Rise of the Kaiju (fanfiction)

Member2KMar-01-2021 9:02 PMRISE OF THE KAIJU
Disclaimer: Most of the monsters depicted in this fanfiction are owned by Toho, Daisei, Sony/Tristar, Legendary/Warner Bro’s, TMS, and Tokyo TV.
This fanfiction is unrelated to my Gojiverse, This fanfiction will neither feature any marvel characters nor canonize all godzilla movies; it's its own continuity. I am to make this fanfiction more in-line to a proper Godzilla/Gamera storyline that draws inspiration from all eras (Showa, Heisei, Millenium, TriStar, MonsterVerse, and Reiwa)
Creative feedback is appreciative.
251 million years ago…
A blinding flash of light raced across the mid-day skies before a terrible thunderous roar echoed across the earth. The once clear skies were now smothered in dense clouds of ash. From the Siberian traps came a bright light shooting up into the dark skies, the light exploded into a fireball; radiating like a star before taking form. Massive blinding illuminating golden wings unfurl from its metallic cocoon as the creature stretches out its three biomechanical serpentine necks to their fullest extent.
From the coasts, sharp dorsal spines burst from the watery depths. BwuamBwuamBwuam...blue atomic fire bursts from the water directly at Primal Ghidorah. The Ghidorah recoiled for a moment before firing its gravity beams towards the coastline, the water exploded wherever the beams touched; revealing the kaiju hiding beneaths. A massive triop-like beast rose from the water, it was a Deiakhan, a radioactive deep sea arthropod that serves as earth’s balancer since the late cambrian period. Its tail spines begin to glow blue, Deiakhan flares open its mandibles as it releases its atomic beam into Primal Ghidorah. Ghidorah collectively flashes its teeth before shielding itself with its wings, the atomic energy like a great wave washes over Ghidorah’s golden form. The golden wings unfurl, ghidorah collectively flickers its tongues at its adversary. Ghidorah’s left head fires a gravity beam behind Deiakhan, Ghidorah's right head fires a gravity beam in front of Deiakhan; the guardian kaiju is tossed around like a ragdoll. Then Ghidorah’s middle head roars before commanding all to fire directly at Deiakhan’s soft belly.
Deiakhan squealed in pain as its body was being lifted out of the water by the beams, Ghidorah levitates Deiakhan closer to its trio of hungry mouths. It stretches out its weak vestigial arms to hold the triop-like kaiju onto its smooth scaly underbelly while its jaws clamp down on to Deiakhan’s soft spots. Atomic energy flows into Primal Ghidorah jaws and skin like a sponge. Deiakhan’s body makes one last spasm before recoiling into death. Primal Ghidorah took to the skies as it rained down from the sky a volley of cluster gravity beams onto the planet surface, the earth rumbled by the touch of Ghidorah’s radiant light. The following centuries and millennia the earth burned under Ghidorah’s reign; The forests were dying while many beasts lie suffocating on the surface. Every volcano across the earth has since erupted, leading to what will be called The Great Dying. The oceans were polluted with large quantities of unfrozen methane, causing the waters to become acidic which kills many marine lifeforms. Primal Ghidorah cackled at the destruction it had wrought.
