heads bursts into goo. Ebirah clamps its pinchers around Ghidorah's left leg while Scylla wraps her tentacle mouth around the right leg. Gigamoth prepares to slice off the middle head, she cries in anticipation. Primal Ghidorah fires its gravity beam into Gigamoth, the beam sent her flying backwards, in due haste Ghidorah flapped its wings hard to gain lift off despite the efforts of scylla and ebirah, Gigamoth fired her energy beam into Primal Ghidorah as it took to the skies. Scylla and Ebirah release themself from Ghidorah’s leg before falling back into the water. 


Primal Ghidorah flees back into the dark cold void of space. Gigamoth landed on Deiakhan’s carcass, she nudged the fallen kaiju to awake. Deiakhan remained motionless, the volcanic fires burned the sky, rivers of molten magma flow to claim Deiakhan’s remains. Gigamoth quickly returns to the skies, she cries as she releases her divine energy over the planet earth. For one million years, Gigamoth spent her energy repairing the damage Primal Ghidorah has brought to the blue planet. A new dawn sets up on the Earth, the Permian period as well as the paleozoic era has now ended, the dawn of the Triassic and the beginning of the Mesozoic has begun. Gigamoth softly lands on a mountain overlooking a great valley. Tiny diictodon leave their burrows as vegetation returns to the surface. Gigamoth will spend the remainder of the Triassic recovering from her wounds, for the time for Ghidorah’s return will come again and she doesn’t know if she would be strong enough to stop them.

259 Replies


Member2KApr-02-2021 11:59 AM

Was this meant to be Mothra's solo chapter?

Just asking.

And is MONARCH involved now?

“Calling yourself a hero make you a self-mythologizing narcissistic autocrat!”

Trash panda

MemberConversationalistApr-02-2021 12:00 PM

Dude, this fanfic keeps getting better and better!!

Ah shit I’m using my wrong eye again. Sorry that was meant to be behind your back


Member2KApr-02-2021 12:05 PM


“Calling yourself a hero make you a self-mythologizing narcissistic autocrat!”


Member2KApr-02-2021 12:33 PM

Well I guess I should have came up with a better name for this chapter lol



Member2KApr-02-2021 12:35 PM


“Calling yourself a hero make you a self-mythologizing narcissistic autocrat!”


Member2KApr-02-2021 12:43 PM

Okay, the next chapter should conclude the Skull Island arc. 

Well for the most part they are seatopians but the german and englishman are scientists that were stranded there since WWII, they retained being youthful due to being augmented like the beastmen in the pods.



Member2KApr-04-2021 8:15 PM

Epic upcoming chapter... hold on to your butts



Member2KApr-05-2021 7:29 AM


The Atlantic godzilla awakens from its sleep, it's typically yellow eyes were replaced with blood red, it is then directed up to the surface. Megalon is then brought down into an empty tank to receive its augments. The Atlantic godzilla confronts Kong and his Iwi followers. Kong beats his chest at the grey colored theropod kaiju, bellowing ferociously. The Atlantic godzilla attempts to roar but starts choking on its own saliva, Kong leaps into the air with his fist up to clobber the small godzilla. The atlantic godzilla attempts to roar but again starts choking, Kong upper cuts the sickly godzilla. The creature falls on its side struggling to get up as Kong wales on the poor creature.
The Atlantic godzilla roars in pain before its head bursts open into three thick toothed tentacles. Kong double backed in shock of its transformation, the transformed atlantic godzilla stood back up; Chameleon shakes off its grey godzilla hide from its sickly green body. Chameleon roars angrily at the ape prince but before Kong had time to react chameleon was gone. Kong growls as he is thrown into several buildings, his body is then dragged across the city by an unseen force. The Iwi zerg rush the seatopian guards, cutting them down only to look up in horror as Kong struggles to fight off this hidden enemy. Kong lands a lucky kick into something, the creature doubles back, chameleon is now visible. Kong slowly returns to his feet as the ugly mutant struggles to climb on its own feet, Chameleon directs its three eyed gaze at Kong. Kong grabs a chunk of concrete, he sprints towards the mutant godzilla-thing, he bashes it in the head a good few times before the concrete block explodes into dust. Chameleon latches its three jaws onto Kong’s shoulder, sucking out his blood. Kong punches the creature in the ribs before throwing himself along with it into the bone wall. Meanwhile back at the lab, the pods containing the humanoid monsters begin to stir to life. Their eyes collectively shot open their golden glowing eyes. They sneered within their glass prisons as the fluid slowly drained from their pods. The monster men roared and hissed thirsting for human blood. Large robotic arms clasps the beastmen pods gently as they are taken to a long tube. The pods are placed within the tubes, the pods are then sucked into the tubes. The half-transformed sleeping beastmen’s pods are then placed where the transformed once stood. The pods containing the seemingly perfectly humans move to where the half-transformed were. The Pods containing outlanders were then placed where the other humans were. The pod containing Dr. Eva Valen is slowly being filled with the yellow fluid; the others watch in horror helplessly to stop the process as the biologist screams and bangs on the glass for help.

