Rise of the Kaiju (fanfiction)

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Member2KMar-01-2021 9:02 PM


Disclaimer: Most of the monsters depicted in this fanfiction are owned by Toho, Daisei, Sony/Tristar, Legendary/Warner Bro’s, TMS, and Tokyo TV.

This fanfiction is unrelated to my Gojiverse, This fanfiction will neither feature any marvel characters nor canonize all godzilla movies; it's its own continuity. I am to make this fanfiction more in-line to a proper Godzilla/Gamera storyline that draws inspiration from all eras (Showa, Heisei, Millenium, TriStar, MonsterVerse, and Reiwa) 

Creative feedback is appreciative.


251 million years ago…


A blinding flash of light raced across the mid-day skies before a terrible thunderous roar echoed across the earth. The once clear skies were now smothered in dense clouds of ash. From the Siberian traps came a bright light shooting up into the dark skies, the light exploded into a fireball; radiating like a star before taking form. Massive blinding illuminating golden wings unfurl from its metallic cocoon as the creature stretches out its three biomechanical serpentine necks to their fullest extent.

From the coasts, sharp dorsal spines burst from the watery depths. BwuamBwuamBwuam...blue atomic fire bursts from the water directly at Primal Ghidorah. The Ghidorah recoiled for a moment before firing its gravity beams towards the coastline, the water exploded wherever the beams touched; revealing the kaiju hiding beneaths. A massive triop-like beast rose from the water, it was a Deiakhan, a radioactive deep sea arthropod that serves as earth’s balancer since the late cambrian period. Its tail spines begin to glow blue, Deiakhan flares open its mandibles as it releases its atomic beam into Primal Ghidorah. Ghidorah collectively flashes its teeth before shielding itself with its wings, the atomic energy like a great wave washes over Ghidorah’s golden form. The golden wings unfurl, ghidorah collectively flickers its tongues at its adversary. Ghidorah’s left head fires a gravity beam behind Deiakhan, Ghidorah's right head fires a gravity beam in front of Deiakhan; the guardian kaiju is tossed around like a ragdoll. Then Ghidorah’s middle head roars before commanding all to fire directly at Deiakhan’s soft belly.


Deiakhan squealed in pain as its body was being lifted out of the water by the beams, Ghidorah levitates Deiakhan closer to its trio of hungry mouths. It stretches out its weak vestigial arms to hold the triop-like kaiju onto its smooth scaly underbelly while its jaws clamp down on to Deiakhan’s soft spots. Atomic energy flows into Primal Ghidorah jaws and skin like a sponge. Deiakhan’s body makes one last spasm before recoiling into death. Primal Ghidorah took to the skies as it rained down from the sky a volley of cluster gravity beams onto the planet surface, the earth rumbled by the touch of Ghidorah’s radiant light. The following centuries and millennia the earth burned under Ghidorah’s reign; The forests were dying while many beasts lie suffocating on the surface. Every volcano across the earth has since erupted, leading to what will be called The Great Dying. The oceans were polluted with large quantities of unfrozen methane, causing the waters to become acidic which kills many marine lifeforms. Primal Ghidorah cackled at the destruction it had wrought. 


Tiny moth-like insects clinging on to the surviving trees caught in the inferno began to radiate with a blue-green light, their collective energy summoned the avatar of mother earth herself; Gigamoth. Gigamoth flared her wings, she cried out to Primal Ghidorah in defiance, Ghidorah turned its three collective heads towards Gigamoth. Ghidorah’s middle head sneared, the right head growled, the left head turned away from its siblings towards another threat; it was the beetle-like Megalon, the spider-like cephalopod Scylla, the spider Kumonga, the lobster-like shrimp Ebirah, the crab-like shrimp Ganimes, and a swarm of the dragonfly-like Meganulons come to Gigamoth’s aide. The meganulons kamikaze into Ghidorah, the three headed space dragon disintegrates most of the swarm before Kumong spits its web around the left and center head, sticking them together. Megalon charges in prematurally as Ghidorah’s right head is still free, Ghidorah open’s its jaws, a flash of light radiates from within its jaws before blasting the beetle kajiu apart with its gravity beam. The right head turns its attention to free its siblings, Gigamoth seizes her chance, she digs her bladed forearms into the right head’s neck  decapitating it. Gigamoth makes a speedy getaway before turning back around to finish off its sibling heads; the middle head fires its gravity beam into its left head, tearing away kumonga’s webbing as well as obliterating lefty’s head. Ghidorah fires its gravity beam into Kumonga, obliterating the spider kaiju. Gigamoth barrels towards Ghidorah, to strike at its last remaining head. Ghidorah ignoring the other arthropod kaiju focuses on Gigamoth, its sibling’s headless necks began regenerating their heads. Gigamoth flares her antenna, a beam of energy fires out of them, the regenerating ghidorah sibling heads bursts into goo. Ebirah clamps its pinchers around Ghidorah's left leg while Scylla wraps her tentacle mouth around the right leg. Gigamoth prepares to slice off the middle head, she cries in anticipation. Primal Ghidorah fires its gravity beam into Gigamoth, the beam sent her flying backwards, in due haste Ghidorah flapped its wings hard to gain lift off despite the efforts of scylla and ebirah, Gigamoth fired her energy beam into Primal Ghidorah as it took to the skies. Scylla and Ebirah release themself from Ghidorah’s leg before falling back into the water. 