Tiny moth-like insects clinging on to the surviving trees caught in the inferno began to radiate with a blue-green light, their collective energy summoned the avatar of mother earth herself; Gigamoth. Gigamoth flared her wings, she cried out to Primal Ghidorah in defiance, Ghidorah turned its three collective heads towards Gigamoth. Ghidorah’s middle head sneared, the right head growled, the left head turned away from its siblings towards another threat; it was the beetle-like Megalon, the spider-like cephalopod Scylla, the spider Kumonga, the lobster-like shrimp Ebirah, the crab-like shrimp Ganimes, and a swarm of the dragonfly-like Meganulons come to Gigamoth’s aide. The meganulons kamikaze into Ghidorah, the three headed space dragon disintegrates most of the swarm before Kumong spits its web around the left and center head, sticking them together. Megalon charges in prematurally as Ghidorah’s right head is still free, Ghidorah open’s its jaws, a flash of light radiates from within its jaws before blasting the beetle kajiu apart with its gravity beam. The right head turns its attention to free its siblings, Gigamoth seizes her chance, she digs her bladed forearms into the right head’s neck decapitating it. Gigamoth makes a speedy getaway before turning back around to finish off its sibling heads; the middle head fires its gravity beam into its left head, tearing away kumonga’s webbing as well as obliterating lefty’s head. Ghidorah fires its gravity beam into Kumonga, obliterating the spider kaiju. Gigamoth barrels towards Ghidorah, to strike at its last remaining head. Ghidorah ignoring the other arthropod kaiju focuses on Gigamoth, its sibling’s headless necks began regenerating their heads. Gigamoth flares her antenna, a beam of energy fires out of them, the regenerating ghidorah sibling heads bursts into goo. Ebirah clamps its pinchers around Ghidorah's left leg while Scylla wraps her tentacle mouth around the right leg. Gigamoth prepares to slice off the middle head, she cries in anticipation. Primal Ghidorah fires its gravity beam into Gigamoth, the beam sent her flying backwards, in due haste Ghidorah flapped its wings hard to gain lift off despite the efforts of scylla and ebirah, Gigamoth fired her energy beam into Primal Ghidorah as it took to the skies. Scylla and Ebirah release themself from Ghidorah’s leg before falling back into the water.
Primal Ghidorah flees back into the dark cold void of space. Gigamoth landed on Deiakhan’s carcass, she nudged the fallen kaiju to awake. Deiakhan remained motionless, the volcanic fires burned the sky, rivers of molten magma flow to claim Deiakhan’s remains. Gigamoth quickly returns to the skies, she cries as she releases her divine energy over the planet earth. For one million years, Gigamoth spent her energy repairing the damage Primal Ghidorah has brought to the blue planet. A new dawn sets up on the Earth, the Permian period as well as the paleozoic era has now ended, the dawn of the Triassic and the beginning of the Mesozoic has begun. Gigamoth softly lands on a mountain overlooking a great valley. Tiny diictodon leave their burrows as vegetation returns to the surface. Gigamoth will spend the remainder of the Triassic recovering from her wounds, for the time for Ghidorah’s return will come again and she doesn’t know if she would be strong enough to stop them.