Kong grabs Chameleon by its lower jaw and neck, he tosses the mutated godzilla across the city. Battra flies down to strike Kong with her divine beam in a hit and run tactic. Chameleon calls out to the kaiju below the city, the other tank kaiju all begin to awaken on command. The red eyed kaiju slowly approach Kong, the enhanced waspinators swarm over Kong, stabbing him with their stingers. Kong grabbed one tightly, the wasp kaiju screamed as it popped into yellow goo. Kong then mouthed over the next one and crushed it with his teeth. He spits its remains out as he squishes the last remaining waspinators. An enhanced Kumonga leaps onto Kong’s back, Kong kicks off of the ground as he falls on his back, crushing the mutant spider kaiju. Chameleon vanishes from plain sight as Kong recovers, an enhanced Gorosaurus leaps from down on his tail as he slides towards Kong mouth gaped wide. Kong uppercuts the abelisaurid in the jaw, sending it flying backwards. The venom of the waspinators started to take effect, Kong was preparing his fight with the enhanced Vastatosaurus. He swings his fist at the Vastatosaurus only for it to be replaced with his Mother, Kong hesitated only to feel the pain of the Vastatosaur’s bite snapping Kong out of the hallucination. Kong grabbed the Vastatosaurus by the jaw but his injury he received from Sauron sends a shocking pain through Kong’s body. The enhanced Vastatosaurus jaws inch closer to Kong’s throat. Kong howls as he struggles to keep the snarling beast away from his jugular. The vastatosaurus then howled in pain, Kong glanced over and saw the yellow vastatosaurus Sauron biting the enhanced one on the tail. Sauron dragged the enhanced vastatosaurus closer to the open waters before releasing it, the enhanced vastatosaurus attempts to return to its feet before Sauron leaps on its back to deliver the killing blow. Sauron roared at Kong to back away as Sauron pulled his quarry into the bay. Kong understood that Sauron was a simple beast, a god of hunger.

Kong stood back on his feet, the Iwi warriors shouted praising Kong’s name before returning fighting with enhanced vigor and renewed determination. Then holes in the ground open up, pods of metal and glass shoot out of them before landing softly on the ground. The glass slowly eats away at itself as yellow fluid pours from the pods. The beastmen climbed out of the pods like demons out of hell, they were diverse in form as not two beastmen looked alike; the beastmen resembled the various types of demons of ancient culture, however some were more human-like than others. The beastmen grinned sadistically as they fell upon the Iwi warriors like sharks to chum. Kong’s eyes widened in mixed terror and sadness as the Iwi were being ripped apart by the savage beastmen. Kong leaped onto one of the seatopian watch towers before leaping into the swarming beastmen. Crushing a few in the process, he smashes the beastmen into red paste with his massive fists. Several beastmen quickly evolved a pair of wings of various designs as they took to the sky to avoid Kong's attack. Kong then swatted at the beastmen as if they were flies, the beastmen dodge the massive ape’s fists. The beastmen's bodies were then generating arcs of electricity as their cells began to quickly divide, before his very eyes Kong could see the beastmen rapidly growing. The giga effect allowed the beastmen to rival Kong in size. It didn’t take long before Kong perceived these ascended human kaiju as a threat, Kong glanced over the cityscape to see a large statue of an ancient warrior wielding a spear. Kong roared at the beastmen before leaping away towards the statue, the beastmen followed after him.