Primal Ghidorah flees back into the dark cold void of space. Gigamoth landed on Deiakhan’s carcass, she nudged the fallen kaiju to awake. Deiakhan remained motionless, the volcanic fires burned the sky, rivers of molten magma flow to claim Deiakhan’s remains. Gigamoth quickly returns to the skies, she cries as she releases her divine energy over the planet earth. For one million years, Gigamoth spent her energy repairing the damage Primal Ghidorah has brought to the blue planet. A new dawn sets up on the Earth, the Permian period as well as the paleozoic era has now ended, the dawn of the Triassic and the beginning of the Mesozoic has begun. Gigamoth softly lands on a mountain overlooking a great valley. Tiny diictodon leave their burrows as vegetation returns to the surface. Gigamoth will spend the remainder of the Triassic recovering from her wounds, for the time for Ghidorah’s return will come again and she doesn’t know if she would be strong enough to stop them.

259 Replies


Member2KMar-01-2021 10:45 PM

I really cannot finish this tonight, but it is really interesting. I need to finish this though....

expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst


Member2KMar-01-2021 11:14 PM

Should I stay up? I’m having a crisis here.

expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst


Member2KMar-01-2021 11:19 PM

sure, I'm just making a few adjustments to my fanfiction. Like making Ebirah and ganimes being ancestral to lobsters and crabs while not actually being lobsters and crabs since both groups don't appear properly until the jurassic period which is millions of years later



Member2KMar-01-2021 11:46 PM

Is Deiakhan an original Kaiju. I noticed similar abilities to Godzilla but I assume that he is not an ancestor due to his Arthropodal nature. Please correct me.

expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst


Member2KMar-01-2021 11:46 PM

Also I love the footprint canyon image

expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst


Member2KMar-01-2021 11:48 PM

Deiakhan is an original Kaiju he is based on a Triop or a Brine Shrimp, he holds the same niche as Godzilla; being a balancer/destroyer radioactive kaiju. Godzilla I have finally decided to keep his dinosaur origin, so you'll be seeing godzilla's ancestors once I delve into the mesozoic era.


Also thanks for commenting on the Footprint Canyon, I didn't make it but I photoshopped the color to be more contrasted 



Member2KMar-02-2021 8:46 AM

Is Kong going to be in it?

“Calling yourself a hero make you a self-mythologizing narcissistic autocrat!”


Member2KMar-02-2021 9:07 AM

Yes, but Kong's ancestor doesn't come into the frame until the Miocene



Member2KMar-02-2021 10:51 AM

Quick question, I'm thinking of making a Godzilla Vs. Kong prelude fan-fic centering on MONARCH.  Is it ok with you if I do end up doing it?

Please note, I may not do this.  It's only an "if" at the moment.

“Calling yourself a hero make you a self-mythologizing narcissistic autocrat!”


Member2KMar-02-2021 11:54 AM




Member2KMar-02-2021 12:07 PM

Ok, if I do make a fanfic for MONARCH, I may need some collab help.

Any words of advice?

“Calling yourself a hero make you a self-mythologizing narcissistic autocrat!”


