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Hyped for: Alien: Romulus | Badlands (Predator 6) | Cloverfield 4
248 Replies


MemberNoobApr-04-2012 11:24 PM
Hello I'm Synthrimonger94!! Been a huge Alien fan all my life! My favorite is the original Alien and Alien3 the assembly cut which I thought was actually very good and ended the Alien series in a satisfactory way! The original Alien is the best though! Hope Giger has an awesome design for the Proto-Xeno!!


MemberNoobApr-06-2012 2:16 PM
Itt is certainly some kind of a trap. And as implied, maybe something much more unexpected than what they only see. Definitely, all in the trailer declare clearly..."we were so wrong" what remains? " if we don't stop it now...there will be no home to go back too" so...."it's not a's an invitation".So they were wrong about thinking of it as an invitation. So what could be the reason for a higher inteligence to trap other species? leave them homeless? without their mother planets? So in this case the pictograms were planted for that reason in those home planets.That means that the higher intelligence had vistied these home planets. Why then didn't it destroy them then? Why let them evolve? Hmmm.....broad horizons here. The classic version: they let them evolve until as you imply they realize and answer that invitation. At this stage of evolution, they could start becoming a threat. So that would be the time for them to move in and destroy the home planet of the adequately evolved species.What still puzzles me, is why we get throughout the trailer, the feeling of genetic material mixing, alien DNA mixing with human that is? Maybe this is how the higher intelligence is going to destroy the home planet of each species. Two option here: First, they use the visitors to mimic their DNA and move to their respective home planets undetected to execute a destruction plan.Second: they don't just mimic the visitor's DNA to go undetected to their respective home planets...they use this mixed DNA to polute the entire home planet population. And now my last question: polute to just kill them? or mabye polute to trasnform each home planet resident into an alien being same as the engineers? and of course totally under control?(this, in case the mixed DNA cannot make the inhabitants of the home planets as higher beings as the engineers themshelves, but something like lower-intelligence creatures totally controlled by them due to the mixed DNA).Why didn't they just blow up the home planets from the beginning? Before the invitation?I say why bother? or ...creatures at that time would not mix well with the alien DNA if they hadn't yet gone into an advanced stage of evolution (the one that would allow them to accept and fulfill the invitation). Do they want just smart (efficient that is) slaves?Wow man. This could go on forever and not stop till we actually get to see the movie.Thanks for your inspiring thoughts. I will also post this theory indepentendly.I will be glad to hear your thoughts.


MemberNoobApr-07-2012 1:14 PM
Hi everyone, I'm not great with making screen names, so i'll just go with Ben. To say i'm looking forward to this film is a massive understatement!! Every day feels like a week and the release date cannot come quick enough! Anyway, apologies for the short hello, I'm due to haul arse out the door for work in a bit. Laters!


MemberNoobApr-07-2012 4:28 PM
Hi ALIEN is my favourite movie of all time and cant wait for this film out in June and all those questions to be answered who and what are the space jockeys?


MemberNoobApr-08-2012 8:18 AM
Big Fan


MemberNoobApr-09-2012 4:11 AM
Hi.! My name is Kyle and i love the alien movies well the first 2.1


MemberNoobApr-09-2012 4:11 AM
Hi.! My name is Kyle and i love the alien movies well the first 2.1


MemberNoobApr-10-2012 12:15 PM
Salutations, all. I just want to say that if I could ever get a woman to procreate with me, I would name my first child Prometheus.


MemberNoobApr-10-2012 8:37 PM
Welcome ParkerdrankNattiLight....glad to have you with us..


MemberNoobApr-10-2012 8:24 PM
Hi all Bobby From The 'Nati here. Been bug hunting the net for the best forum and landed here!


MemberNoobApr-11-2012 2:14 AM
what up. Big fan of the franchise and RS. Love that this movie is not just a sic-fi but hits homes to many ancient and modern day questions of man....can't wait for the film. My belief is not everything will be answered in this film and possibly we might be even more confused at the end


MemberNoobApr-11-2012 4:44 AM
Hey all you Alien fans out there! Let me properly introduce myself; My name is Jolie, female and a -huge- Alien fan! Let me see, I've been a 'Alien' fan since I was able to watch VHS tapes (since I was 13 years old). My dad was a big Science Fiction fan so ofcourse the Alien franchise could not be very far from it. I've always been into science fiction horror since I can remember. Movies like The Thing, Blade Runner, Terminator and Event Horizon were all one of my favorites! The possibility of being in a spaceship traveling trough the endless dark universe and searching for that other life-form has always fascinated me. My favorite one is Aliens 1986 by James Cameron! Dont get me wrong I liked the first one but the second one had more action, depth and horror in it. I'm also a huge fan of H.R. Giger art. I like everything that has the quality of the ultimate science-fiction-dark-horror-mystery-alien-life form-thing. The first day I heard there would be a "prequel" of the Alien I was -beyond- excited! I always hoped it would be a Ridley Scott or James Cameron film. Only they can 'recreate' the hypnotic Alien story and make it a succes! Thank God its one of them! So I'm counting the days until Prometheus so I can see and judge it for myself. (Ofcourse I have my own theories about "Prometheus" but I'm gonna talk about that in one of the forums otherwise this blog is going to be a bit TOO long :p Other things I like to do is drawing (mainly dark like science fiction things). I would like to meet other Alien fans so I think this is the perfect place to start! I'm new here so if anyone wants to chat about Alien/Prometheus/Ripley/Giger stuff, just let me know! Or follow me on twitter:!/DarkPhoenix878 - Jolie