Diablo watched as his brother slay one of the artificial kaiju but was perplexed why didn’t his brother didn’t take down Kong as well. No matter, Diablo just wanted to set the seatopian city on fire, living up to his name the god of terror. The red Vastatosaurus descended upon the seatopian city, breathing fire and death upon the tiny humans. Megalon opened his eyes as he felt the increased disturbance worsening. Megalon called to battra for assistance, she replied with a sharp snarl. Battra’s three horns emit a glowing yellow light before letting loose on Diablo. He looked up at the dark moth, an inferno was brewing in his mouth. Battra fired her divine beam into Diablo’s chest, the red vastatosaurus recoiled from the direct hit but quickly countered with a jet of hellfire back at the dark moth. She was quickly set ablaze, her body plummeting from the sky as she spiraled down from the heavens before crashing into several seatopian buildings. Battra makes a helpless yelp before suc***bing to her wounds. Kong snatches away the statue’s spear before turning back to the giga-beastmen abominations. Kong impales a bird-themed giga-beastman, its wings flapping desperately as Kong drives the spear deeper into its being. A cephalopod-themed giga-beastman wraps its tentacles around Kong’s neck as he drags the ape prince away from his fallen comrade. Kong roars desperately as he struggles against the giga-beastman, he flips his spear around, the cephalopod beastman brow furrows as Kong thrusts the spear deep into the cephalopod’s eye. The cephalopod giga-beastman releases kong before falling over dead. An elephant-themed giga-beastman charges into Kong while a bat-themed giga-beastman takes to the skies. Kong grabbed the elephant man by the tusks, the elephant’s trunk wraps around Kong’s neck. Kong fails to muster his strength as his body starts to go limp from suffocation. The Elephant-man double backs when Diablo stray spitfires slams into his back pulling Kong forwards his body collides into the elephant man, the trunk loosens around Kong's neck as the ape prince takes one last look at the knocked out elephant man.

The bat giga-beastman divebombs Kong, she wraps her legs around his neck. The batwoman smiles sadistically as she bares her vampiric fangs at the ape prince. She looked over to her mate, a small scrawny man-like thing walking towards the two kaiju. “Mutares!” the bat giga-beastman screamed at the small furry beastman. “CHAOS!” His voice unnaturally echoes across the city, his body begins to fire arcs of electricity as his human form melts away into a giant ape similar to Kong. “CHAOS!” The man-ape bellows once his giga form is achieved, Kong bellows as he pries the batwoman’s legs from his neck, she attempts to hold on but Kong throwsd her off into a large building. Chaos’s eyes widen in anger, memories of her and him when they were human flood into his brain, “CHAOS!” he bellows as he beats his chest with his fist. “CHAOS SYNTRIVI KONG!” Chaos smashes his fists together in a crushing gesture. Kong prepares himself as Chaos bolts across the city. Chaos leaps towards Kong, fist stretched out to sucker punch the ape prince. Kong countered the attack with the same attack, they both slug each other in the face. The momentum of the punch throws both apes backwards, Kong falls in a street alley while Chaos collides into a senate building. Chameleon reveals itself to Kong, its body on top of the ape prince. Its three claw mouth opens as it attempts to swallow Kong’s head.

Mothra and Leomothra descend from the sky to fire a volley of divine beams into Chameleon. Chameleon pulls its jaws away from Kong, the mouth on Chameleon head screams in agonized pain. Kong uppercuts Chameleon into the sky, the mutant beast crashes into a nearby temple; impaled by the temple’s support structures. Mothra breaks away from her brother as she flies down to the Seatopian Palace. Mona and Lora grow to the size of humans as they leapt from Mothra’s back as they glided down to the palace dressed in ninja-esque armor and a pair of swords. They make use of their reverse blades to take out the guards non-lethally, they quickly make their way to the throne room. To their surprise the king is gone but the doors to the labs are wide open. The fairies made their way deep into the bowels of the palace laboratory when they spotted Ernest and his companions were trapped in the pods. The pods were filled with the yellow fluid, Mona glanced at Lora before flipping her sword around to slice open the pod. Yellow fluid spewed from the pods as the two priestess gently removed the outlanders from them. “Awake, now. The Gate-seal, do you know where it is?” Mona asked.

“They are going to summon Megalon and something about boosting his power” Ernest remembered.

Mona and Lora looked at each other for a brief moment before looking at the outlanders, “We don’t have much time then” Mona said. They snuck around the many corridors deep in the sub-labs before coming into a massive chamber. There Megalon stood waiting as the Seatopians were repairing his drill arms and body. The scientists were working on what appeared to be a battle backpack harness on the creature’s back. “That is where they must be keeping the Gate-seal” Lora pointed out, “We must hurry before Megalon could reach full power” Mona added. Megalon opens its giant yellow eyes, feeling the gate-seal flowing through it. It shrieks from the power coursing through its body. The two moth priestesses quickly over power the scientists and guards as the outlanders made their way to the catwalk. Megalon releases himself from the catwalk platforms, Ernest leaps into the harness, the door slides open allowing Ernest inside the grafted backpack “****pit”. Ernest knocks out one of the guards and takes his weapon, a razor sharp gladius. Ernest runs up to the head scientists, “Stop right there! Hand over the gate-seal and you won’t get hurt” he commands.