Member2KMar-02-2021 12:11 PM

Don’t use existing characters, and if you need to, don’t use them that often.

expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst


Member2KMar-02-2021 12:13 PM

Oh, I was going to use some all-new characters and Madison Russell...how much should I use her in?

“Calling yourself a hero make you a self-mythologizing narcissistic autocrat!”


Member2KMar-02-2021 12:26 PM

When I said that I was referring to Mark or an Adult Character, and like not as the main character. I misspoke 

expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst


Member2KMar-02-2021 12:27 PM


51 million years later… Late Triassic.


Earth has nearly recovered from the permian-triassic extinction. The order of animals drastically changed since then, in the beginning it would seem like the previous rulers of the permian; the therapsids, would dominate the new triassic world. However since mid triassic and maybe a bit before then in the final millenia of the early triassic: A new order of animals have quickly evolved to fill in eco niches left open by the permian therapsids; the reptilian archosauriformes. Most archosauriformes either resembled strange crocodiles or large lizards, flash forward in the late triassic, three clades of archosaurs gained dominance: the bird-like Pterosaurs, the protobird Dinosaurs, and the ancestral crocodilian pseudosuchians. Therapsids in the meantime grew smaller and more mammal-like during the interval.

Gigamoth remained indifferent to these changes in the biosphere. She was more worried by the slow recovery of her fellow guardians, the megalons, ganimes, ebirahs, and meganulons were hit harder than any previous extinction cycles with the decrease in the earth’s oxygen levels drove a lot of arthropod species to extinction; Scylla and cephalopods like them were also affected by it. The time was no closer for Gigamoth to renew herself. She took to the skies to find a nesting site for her reincarnation. She quickly darted toward a deep ravine as she clinged to the cliff-side looking for the perfect place to lay her egg. She finds a nice ledge, she carefully spins a thick web between the ledge and the ravine as she lays her progeny in the web cradle. Gigamoth cries in relief once her mission is now accomplished, she could finally rest and await her rebirth. 


Night fell immediately on what was midday, an eclipse? Gigamoth hissed as a dark mass flew past her nest from the bottom of the ravine. The dark mass hovered above her, firing a red gravity beam into the moth goddess. Gigamoth countered the gravity beam with her antenna beam. The shadowy mass quickly took the form of a three headed dragon. Dark Ghidorah resembled a jet black Primal Ghidorah with a white skull-like visage. Its eyes burned red with hatred for her species. Dark Ghidorah’s center head commanded its left and right heads to bite a hold of Gigamoth’s wings, Gigamoth screamed in agony, the center head of dark ghidorah cackles. Energy was being filled into Gigamoth, she hissed as Dark Ghidorah was channeling its own dark energy into her. But for what purpose, she didn’t know, she knew she had to fight it and not give in to her adversary. Gigamoth flared out her wings, channeling all of her strength to her wings. Dark Ghidorah cackles fearlessly, waiting for Gigamoth’s next move. Gigamoth fires another beam from her antenne this time a bit stronger than the previous one. Dark Ghidorah retaliates with its red gravity beam into Gigamoth, Gigamoth shrieks as she is pulled from her nest before being cast down into the ravine. Dark Ghidorah roars triumphantly as it makes its way to Gigamoth’s egg. The dark dragon wraps its black wings around the egg, pouring its dark energy into the unborn gigamoth. 


Gigamoth, refusing to give up, impaled the cliff side with her mantis-like claws. She cries definitely before thrusting herself back into the air as she soars all the way up to her nest. She flares her wings open, borrowing the free life energy from the surrounding forests. Dark Ghidorah turns its trio of heads to its adversary, Gigamoth shrieks as she charges towards the dark dragon with her claws ready to strike. The Ghidorah fires its red gravity beams into Gigamoth. Gigamoth begins to undergo a metamorphosis as the red gravity beams seem to be moving increasingly slower as she approaches her target. Dark Ghidorah shrieks as Gigamoth’s claws impale it's dark frame while being dragged far away from Gigamoth’s nest. Ghidorah in its last act of resistance orders its left head and right head bite down on Gigamoth’s wings while the center clamps its jaws around gigamoth’s head. Gigamoth had Dark Ghidorah right where she wanted it, she pulled all of the energy gathered in her wings into her core and with one last defiant cry she detonated herself. Both kaiju exploded in a blazing light that shook the earth, both Gigamoth and Dark Ghidorah were reduced to ash. 