Member2KMar-19-2021 12:45 PMYes, Kong will be an adolescent in the 1970's. Things will turn out differently than what transpired in the MonsterVerse

Member2KMar-19-2021 12:50 PMNext chapter will conclude my reimagining of Gojira1954, from there things may get a little crazy. Since I am not going to adapt/remake any other godzilla film from either Showa, Heisei, Millenium, Reiwa, Tristar, or MonsterVerse but inspirations from these verses will be featured.

Member2KMar-19-2021 12:55 PMHere are my hopes:
1. Your new Godzilla looks like the MonsterVerse version
2. The next chapter should end with Godzilla going dormant after getting hit with an atom bomb (similar to G'14)
3. I'd also like to see G'14 and KotM reimagined.
4. and GvK in 2021

Member2KMar-19-2021 1:27 PMUmmm we will see, no promises. Also thinking of upping the decade for Kong's discovery to the 80's because I love the 1980s better than the 70's

Member2KMar-19-2021 1:35 PMAh, that's good.
The 80s are better and it was an inspiration for......
If you have Netflix, you know what Imma talking about.

Member2KMar-19-2021 1:54 PMOne of my idea was after building up of Kong and Godzilla's storylines they would seek each other out and start trying to kill each other then King Ghidorah returns forcing the two kaiju to join forces so basically Ghidorah: the Three headed Monster with Rodan being replaced with Kong

Member2KMar-19-2021 2:02 PMYou mean mecha ghidorah

Member2KMar-19-2021 2:27 PMwell the problem of redoing the MonsterVerse I would end up limiting which kaiju I want to use, also I kind of copied the MonsterVerse in my Gojiverse series. I was planning on having the mecha-kaiju to appear in the distant future

Member2KMar-19-2021 2:32 PMoh.
I want Kong to win though.