“zOh zilly, zilly, zilly, american. Toys zare vor children” the former german scientist starts to transform as Megalon is launched out of the underground hangar into the seatopian city above. The former british scientist quickly sits in the pilot seat as his comrade begins to readjust to his new beastman form. Hulking and barely even humanoid, the former german scientist took a crocodilian form. He lunges at Ernest with his crocodilian jaws, but his hulking form has made him slower than he would like. Ernest dodges the lung, Ernest sees his chance to strike but the sword couldn’t penetrate his thick hide. The crocodile-man grabs Ernest’s sword before snapping the blade off its hilt. He drops the blade to the floor to demonstrate the difference in their strengths. Ernest retreated looking for the gate-seal as well as keeping his distance from croco-man. Ernest enters the next room, a light gleaned in the distance; it was the gate-seal. Ernest was about to dart to the other side of the room however the crocodile beastman sliced into Ernest’s back. Ernest’s lungs were being filled with blood as well as blood flowing from his wounds. The crocodile man then approached the gate-seal to make sure it was safe.

Megalon roars to announce his presence to allies and enemies alike. Chameleon roars in excitement, Kong shoves his fist deep down Chameleon’s second mouth’s throat. Kong dug his nails deep into its chest cavity before grabbing a pulsating gland. Kong pulls with all of his might, Chameleon howls as Kong rips its heart out of its second mouth; Chameleon falls on Kong dead. Megalon was too late to save its comrade, before it could strike Kong down with its drill arm, Diablo headbutts Megalon into Kong. Diablo huffs and puffs, his chest begins to steam as he exhales his fire breath all over Megalon. Megalon spreads his wings and begins to reverse the flow of the fire back onto diablo himself. Megalon took to the skies before making a U turn to implant his drill into Diablo leg. Diablo hissed as he was lifted up by Megalon. Megalon hurled the red vastatosaurus into the seatopian palace. Megalon fires his electric beam into the palace but Leomothra counters it back into Megalon. Megalon slices off Leomothra’s wing, causing him to crash. Mothra fires her divine beam into Megalon but Megalon fires his electric divine beam into Mothra.

Meanwhile back in the Megalon “****pit”, Ernest vomits up from his lungs as he slowly awakens. The crocodilian beastman raises his brow in mixed awe and horror as Ernest slowly rises to his feet. His wounds have quickly healed but he too has changed into a beastman as his back now sports a pair of bat-like wings. Ernest’s eyes were glowing a bright yellow, a pair of horns grew out from the sides of his forehead. The crocodile man slowly approached the former marine but Ernest greeted the crocodile scientist with a fist to the gut. The crocodile man was sent hurling into the gate-seal, the power electrocuted the crocodile man until his heart gave out. Ernest struggling to maintain focus, he reaches for the gate-seal, the raw energies electrocute his hands. Ernest snarls from the pain but he endures it, he grabs the gate-seal then pulls out from its holding unit. He drops the gate-seal on to the floor, his hands were burnt and bleeding. Megalon started to grow more sluggish as his boost started to wear off. Mothra quickly flies to Kong, she lands on the injured ape prince, she feels that his heart beat was slowing down. She cries as Megalon draws closer, Mothra pours her life energy into Kong, before taking off to confront Megalon. She shifts into her battle form, adopting a more wasp-like body plan as well as attacking claws. Megalon stabs Mothra in the center of her thorax, she hisses, Megalon’s drill arms begin to spin rapidly, causing Mothra more pain. Megalon pulls Mothra closer to his face, he lets out a deep gruttal grow, he readies his other claw to finish the moth goddess. Kong shouts as he throws a tree spear into Megalon’s eye. Megalon fires his divine beam at Kong, the ape prince dodges it as he rolls to the metallic spear he retrieved from the statue earlier. Kong leaps into the air with spear in hand, megalon charges up his divine beam again but Mothra finds the strength to impale Megalon through the thorax, then she brought the claw down making her adversary kneel as Kong drove the spear deep into Megalon’s body.

