MemberNoobJul-17-2012 7:20 AMhello, im pulserifle187....i first alien when i was 10yrs, it scared the crap out of me, been a huge fan since lol.
I dont think there has been a movie that has as many innovations as alien. the movie is just riddled with amazing stuff....the space jockey, the facehugger , the chestbust scene , acid for blood, ash the android and the alien itself . i would go as far as to say there has been nothing innovative since....not even close.
"how do you feel?"-" great, next stupid question"

MemberNoobSep-05-2012 9:54 AMHello Chris i am new to this site and just yesterday became a member. so far i have enjoyed the discussions on this site and everyone seems to be very informal i think i am going to have a lot of fun talking about Prometheus, Aliens, along with other sci-fi movies on this site with others. I also look forward to hearing everyone's personal opinions and theories regarding some of my different questions. I am a huge fan of Alien, Predator, The Thing, and now Prometheus so i hope to hear from many people regarding these movies. thank you for the welcome to this site!

MemberNoobSep-14-2012 7:23 AMHello to Everyone!
It seems I overlooked this section on my haste to add something to the discussions going on here, so it is time to amend this bad behavior of mine.
Sorry for my lack of manners, so...
I am Voidhawk.
have been for years a huge science fiction fan, not only of Alien but of all good science fiction, be it books, series or movies. I a also a huge anime and manga fan, with a growing collection soon reaching 1000 titles, collecting also anime figures (models) and imaging, as well as over 40 gigs of japanese music (yeah, I am your average Otaku for sure)
A tentative writer, I have 3 ongoing fanfics (one being a big crossover of sorts - anime series plus Stargate - but with a lot of alterations for a better crossover work) and an original project on the science fiction field.
I am Brazilian, but do visit the US a lot given that I work for an U.S. airline company as Load Planner / Checking / Profiler, Atlanta being my usual destiny (which does tell which company I work for ^^ )
Married, with 2 children.
What else?
Avid reader, my most loved field is science fiction with stints on terror with H.P.Lovecraft work. Next comes mangas, from which I read many different genres - though no Yuri nor Yaioi (not for prejudice please, but it is not my thing...)
Tentative drawing man, I already created some designs for characers and what not for my own story.
What else? I like discussions which add ideas and new venues to known subjects.
Well, that is it for now, and I hope to be able to contribute and learn around this plagues...

MemberNoobSep-20-2012 6:50 AMHello,
Been a long time lurker and thought it was time to post my opinions on things.
The community looks amazing and some good debates go on daily.
Hope to be able to contribute

MemberNoobSep-24-2012 7:40 PMA A late introduction, but here I go, hi all, I never saw the 1979 movie only several years later when it was made available in the 1980s, still a teenager, and still a teenager when I saw the so called 'sequel', but I'm more disenchanted now with the sequel as time went on and have NEVER liked the other attempts and spin offs that followed.
Now, it is on Dan O'Bannon, Ronald Shusetts, Ridley Scott and H.G. Giger's 'alien' and Prometheus that I'm locked in on, and am waiting for the sequel to come through.
In addition, I mostly am interested in sci-fi and horror, be it in book form, movies, comics, etc. I also am a fan of Japanese and European animation.
I'm also a guitarist, I have a Fender Strat and an Epiphone bass, about to get a Gretsch guitar in a month or two. I have big love for the music of the early 1970s (sorry, I can listen but am really not a fan of heavy metal, glam rock or punk rock) then going to the 1960s and further back to early 20th century roots and still going further back.
Rest in peace and God bless to:
Ralph McQuarrie
Dr. Osamu Tezuka
Dan O' Bannon
Vaughn Bode
Gil Kane
E.E. 'Doc' Smith

MemberNoobOct-09-2012 6:57 PMGreetings!
After watching Prometheus the first time I was completely hooked. I think this movie is a revolution to film. With the internet "buzz", including all the viral videos, to all the discussions on here about what the movie is about, this movie will be talked about for years to come.
My interest in movies like this stems from my own personal research into the UFO phenomenon. Unlike most mainstream UFOlogists, I do not believe the extraterrestrial hypothesis is the most valid one. Like the great Jacques Valle, I believe this phenomenon represents a nonhuman form of consciousness. This consciousness may be responsible for the creation and/or evolution of humans. Prometheus asks those tough questions, like where did we come from and is there a god? Is god a mere moral like us or something else? Who created the gods?
Looking forward to the sequel.