MemberNoobApr-11-2012 12:21 PM
Excellent site! I'm loving all the suspense and detective work surrounding the film. Prometheus really has kick started my love for the Alien films but I've got a feeling as questions are answered many, many more will be born!


MemberNoobApr-11-2012 8:52 PM
Hi all My name is Vitor and I love the Alien universe. The movie Alien is a legendary masterpiece and I really hope that Prometheus honour his heritage delivering us another great movie. Greetings from Portugal !


MemberNoobApr-11-2012 8:53 PM
Welcome HiveWarrior, glad you could join us....


MemberNoobApr-11-2012 10:09 PM
Hi, been a fan of the original since my Dad sneaked me in to so the film at our local cinema the age of ten...they were called x rated films in those days and the staff couldn't care less. You could even smoke on the left hand side of the cinema, hard to believe now. As a ten year old I was in to everything...Star Wars of course, but Alien and especially Ripley as a ten year old boy had a particular bonus attraction for me, sure I loved the horror and the tension and the excitement. But I was ten then. This time round I'm hoping that Sir Ridley (God Bless Your Soul Sir) Scott has come up with something that makes a leap from his 1979 original. I don't want to see the xenomorphs at all, I really don't, I want to be that ten year old kid boggle eyed looking at things I couldn't possibly imagine, not knowing what the hell was going to happen next. That is all I want from this film. But having said that, I'm not a ten year old anymore and I'm wiser and more jaded. (Think Star Wars prequels.) so I am hoping agains hope that this film will be full on and uncensored by the bean counters in Hollywood.


MemberNoobApr-11-2012 10:12 PM
Simonpaulpeace....welcome my friend...I couldn't agree more with everythingt you just said...


AdminAtmanDec-31-2012 6:54 PM
Welcome to the new and improved -! Glad to have you with us! You'll be busy checking out all the topics we have here, so I look forward to chatting with you all on the forums! :) Happy New Year also!
Hyped for: Alien: Romulus | Badlands (Predator 6) | Cloverfield 4


MemberNoobJun-07-2012 8:10 AM
Hi All to this amazing PROMETHUES website, I'm danial92 and I came from MALAYSIA. I've to be honest that I haven't watch the first ALIEN movie until I watch AVP in 2004, and that is the moment I start recognize the alien creature. As I also watched PROMETHEUS today in normal 3D, it gave a lot more sense that why I should watch ALIEN. I will try to buy the DVD version ALIEN, but I wanna ask fans here is there a remastered DVD version of ALIEN had produced? Furthermore, I feel like I wanna be an ALIEN fan as you guys are after watching PROMETHEUS, because there are so many questions that left to be answer in PROMETHEUS, and I do hope Sir Ridley Scott will do another sequel for it, and connect of what really happen in PROMETHEUS and the ending scene. Well, I will try to participate this forum more often and have a nice day guys and girls......^^


MemberNoobJun-07-2012 8:14 AM
Hi guys. First time posting. Watched the movie, great stuff.


MemberNoobJun-10-2012 4:06 PM
Hey guys I came on board about three weeks ago, and I love it here. Keep up the good work guys, your site is awesome!

Weyland II

MemberNoobJun-10-2012 4:43 PM
Hello Everyone I am so pleased that Ridley had the stones to revisit this universe and I really wish everyone would give him time to flush out his complete idea before they make any judgements. The movie was a good start and if they continue to improve with each new film it could take us to some very interesting places. He was smart enough to not try and explain everything in one movie.