Kong stands up, he beats his chest before bellowing to the other kaiju in the vicinity. The former british scientist struggles to flee from the control center only to have his neck snapped by devil-beastman Ernest. Megalon will not survive his wounds, since the atlanteans made him more machine than animal. Ernest with gate-seal in hand, leaves the dying Megalon’s body. The moth priestesses flew down to greet him but were horrified at the sight of the creature he had become. In addition to sprouting out horns, his hands and feet have since become more claw-like and he even gained a long whip-like tail. Ernest mustered up all the remaining humanity he had to hand over the elias their gate-seal, exhausted the devil-beastman flew off into the distance while Kong drove Chaos, Bat-beastwoman, Diablo and his brother Sauron out of the city.

A Month later, the surrendered seatopian scientists by orders of the Infantians repaired an old US Patrol boat for the Outlanders. Larry, Garry, and Eva bid their farewell to the inhabitants before setting off to indian ocean and finally back home.



Member2KApr-05-2021 9:54 AM

Finally was able to conclude the Skull Island arc



Member2KApr-05-2021 10:04 AM

Now what?

expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst


Member2KApr-05-2021 11:21 AM

Now Godzilla can finally appear in the next chapter



Member2KApr-05-2021 3:20 PM

With MUTOs?

or something bigger?

“Calling yourself a hero make you a self-mythologizing narcissistic autocrat!”


Member2KApr-05-2021 4:29 PM


One year later…

May 23rd 1994
Antarctica, SETI Institution Forward Operations base. The base was constructed over a massive cavern that recently opened up from a falling ice sheet. Below were an ancient city’s ruins built by a long dead civilization. Long dead remains of kaiju dot the ancient city: some familiar, some not. The ruins have been thoroughly explored by this team of scientists since 1984 or so they thought… The science team in the northern ruins chamber recover a frozen creature in a solid block of ice, it resembles a jellyfish but way bigger. The scientists bring it back to the main labs to thaw it out, they take samples of it running it through analysts. Weeks go by as the computer finally completes its analysis, the creature’s DNA doesn’t belong to any known clade of organism defined by the Taxonomy classification.
The science team in the southern ruins unearths a new chamber below the ruins. Unlike the other rooms where statues were filled with statues in the likeness of Godzilla, this room was filled with statues of three headed dragons. The archeologist studied the statues as they debated the significance of the discovery to their fellows. They quickly discovered that the room led to another chamber below the ghidorah statue. Unknowingly triggering the chamber’s alarm system when they moved the ghidorah statue, the archaeologists progressed deeper into the hidden chamber. The new room was filled with large fungal growths on the walls, floor, and ceiling. The apex of the growths suddenly erect when curiosity got the better of the archaeologists. The growths erect “heads” exploded releasing spores inside the room. The spores with minds of their own directed themselves towards their new hosts. The archaeologists unknowingly inhaled the spores, the spores quickly seized control over their nervous systems. The archeologists all began to scream in pain as the fungal spores began to make physical changes to their hosts, their heads bloat up until the back of their skulls burst open from the seams. Massive Mushroom growths expand from the skull while the skin on the rest of their body is covered in wart-like cysts. Matango now seeks out more to infect. The presence of the Matango, awakens the Dogora, it forces its tendrils out of its icy prison. It consumes all that was in its wake. A large foot plops down into the Antarctica ice, with a terrible sound the cavern is then recovered in snow and ice.

Throughout the year, Kaiju sightings grew more frequent in conjunction with increased UFO sightings. Increase in former alien abductee cases grew, for the most part these sightings were laughed at as hysterical nonsense. The lost Antarctic research facility was deemed a freak accident, ignorant of the events that transpired down there. The sponsor governments order the snow and ice to be cleared in order to recover the lost science team’s bodies, it is projected that the removal of the snow could take years to uncover.

November 3rd, 1994.
Mojave Desert, Arizona.

Sightings of strange lights moving across the midnight skies. One of the lights grew closer to the earth’s surface revealing a massive jellyfish creature. It begins to suck up anything unfortunate caught beneath its mouth.