Member2KMar-19-2021 2:37 PMhow about a draw or at least a non-lethal victory?

Member2KMar-19-2021 2:42 PMNon-lethal is fine

Member2KMar-19-2021 3:19 PM@SonicTiger
I don’t mean to be rude, But I wouldn’t request things about the story. The story won’t really be interesting if it’s not a surprise
expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst

Member2KMar-21-2021 6:27 AMI am going to make this clear, I am not remaking the MonsterVerse. This fanfiction is my own homebrew continuity hence why the events surrounding the events of 1954 aren't 1-1 with Gojira1954

Member2KMar-21-2021 9:33 AMCHAPTER 5: KING OF THE MONSTERS!
It’s been weeks since the JSDF naval force went on the hunt for Godzilla, but it was all in vain, the beast was no longer there. Godzilla's head rises from the ocean, he let out a subtle growl as the lights of Sans Francisco remind the kaiju the flash of the atomic bomb. “GYOOOOAAAANNNN!!!” its horrible roar could be heard across the Sans Francisco bay, the californian people stop in wonder of the terrible sound. Godzilla swims under the golden gate bridge, unaware of its existence for the time being. A luxury cruise ship was sitting in the bay, the sound of oldies but goodies playing above the surface only agitated godzilla. The beast grabs the keel of the ship with its claws, submerging the ship with all of its inhabitants. The crew and passengers quickly try to abandon ship, the sounds of multiple splashes only angered godzilla. A bright blue light engulfs the cruise ship, the ship comes apart like a crushed cookie till only debris remains. Godzilla swims past the survivors, it’s dorsal spines pulse with atomic energy sealing those survivor’s fate.
Godzilla climbs ashore, “GYOOOAAAANNNN!!!!” Old chevy pickup trucks and cars swivel on the road as Godzilla begins its decimation of Sans Francisco. The US military sent their Tanks, Aircraft, and Ships to draw the king of the monsters away from further damaging the city of Saint Francis. Godzilla made his way back towards the bay, B17s and B29s dropped their payloads onto the daikaiju’s back; the bombs did little to harm godzilla. The Godzilla swims out from the bay as it heads back to the closest hollow earth gateway, Japan.
Meanwhile in the weeks of Godzilla’s absence, the JSDF ground forces have established a defense grid of electric towers on the city limits. A train from races across the railway tracks outgoing from Chiba to Tokyo, “Thank the gods, the JSDF has been working hard to keep us safe” stated a salaryman. “I heard gojira was responsible for that attack on Odo island” the salaryman’s female coworker commented. “I sure hope those towers can hold back something as big as gojira back” another salaryman commented. “GYOOOOAAAANNNNN” Godzilla reappears in Tokyo Bay, only to find the electric towers impeding its path. BwuamBwuamBwuam, its dorsal spines glow blue. Godzilla inhales deep before expelling the atomic energy onto the towers, melting them within minutes. Godzilla tears down the rest of the towers before fling some of them across Tokyo, “GYOOOAAAAANNNN!!!!” Godzilla roars angrily. The king of the monsters begins first attacks shinagawa ward, it decimates a passing train before resuming its rampage through the city. The JSDF sent their tanks and airplanes to stop the beast but like what happened in Sans Francisco they ultimately failed in killing the monster. Godzilla would continue its destructive rampage until it reaches the Sea of Japan. In the aftermath, Dr. Martin along with many others were severely injured, while the dead ranged within the millions. The United States and Japan military forces came together in order to coordinate and ultimately stop Godzilla before it could wreak havoc any further. Godzilla was soon discovered by a soveit russian submarine in the Strait of Tartary, godzilla made short work of the sub. The american agents in moscow reported the tragedy to the white house informing the location of Godzilla, quickly the american and japanese naval forces reached the strait, hoping to destroy godzilla for good.
Dr. Serizawa was reluctant but before he departed for the Tartary strait, he made sure to burn all of his research notes of the oxygen destroyer in hopes that no one would be able to create such a terrible weapon again. “Is the oxygen destroyer ready?” Captain Ogata asked.
“I have made all the preparations, Ogata-san, just make sure you make Emiko happy and be a good father to my son” before Ogata could respond. Serizawa leapt into the water, as the oxygen destroyer was then lowered down into the cold arctic ocean waters. Ogata dived in shortly afterwards to help. There Godzilla was resting on top of the remains of the sovet submarine; sleeping. The two japanese divers slowly lowered the oxygen destroyer near the slumbering beast, Serizawa looked back at Ogata before activating the oxygen destroyer. He gives him the signal to surface, while he draws his diver knife to sever his life support cable. Serizawa looks up at Godzilla, the beast stirs awake as the oxygen around it begins to break down. Its flesh blisters before ripping open, its dorsal spines flood the ocean floor with radiation before darting back to the surface. Its massive body bursts out of the water between the Japanese and American warships, it raises its terrible head out of the water to roar defiantly. “GYOOAAAAANNNNN!!!!” Both naval fleets unleash a barrage of cannon fire into the beast’s wounded body. Godzilla’s eyes widened from the pain, it made one last cry before sinking back beneath the waves. The american and japanese sailors begin to clap as they celebrate their victory. “We have slain Gojira!” shouted an excited japanese sailor. “At what cost? We unleashed an experimental weapon into the ocean that will have who knows what kind of consequences… I fear that this godzilla wasn’t the only one of its kind, there maybe more” Dr. Yamane concluded. As the warships departed from the strait of Tartary.
Deep below the watery depths the tattered remains of Godzilla were then shrouded by the dark abyss. Then bright glowing blue lights suddenly luminated the darkness, the lights came in rows of three, emitted by maple-leaf dorsal plates. The deep sea traveler hovered over the remains of the godzilla which had landed on top of the soviet submarine. Then the traveler hovered over the remains of Dr. Serizawa laid hunched over his oxygen destroyer device. The traveler turned back its gaze towards the dead godzilla, it pushed the dead one with its snout attempting to wake it. “GrrrrrrrrGOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAnrrrrrrrrrrrrnnnnnnnnn” the adult Godzilla roared in anger before retreating out of the area before the oxygen destroying molecules could take its effect on the bigger godzilla.