colonial soldier

MemberNoobJun-16-2012 8:16 AM
I guess I been here a while and did not make a introduction. Also, I was banned since I expressed honesty on how we get DVDs here in Afghanistan and a mod was understanding to re-instate me. :) Anyway, I am American born in New York City serving my country for over two decades. I did a stint in the Marines and now in the Army hence my twist of colonial "soldier" versus Marine. Even though I am a former Marine and earned use of the title; many Marines are sensitive about being called soldier and since I am currently (and will remain until I retire) a soldier. So I saw all the Alien movies growing up and on the big screen and purchased their DVD box collections. I was "hyped" when Prometheus was going to get made and now am greatly saddened by the end product. Many people on this site love the movie and I respect their views but in my opinion it is B-movie trash that does not live up to epic or exist in what I think is the Alien universe. Why so critical? Well I was a film major in another life (actually 20 years ago when I was in Reserves not a full-time soldier now) and worked on some low budget features. My name even appears in the low budget NYC flick "Destination Unknown" so I think I have great taste when it comes to quality in a motion picture. During my times, I have loved movies people hated and hated movies people loved. But I think Prometheus stinks and it probably go down as another stinker that gets a good return at the box office and will earn the status "cult-classic". The last movie I got wrong was the sci-fi stinker HARDWARE where I told some good friends we had to see and was hugely disappointed at the end of the film. They all wanted me to give them the money they wasted on the film. Obviously, I like action and war movies. I know and met a few people who actually were there during Black Hawk Down and a Ridley Scott fan but like I wrote; I am not impressed with his last film. I love Blade Runner, Gladiator, American Gangster, GI Jane and Matchstick Men. Alien being my favorite of Ridley Scotts. I even enjoyed his first film The Duelists. I always like his visual filmaking style and enjoyed many films of his brother Tony Scott. I think his movie The Hunger is very underrated. Enjoy the boards.

Can Emed

MemberNoobJun-17-2012 9:45 AM
Hi everyone I'm Can Emed (and also my name is) I am a Surrealist Artist which also highly inspires from HR Giger and his airbrsuh works... I also a Fantastic-Realist artist from Istanbul and I also use airbrush for my Giger-influenced artworks.. I love to make Biomechanical-artworks which is created by Hans Ruedi Giger in 1978's.. I joined 10 exposistions and exhibitions.. and I have 5 solo-retroespective exhibitions on Turkey in past 10 years... Naturally I watched all the Alien Quadrilogy for dozens of times.. and a fan of Science-Fiction movies for that also watched Predator Series and AvP series for dozens of time.. And also aware of that if HR Giger does not exists, the Alien movie can't be made in 1979.... (according to the informations contains "Giger's Alien" Book) Hi everyone again from Istanbul !! ;) Best Regards; Can Emed


MemberNoobJun-18-2012 11:01 PM
Hey Ridleyphiles, sorry I'm late. I always manage to miss premiers. I was the last one on board for Alien, too. Shame. But hey I'm here now, so let the party begin....

Russ Dire

MemberNoobJun-19-2012 5:56 PM
Hello! My name is Russ and I have been a diehard Aliens fan since I was wee. I remember seeing Alien/Aliens when I was like 5 years old and I was hooked. I always loved scary movies/sci fi stuff from a young age even if it did scare me. Hugely influenced by Aliens/Terminator 2/The Thing, etc... I remember I recorded Aliens on an audio cassette when I was young because I spent a lot of time at my grandmothers house and she did not own a VCR (VCR, audio cassette, what are those?!) so instead of watching it I used to listen to it. I always thought of that as an audio book/movie. Strange, I know, I am... Anyways, loving the discussions here and can't wait for anything new along these lines! Remember, movies are for entertainment, so if all you do is hate on the movies or people who like them without an intellectual response or debate, what's the point?


MemberNoobJun-21-2012 6:18 AM
Hello everyone my name is Claudia. Firstly, sorry for my English knowledge I think I'm very bad at it however I have a language exam :)) I'm 18 years old and I live in Hungary. Well, when I saw Prometheus 2 weeks ago I TOTALLY fell in love with this film. Actually I have never seen any sci-fi film beacuse I didn't care about it. My boyfriend wanted to see this movie and I just went with him. I thought it's a boring and ridiculous film but... Wow man, I was full in catharsis that night. After, I saw every Alien and Predator films, I've read everything about this films and I read this forum too :) I am obsessed haha. I like these discussions and it's a very good site ;)


MemberNoobJun-26-2012 12:11 AM
HI, i helped with the screencap gallery. I like to grow organic vegetables in my greenhouse, and i'll beat you badly with Dudley on street fighter 4 anytime! I like to play jazz bass, and also jazz keyboards but usually end up in rock and country bands because of where i live! Someday i hope to use my degree in illustration to make an adventure story/ children's book. It's fun to make techno with logic and if you know anything about the electronic music creation please drop me a line! I have a secret jam room in an old fallout shelter, it was built in the 40's and is underground 2 minutes from my house. I'll post a picture of it here later. This site is a great place to look around, i never get bored here. Thanks for making it, Chris! ~Shawluv:D


MemberNoobJun-28-2012 8:59 PM
Hey where's @Drakesequation ?


MemberNoobJun-30-2012 10:39 PM
Hi everyone I'm vulkus, been a big Aliens fan since it first came out. Seen everything Alienesque since. Absolutely loved Prometheus, good to see the Jockey fleshed out and have his own direction.
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