Cheyenne Mountains, Colorado.
A humvee drives on an asphalt road snakes deep in the woods of northern colorado. The asphalt road ends at a concrete barrier surrounded by concrete walls with barbed wire laced on the fence that adorns the wall’s top. MPs (Military Police) walk up to the humvee at the gated entrance, the driver gives the MP his security clearance. The guards head back to their guardpost to make a call to command for further confirmation, the MP walks back to the driver and hands him his clearance. The Humvee continues down the tunnel entrance leading into the military installation. The asphalt road continues deep in the mountain until it stops at the underground parking lot. The Humvee door opens as a black combat boot lands firmly on the pavement. Dressed in navy blue uniform, Commander James Murphy walked up the stairs leading into the installation. He passes through the corridors where MPs stand guard around almost every corner, saluting the commander. The commander walks up to a large door, the MP salutes before opening the electronic door, it makes an audible hiss as it is pulled open, the commander walks into the command center. The room was mostly dark save for the computer monitors where the Technicians were huddled working in their cubicles. A massive screen hangs on the main wall depicting the entire map of the earth, constantly being updated with satellite feeds and ground feeds.

“Sir we have a situation in the Mojave, Arizona sector near Phoenix” one of the technicians monitored from her station.

“Bring it up on screen” ordered General Grant.

“Yes, sir” she complied.

One of the ground feeds switch on to the Big screen depicting a massive tentacle creature dragging its tendril across the mojave desert. Dogora feeds on the salty soil of the mojave while sucking up other stuff into its mouth including a gas truck.

“How far is that thing from civilization?” the General asked.

“There is a small town about five maybe six miles away, sir” the technician triangulates the alien’s intended path, “Sir, its heading for Salome”

“I’ll warn the president and the pentagon of the current situation” General Grant retires to his quarters. The general looked down at his assortment of phones, each labeled and colored: White House (White), Pentagon (Green), HLS (Blue), Norad (Red), and Area 51 (Black). The General picks up the green phone as he requests for some ordinances, once he is done with that, he picks up the white phone as he contacts the president, he informs President Clinton of the situation before hanging up. He hears a knock on his door, “Come in”

“Commander James Murphy, reporting for duty sir” Commander Murphy saluted the General.

“At ease, Commander” General Grant commanded.
“Sir, I just transferred from the Pentagon. I am to replace Commander Matthews” Commander Murphy

“That you are, commander” the general replied.

“May I ask what is the situation, sir?” Murphy asked.

“Well where to begin, about 9 hundred hours a monster for a lack of a better word has been encroaching near the town of Salome. I have just got of the phone with both the president and the pentagon, they’ll be sending fighters to deal with the mon-situation”

Dogora, after having its fill on desert soil it moves on to its next target. The small town of Salome was in its range.

Fighter jets like F-18s and A-6s flew in to intercept the Dogora. They fired their missiles and their guns into the jellyfish, the dogora just absorbed it all. The Dogora bellows at the fighter jets, it smacked some of the fighter jets out of the sky while it snatched a couple for consummation. The Dogora consumed the metals and carbon-based elements of both jet and pilot into its body. The dogora then turned its attention at the downed aircraft and the escaped pilots on their parachutes, it hovered higher in the air as it began sucking up the parachute pilots and downed aircraft alike into its mouth. There was nothing that could stop the dogora from decimating Salome, tendrils wrap around buildings as the creature sucked up cars, people, trees, and pets into its mouth. By the time Dogora had its fill, the town of Salome was stripped off the map. Dogora flies higher into the atmosphere to evade further detection.

The dogora howls as its body undergoes mitosis, the one now splits into two. Both Dogora head for the neighboring states, one diverts north to Nevada, the other heads for California. The dogora stripp many intermediate towns bare as they made their way to the state's major cities. In Nevada, the second Dogora arrives in Las Vegas. In California, the third Dogora arrives in Los Angeles. The dogora began feeding on the cities, people, cars, trees and pets sucked into its mouth. An all too familiar roar boomed across the city, maple-leaf dorsal plates burst from the ocean as it made its way to Long Beach. Godzilla, Arose from the water like a massive alligator before pulling himself up on its hind legs. Dogora flew towards the massive reptile but was soon vaporized by its atomic fire breath.



Member2KApr-05-2021 4:31 PM

well MUTO arrives later, I'm going to be building up an alien invasion arc. Ghidorah will also arrive much later since I want to give lesser known alien kaiju a chance to shine.



Member2KApr-05-2021 6:40 PM

A giant space cell! Hope it doesn’t divide! Oh wait it did....