AdminAtmanOct-09-2012 7:26 PMWelcome to all new members and lurkers! :) Glad to have you on board! I look forward to reading your posts and discussing the Prometheus sequel with you! If any of you have any questions/comments or need help with the site, feel free to PM me at any time!
Hyped for: Alien: Romulus | Badlands (Predator 6) | Cloverfield 4

MemberNoobOct-14-2012 9:02 AMHi everyone. I saw Alien at the theater when it first came out and I was working for the USDA as a chemist in training. I remember trying to convince some of the squares at the job when we were discussing this new movie that it was full of sexual symbolism and they seemed to lack the imagination or intellectual skills to wrap their heads around that even as I one by one spelled it out for them. Then I saw Blade runner a few years later and was learning about recombination DNA as well as repressor proteins and was amazed how closely the technical aspects paralleled what we were learning in Biochem. And now it is decades later and Ridley Scott, always my favorite Science Fiction film director has returned to where he clearly belongs and I love his movies and discussing all aspects of them as much as I did all those years ago. Great to hear many educational and stimulating takes on Prometheus that I would have never realized without them.

MemberNoobOct-22-2012 10:35 PMSup, everyone. I didn't get a chance to see the movie back in 79: all of my aunts and uncles were not particularly interested in this genre. Anyhoy, I saw 'alien', I believe sometime around 1985 on vhs, I was still a teenager.
Although, I did like, initially, James Cameron's well done 'aliens' and did see it at The Coronet Theater on Geary Blvd in 1986-what a long line that was-with my younger brother, over the years I have grown cool towards it to the point where I don't watch it as much.
Very sadly, the Coronet Theater no longer exist, in it's place, is a newly built home for the aged, I believe. Very sad.
With Prometheus, that expands beyond O' Bannon's premise, I now, only recognize Prometheus and 'alien' and nothing else.
I am hoping for the sequel to be made. Enjoy your evening or day, all.

MemberNoobNov-11-2012 12:05 AMI've been writing here for a while and commenting on other's posts so I guess its about time I introduced myself. I have been interested in Sci Fi since I was a kid and grew up watching both horror and Sci Fi. A little over a year ago I graduated from UC Riverside where I studied O Chem and earned a PhD. This was followed by an additional year there as a post doc. I mention this because I believe grad school and a hard science major provided me with enhanced critical thinking skills as well as analytic capabilities, which I apply to even Ridley Scott movies like Prometheus. Being trained as a scientist gave me a unique perspective on the behaviors of all of the scientists in the story. Virtually all of them made critical scientific errors that resulted in a great storyline but were frustrating to watch as no real scientist would act as they did. But real scientists would be far too careful to jump in feet first or let a wildcard like David run around without a leash on him! I have enjoyed this site and I want to congratulate the web team on a stimulating site that has provided me with hours of entertainment and new insights not to mention additonal links/ information that have added to my overall education on this incredible movie. Long live Ridley Scott. Long live sequels to Prometheus and long live this great site where we can share our insights and up to date info as new material is released!

MemberNoobDec-22-2012 2:25 PMHello, my name is HyperNova. I look forward to discussing intersting topics with many of you in the coming weeks and months! It will be interesting!

Regular Parrot
MemberNoobDec-30-2012 12:25 AMHello. I was freaked out by Alien (at age 12) just from the newspaper reviews and reports of it in the Daily Express! Watched Liens seven times at the cinema, ALien 3 once, Alien four I missed. Saw Prometheus four times at the Cinema. I was born in North Yorkshire about 30 odd miles away from where RS was born, I graduated from Sunderland Universtiy, the same college as RS's brother TS (RIP), a long time after. I'm a big fan of RS and his beuatiful pictures. I think he makes the most visually stunning movies.
Today I have been dedicated to post on as many topics as possible until I pass out from drinking too many beers.

MemberNoobJan-23-2013 7:29 PMGreetings from this side of clear space. I am Mel from the NW region of Washington state. I have been a Trekker since the days when Trek came on air in the 60ies and been a fan of Sci-Fi most of my life. Star Trek first love then came Alien(s). I was so in awe with Promethius. Food for thought. So many similarities with it and in Alien too. So looking forward in watching Paradise. When Alien first came out back in the way time machine of the later part of the 70ies I was so freaked out and hooked. I could not for the life of me put my feet down on the floorboards of the car. Creepy spooky good! Bio-weapons of the third kind I do say!
Along with Sci Fi am a complete weather nut . I am also a lover of nature and animals. Will add more as time in here grows.
Clear space and Good landings!

NCC 1701
Veteran MemberMemberNoobJan-23-2013 8:19 PMwelcome ,,KMel517

MemberNoobJan-28-2013 8:09 PMHi folks, I'm rumsmuggler. I'm a long time fan of the Alien universe, and a long time lurker of this site, but didn't sign up until recently.