Member2KMar-22-2021 12:14 PMI am now writing a Kong chapter SonicTiger, I made another alteration, Its going to be set in the early 90's

Member2KMar-22-2021 12:15 PMOh, ok then.
What year do you intend to feature Godzilla's reemergence?

Member2KMar-22-2021 12:21 PMsometime between 1984 to 2004 range. Planning on something big for Godzilla's reemergence

Member2KMar-22-2021 12:28 PMI would recommend 2014, but that's fine.
also, did you see I'm kind of famous?

Member2KMar-22-2021 1:09 PMWhat do you mean? SonicGuy?
expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst

Member2KMar-22-2021 1:15 PM
Member2KMar-22-2021 1:42 PMCool, right?

Member2KMar-23-2021 3:38 PMafter my next chapter planning on reintroducing some of iconic kaiju and kaijin

Member2KMar-23-2021 3:41 PMOkie Dokie.

Indian Ocean
A Plane flies over the expansive ocean between Africa, India, Indonesia, and Australia. “HERE I AM! ROCK YOU LIKE A HURRICANE! HERE I AM! ROCK YOU LIKE A HURRICANE!” the music blares over the speakers in the single ****pit. The plane approaches a massive storm cloud, rain sprays all over the plane as wind begins to bash against the plane’s propellers, wings, and windshield. The sounds of thunderous
roars surround the turboprop plane. A lightning bolt jumps across the thick clouds to strike the red plane’s wing, “Mayday! Mayday! I am losing altitude!” the plane takes a nosedive below the thick storm clouds, the red plane barely misses a large craggy rock formation. The plane carries its way up till it nosedives into a sea of jungle trees. Its propeller wings snap off as the fuselage skips across branches and limbs until it makes a complete stop. Twisted branches hug the crippled fuselage, preventing the plane from touching the forest floor. The pilot and among his passengers were a well dressed englishman, an italian cook, an american radiologist, a german biologist, an american cryptozoologist, and a former US marine. They suffered only minor injuries but were otherwise fine, the radio’s music suddenly started blaring “NEW BLOOD JOINS THIS EARTH AND QUICKLY HE’S SUBDUED! THOUGH CONSTANT PAINED DISGRACE THE YOUNG BOY LEARNS THEIR RULES” Metallica Unforgiven plays at max volume. “Someone turn that bloody music off!” shouted a well dressed man in a safari-eque gettup. “Okay” the pilot searches for the volume control, he turns the dial down which silences the song. The pilot looks out of the windows before attempting to open the plane’s only door. The door gave him some resistance before he shoved all of his weight into it. The pilot almost fell out but was able to double back inside. “Well we haven’t landed...yet” the pilot comments. One by one the passengers disembark the beaten up fuselage onto the adjacent jungle trees. The Music again blares but this time not from the plane, the song sounded distorted mixed with sounds akin to that of an insect. “Nchew blwwd yoins chiss gerth tank schitkey khees shubdoo! Kreek kreek!” A massive orange wasp the size of an 18 wheeler crawls down from the canopy towards the red plane and its seven passengers.
The Waspinator crawls over to the red plane, it penetrates the plane with its stinger then bites down on the fuselage but quickly discovers the plane former occupants fleeing down the branches of the trees. The kaiju flapped its massive wings as it flew to the adjacent tree trunk. The well dressed man screamed as the hornet impaled him with its stinger, killing him instantly. The six remaining survivors began their climb down from some hanging vines. The Waspinator landed on the tree holding the survivors, it snapped its mandibles around the marine, the marine pulled out his bowie knife and stabbed the wasp in the eye. The wasp doubled back before flying away into the canopy. The marine sheathed his bowie knife before returning to the other survivors. The survivors made their trek through the jungle until they came to a clearing that then dropped into a gorge, there they saw a graveyard of derelict ships and airplanes littering the lagoon below. The ground shook like an earthquake as something big was moving in the valley below. “Aaaaaaaaaiiiiiinnnnnnn!” An Anguirus cries. “Unbelievable” The radiologist Gary said in awe. “Makes you wonder if carbon dating is wrong huh?” the cryptozoologist Larry snarks. “On zhe contrary, zhey may zlook ancient hovever zhey could in zfact be a znew species'' Eva the biologist countered. “Enough chatter, we need to find a way off of this island” the marine, Staff Sergeant Ernest commanded, “I don’t wish to become monster food”
The anguirus approached the lagoon to drink its crystal clear water, a dragon-snake Mandra bursts from its waters to constrict the gentle pseudosuchian. However the anguirus was too mighty of an opponent for the snake dragon to handle, the mandra quickly releases the anguirus before retreating back into the water. The survivors made their way down the cliff until they found themselves walking alongside the cliffs edge above a snaking river. The group spotted a large wall made of bones in the distance, “Civilization!” the italian cook Paulie shouted. “Quite,” Ernest darted a glare at the cook. The pilot Matthew was looking at his flight maps wondering, the scientists were exchanging theories with the cryptozoologist. The leaves ruffled nearby, Ernest pulled out his bowie knife. Matthew felt a dart prick his neck, he looked over at Ernest before passing out. The others were struck by a similar dart before Ernest was the last one to be shot. When Ernest woke up, he and the others were now inside separate dungeon cells with a small window. They were now on the other side of the bone wall, they could see a thriving city. The architecture resembles something out of ancient Greece and so too its people. Flags bearing a giant blue beetle on a white background could be seen decorating the great bone wall.