Well the earths doomed already 

expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst


Member2KApr-05-2021 7:40 PM

The earth is not doomed yet, I have plans muhahahahaha



Member2KApr-05-2021 10:40 PM


Godzilla snorted blowing away Dogora’s ashes into the wind. The ashes drop hot crystal-like diamonds on the road. Godzilla traversed further into LA, ignoring everything in its wake as it searched for another Dogora to hunt. The video feed in LA is broadcasted on the big screen in the underground base. “Sir, Godzilla has arrived in the city!”

BwumBwumBwumBwum… Godzilla exhales its atomic breath into the cloudy sky, the clouds glow green as the Dogora react to the atomic energy. The jellyfish-like aliens bolt from the clouds as they scatter through the blue sky. “Sir, multiple contacts, oh my god they are more of them!” the Technician stares at his monitor in horror. Godzilla fires another volley of his atomic breath into a swarm of Dogora, the soft body aliens turn to dust littering the ground below with sharp crystalline diamonds. Godzilla chased the dogora out of Los Angeles as they retreated above the ocean. Godzilla retreated back into the ocean following the alien invaders. Meanwhile in Las Vegas, the sole Dogora has since divided and multiplied into 24 individuals. The Dogora quickly become bloated as they fly into the clouds. They burst out of the Earth’s atmosphere like worms from an infested apple. The swarm of Dogora entered Jupiter’s orbit, a massive saucer-shaped ship made contact with the dogora swarm. The saucer’s bay doors open allowing the dogora to enter the ship. The masters of the ship watch the Dogora from behind translucent alien material, they resemble humans to a degree but they have pointed ears and lack secondary and tertiary body hair which made their skin look smooth in comparison to that of a human. They were dressed in black tops with a red button above the left pect in addition to their top they wore grey long sleeve undershirt and grey pants. A black visor covers only their eyes as they wear a black cape with white lining and a lone antenna over their hair. A thick black collar with a white trim covers their entire neck. “Monster zero-five, flock two has arrived in recycler bay zero-twelve” spoke one of the drones, “Commence harvest on monster zero-five” the controller ordered. The dogora are harvested of their minerals, crystalline diamonds are collected from their remains. “The earth diamonds are to be processed into materials for building, clothing, and for nourishment” the controller stated before turning to his fellow beside him.

“Unjoined one, how does it feel to be of only one mind? How lonely you must feel, your memories and thoughts die with you” the controller voice was monotonous as always. The one he called unjoined turns to look at him,

“Why keep me around then? Joined one, does lacking emotions and being of many minds make you superior to us?” The unjoined one was dressed in all black attire, a metallic black plate covering his chest onto top of a dark grey shirt, his pants were leathery as well as his jacket.

“We are both xilien, yet We are the superior ones. You like all unjoined ones are inferior, the product of a genetic malfunction but you have your uses even though you are inferior, an evolutionary throwback, a disposable tool. You would do well to keep your primal urges in check, you’ll survive longer” The controller gave a monotonous retort.

“I’ll take my leave then” the unjoined xilien bowed his head before walking off to his living quarters. He arrives at his quarters when he spots his lover, she was beautiful xilien dressed in the clothes of the joined xilien, yet she was an unjoined xilien like himself. “Xichi,” she waved at him. “Xukia, my love. It's been over two cycles since I last laid eyes on you and you are still as beautiful as the solar rotation we’ve met”

Xukia smiled but her smile quickly faded, “I am about to go on an important mission,” she said sadly.

“What is the mission’s nature?” Xichi asked, now worried.

“Infiltration,” she replied, “I am assigned to monitor and manipulate this nation’s leader to do our bidding”

Xichi grabs Xukia and brings her closer, “Be careful my love, the joined are not to be trusted” with that he retires to his quarters as Xukia moves on to the hangar. Xukia glances over to see through the transparency of a chamber containing King Ghidorah. He was resting on top of a massive heating stone, slowly absorbing its energy through his golden scaly skin. Ghidorah’s right head snarls in his sleep, the middle head sleeps with his neck semi erect, dignified as a king should, the left head rests peacefully on the energy rock with its tongue sticking out. Xukia touches the transparency, “I wonder what is in your heart?” she asks the sleeping dragon kaiju before making her way to the dropships. Ghidorah opens one of his eyes to briefly scan his surroundings before closing it again. Xukia enters the dropship, she presses the button on her uniform. The uniform quickly takes the form american casual clothing, a logo T-shirt, Jeans, Sneakers, and a ball cap.