MemberNoobJan-29-2013 2:04 PMIt appears that I jumped into the fray without a proper introduction. Forgive my impertinence. Please allow me to introduce myself:
I am malex234, an avid fan of science fiction, horror and thriller movies and books. I first encountered the alien universe in 1986 when I went to see Aliens with a group of guys from college. After that I rented Alien on VHS, and I have been a fan of the series ever since. Now we have Prometheus and possibly a new series to ponder. I enjoyed Prometheus very much, but afterwards, I felt that I had missed something that I should have gotten. After watching the Blu-Ray and most of the special features, I still felt that there was something I was still not getting. I know the film intentionally leaves itself open to further thought or speculation, and I suppose that's what brings me here. My educational background is in the liberal arts (History, English Literature, and Political Science were my areas of concentration). I look forward to trading ideas with all of the members here.

MemberNoobJan-29-2013 4:40 PMaghh the 'humanities' lol

AdminAtmanJan-31-2013 8:41 PMWelcome to all new members, it's great to have you here! :) If you need any help or have any questions, feel free to PM me at any time. Also, be sure to check the [b]Forum FAQ[/b] links in the footer of this site, and all our websites for helpful info on how to use the various features on our network sites.
Hyped for: Alien: Romulus | Badlands (Predator 6) | Cloverfield 4

MemberNoobFeb-08-2013 9:34 AMHi guys, I'm new :) I'm super-late to Prometheus - just saw it for the first time a couple of weeks ago, and I'm totally hooked! I'm not a huge sci-fi fan (more drawn to fantasy & magic), but I do have a lot of favs like 2001, Alien, Contact, The Fifth Element, Code 46, and some others.
I can't think of anything else to say - I'm pretty boring lol. But it's very nice to be here :)

NCC 1701
Veteran MemberMemberNoobFeb-08-2013 10:27 PMHey Electric ,,,, nice to hear from you and welcome,,,,,,,,,,

Hades Infernal
MemberNoobFeb-12-2013 5:35 AMHi every one im Hades what can I say im a massive fan I was born in the 80s I have watched every film and always bought the special editions done many books and games I should get Aliens Colonial Marines through my door today . I bought Prometheus on 3D bluray and I cant stop watching it to the point my wife wants to hide it love it so so much and cant wait for the next I feel like the Aliens Universe can only get more epic so bring it on .
Beware the bearers of false gifts & their broken promises Much pain but still time There is good out there We oppose deception Conduit closing

MemberNoobMay-17-2013 4:35 PMHello! I'm Isadorabelle and I've just joined last night! I'm looking forward to all the discussions here!

MemberNoobMay-29-2013 6:54 AMno point saying who I am, you can read it above:)
I have a love hate relationship with Prometheus. Love the core concept and the films visuals, not so keen on the narrative and all of the execution.
Still, it's an important Sci Fi film and worth discussing.

MemberNoobJun-02-2013 12:11 PMHello all! Just joined, can't wait to get all my questions and ideas out there!

MemberInitiateJun-02-2013 1:29 PMHi Dawning. Welcome aboard! Hope you enjoy your stay with us.

MemberNoobJun-09-2013 10:25 AMHello Everybody
I am Baya and I have been lurking for some time.
Decided that here is the best, most mature and interesting forum for everything Prometheus.

MemberNoobJun-19-2013 3:57 PMHi all, I'm Engin33r0, I entered the community of sci-fied by Prometheus, I needed to share my opinions about the movie with other people that liked the same, now is one of my favorite films, as well the Alien films. Since I have memory'm a fan of H. R. Giger.
Now I'm in this community not just by Prometheus / Alien, but by Pacific Rim, which soon will be another of my favorites movies too. (hehe)
I hope to get along with everyone, and that we can talk freely of what we like and what unites us in one place. Also I ask you all an apology if I speak/write poor English, but it is not my mother language so I'm learning.
Greetings, beware.

MemberNoobAug-21-2013 10:46 AMHi everyone Zager2525 here greet site been reading it since December 2011 think its about time I posted something but it seems to have got lost

speculum fight
MemberNoobSep-03-2013 2:13 PMHello,
I am speculum fight. I really enjoyed Prometheus and the Alien films. I recently watched Prometheus for the first time since I watched it in theaters last year. I find myself liking Prometheus more that when I first watched it, I feel like I "get it" more. My friends and I had a long discussion after watching Prometheus last year and I am looking for that again. There are some great theories and smart discussions both pro and con out there and I am enjoying them all.

MemberNoobOct-10-2013 9:41 PMHello everyone! New here to the site and I figured I might as well add a line here to say hello!
I named him Waggleton P. Tallylicker...but I never got the chance to tell him *sniff*. He will be remembered.