The guards approached their cells, the sound of keys jingling and locks unlocking before the door swung open. “Ela edo” the guard stood in the doorway dressed in armor made of bone. “O Vasilias epithymei na milisei mazi sas” The guard spoke to Ernest, believing him to be their leader. Ernest couldn’t understand the guard, “I don’t understand” he retorted. The Guard now followed by another guard came rushing into his cell, they were unbelievably strong as they overpowered the marine. They escorted Ernest out of his cell through a flight of stairs until they reached the outside, white marble cobblestone laden roads stretched everywhere the eye could see, marble greek columns surrounding all their buildings. The Castle stood in the center like a behemoth, marble statues of beetle-like creatures holding spears and shields lined the roads leading to the castle. Ernest was brought to the castle courtyard, a green field surrounded by marble column walls. In the center of the courtyard was a pool with three handcrafted islands adorned with flags of each culture, the blue beetle flag on a white background represented the island they were on. On the adjacent islands were a white moth on a green background and a brown ape on an orange background.
Ernest is then escorted into the keep itself, being led down many corridors and halls before reaching the throne room. There the king sat slouching upon his throne. He straightens up when he sees the guards bringing him one of the prisoners, “Afiste mas” the king commanded. The guards bow before taking their leave. The King taps at his crown, it briefly glows green. “Ah much better” the King spoke. “What did you just do right now?” Ernest asked. “I now speak your language, now with that explained. I can care to explain to us, why are you here and where did you come from? Oh how rude of me, I am King Arkantos of Seatopia”
“I am Staff Sergeant Donald Ernest of the United States Marine Corps” Ernest states. The King raises an eyebrow, he rises from his throne, “Ah so you are a veteran warrior of the waves? What is this United States? Is that your kingdom? Hmmm what a peculiar name”
“We were caught in a storm, our plane crashed on your island. We lost a man to your godforsaken island” Ernest gritted his teeth.
“Oh my island is not forsaken by the gods. The great Megalon protects all who praise his venerable name”
“Say that to Richard Harrington, man got gutted by a giant wasp stinger”
“Ah yes, the Waspinator, a lesser demon of the southern jungles. You are fortunate to survive thus far, I am terribly sorry for the lost of your companion”
“Waspinator?” Ernest thought the name sounded retarded, he then looks at the many beetle statues that adorn the throne room, “So I guess that’s megalon?”
“Yes, the water god of the trinity islands. Seatopia Island is his home and we are his loyal subjects. The Neighboring islands are Infant island where Mothra the life bringers resides and the island to east is Skull Island, land of the Kongs” the King approached the marine, “Judging your companions, one of them is a sailor of air, the others are scholars, and the fat one is a cook. Your role is their protector, before I grant you and your companion’s freedom you must do something for me first”
“And that is?”
“I wish for you to sneak into the Land of Kong, reclaim our ancestral urn of Joffcetus and bring it back to me. The Iwi are savages and will hunt you if given the chance. I also heard they are cannibals, I will give some of my finest weapons, think of it as a token of goodwill. Now ta-ta”

Member2KMar-23-2021 7:08 PMReally Good. I wanted to know what the language was... so as google translated it. It was Greek. Any way, it was a very good chapter. I wonder how long we’ll have these hunman characters. I am excited to explore the other islands. I like the idea of the islands being in a chain
expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst

Member2KMar-24-2021 7:36 AMThey'll be present in the next chapter, I'll also be bringing back Dr. Yamane and Dr. Martin some time soon.
Yes I decided that Skull Island, Infant Island, and Seatopia should be part of an island chain so I didn't have to retcon saying oh but there are more Gateways, after establishing that there are 3 open gateways to the hollow earth. Collectively the islands are make up the Monster Island archipelago.
Okay next chapter or maybe the chapter after that Godzilla will make another appearance, hopefully.

Member2KMar-24-2021 10:13 AMWhat Skull Island creature would you like to see in the next chapter? It could be anything from the 1933 film to the 2017 film

Member2KMar-24-2021 10:23 AMSkullcrawlers!!!!