Dr. Eva Valen has been studying the samples she had procured from monster island in her lab located in Hamburg Germany. She even took samples of her own blood and compared it to the samples. She discovered that her DNA has been infused with the DNA from the pollen and the plant samples from the reptilian roses and there was a chlorophyll being produced in her bloodstream. She did her best to hide the effects of her slow transformation.

five years later...

Kaiju biology has since become a growing field of study, one led by Dr. Eva Valen and as such she was transferred to the new kaiju laboratory in Berlin. Dr. Valen’s public appearances grew fewer and fewer over the years as she tried to halt her transformation. The advancement in A.I. technology made it easier for her to remain out of sight from ordinary people for long periods of time. Ironically the containing chamber deep within her own laboratory meant to hold a kaiju like Kong or Godzilla, now contains her. Last year she had sealed herself in this chamber when she was unable to suppress the changes in her body, she lost consciousness from the pain as her human form grew into a massive rose. She regained consciousness for the first time after her transformation. She opened her eyes but couldn’t move her head, only her eyes. She struggled to move but felt limbs flailing about in the chamber, all four of them… her feet were replaced with tendrils, her arms replaced with four massive vines with crocodilian jaws at the end of them, her head felt very heavy and massive. Dr. Valen realized she had developed a second head, or rather her human now rests in the center of her new kaiju head. Her kaiju head was very crocodilian in shape, razor sharp teeth filled her jaws to the brim. Her kaiju head yawns as her new set of eyes open. “Znot gut” she struggled to speak with her human mouth barely able to utter the words.

Her massive kaiju head bellows as one of her vines begins to vomit up a body; her body. Dr. Valen was both amazed and horrified that she was able to create a clone of her human body. Without thinking of it, she commands her clone to stand up. When the clone opened her eyes, Valen was able to see through them as if it were her own. Now with a sense of regained freedom she directed her clone to open the chamber door and find a new pair of clothes. She return to see herself in full, “Zoh my, zvhat a beast zi’ve have zgrown into… I vill call you Biollante” she then points using her clone body’s finger at her clone’s chest, “I vill think of vis clone vessel zas my body vor now on. Tis make zhings easier zhat vay” she said while walking to the elevator ready to resume her life.

The year was now 2000, Kaiju slowly began to show up around the world as the Dogora sightings grew more frequent. Several agencies cropped up to deal with both of these threats: FRISBEE, M-COM, Kaiju-Coexistence Corps, G-Force, APEX, and MONARCH. However all but Kaiju-Coexistence Corps and APEX merged into the Earth Defense Initiative or EDI with the M-COM as their combat unit.



Member2KApr-06-2021 12:28 PM

More monsters.....

do the xiliens serve ghidorah or vice versa

expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst


Member2KApr-06-2021 12:54 PM

Just 14 years away now....

“Calling yourself a hero make you a self-mythologizing narcissistic autocrat!”


Member2KApr-06-2021 1:35 PM

The xilien's serve Primal Ghidorah, his children and the xiliens have a mutual relationship.



Member2KApr-06-2021 1:56 PM

Ah... interesting.

expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst


Member2KApr-06-2021 2:50 PM

what do you think of my rendition of Biollante?



Member2KApr-06-2021 3:18 PM


my first thought  was just a million of Dr Elans running around, who injected her with the plant stuff. It seems like Biollante isn’t really a mutation of her but a tumor or parasite. So that’s really cool. 

expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst


Member2KApr-06-2021 4:08 PM

Well Biollante is Dr. Valen's Main Body, her DNA and the Rose Tree along with the serum to make the Beastmen fused them together. She is researching a way to reverse the transformation. I need to make Sims based on my Human and Humanoid characters



Member2KApr-07-2021 12:59 PM

Show the the sims when u make them

expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst


Member2KApr-09-2021 4:45 PM

alrighty, Currently been trying to figure out to move the plot in my recent chapter, also I need to rename Commander Murphy to Lieutenant Colonel Murphy, I just found out Commander isn't a rank its more or less a position



Member2KApr-09-2021 5:34 PM

Alas Hollywood likes to stick fancy words places and use them. 

expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst


Member2KApr-09-2021 9:04 PM

refound out Commander is a rank in the US military but only for the Navy. Regardless this is a fictional branch anyways called M-COM



Member2KApr-12-2021 4:17 PM

I'm kind of in the middle of a writers block, trying decide to reveal Valen's Biollante connection to M-Com early or later



Member2KApr-12-2021 6:34 PM


expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst

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