Their fading life energy touched all organisms in the vicinity including a pack of early dilophosaurids called Gojirasaurus. The Gojirasaurus would resemble its later namesake relative: A pair of fan-shaped crests on its head and a hook snout overbite. Gojirasaurus however was unlike its comtompary theropod relatives as it retains a fourth functional finger on its hand while most neotheropods fourth fingers are vestigial or non-existent. The gojirasaurus hunted like their contemporary the Coelophysis in disorganized groups, the pack was hunting a plant eating pseudosuchian called Anguirosuchus. Unbeknownst to them was Gigamoth’s egg resting alone in the ravine below. 

The egg began to hatch, light energy and dark energy began to erupt forth as a familiar cry echoes from within the ravine. Three larvae pull themselves free from the egg, two of the larvae were brown in coloration with blue eyes while the runt was black in coloration with red eyes. One of the brown larvae attempts to commune with its darker sibling only to be hit by a weak dark energy beam from the dark one. The other brown larvae shrieks at the dark one for injuring his sister. The dark one charges after the other brown one only to be spinned into a cocoon by its brother before being pushed off the cliff edge. The dark one howls as it falls down the ravine. The dark one survives its fall before moving on to find its own place, it shrieks angrily before inching its way past three metallic boulders resonating with dark energy.


A month later...


The two brown larvae have since grown into their imago forms. The female grew into a white beautiful moth with orange stripes and black underneath covering her body, her wings were patterns of white, black, yellow and orange; Mothra was her name. Her brother was similar in color except his wings were rainbow colored; Leomothra was his name. The dark one shedded his first larval form, resembling a demonic caterpillar with a yellow trident-shaped horn on his head before growing into his imago form; his name is Battra.



Member2KMar-02-2021 12:38 PM

But would that advice apply to Madison as well SarcasticGoji?

“Calling yourself a hero make you a self-mythologizing narcissistic autocrat!”


Member2KMar-02-2021 12:45 PM

I mean that Madison if she’s important she should be like doing things, but she shouldn’t be the focus of the story. An original character should have the arc. Unless you feel confident handling an existing character, then I would not make them the main character.

expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst


Member2KMar-02-2021 12:46 PM


We all know who really ending the Permian. 

expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst


Member2KMar-02-2021 12:46 PM


expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst


Member2KMar-02-2021 12:49 PM

Dark Ghidorah...........


Is it unrelated to desghidorah? Or is it the same?

expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst


Member2KMar-02-2021 12:54 PM

Come on people!
Upvote this

expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst


Member2KMar-02-2021 1:02 PM

I'm going to be having a focus on 2 totally new characters.

I think I need to show my idea:

So anyways, my story would take place after Godzilla: King of the Monsters, and it would focus on a new character, new kaiju, and it would be split in 2 parts.  The first part would be about the first new character and Madison getting caught in a battle between titans who don't want to accept Godzilla's titan monarchy.

The 2nd part would have the other original character, this one would be working on Skull Island and end up being separated from the rest of MONARCH's Skull Island people and have to fend for themselves.  The character would encounter Kong (but Kong will only show up at the end to fight some new original monsters), and some other Titans emerging from Hollow Earth.

The two part titles would be these:

GvK Prelude Part 1: Reign

This week

GvK Prelude Part 2: Survival

Any time before 3/19

That's all of my ideas. 


“Calling yourself a hero make you a self-mythologizing narcissistic autocrat!”


Member2KMar-02-2021 1:09 PM


expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst


Member2KMar-02-2021 1:18 PM

Any more pieces of advice?

Just want some creative help in case I hit a dead end in the middle.

“Calling yourself a hero make you a self-mythologizing narcissistic autocrat!”


Member2KMar-02-2021 1:24 PM

Nope. Except upvote this

expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst


Member2KMar-02-2021 1:43 PM


“Calling yourself a hero make you a self-mythologizing narcissistic autocrat!”


Member2KMar-02-2021 1:56 PM


Is Dark Ghidorah, Desghidorah or Original?

expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst


Member2KMar-02-2021 2:14 PM


“Calling yourself a hero make you a self-mythologizing narcissistic autocrat!”


Member2KMar-02-2021 2:42 PM

Dark Ghidorah is an Original Kaiju



Member2KMar-02-2021 3:06 PM

surprised no one commented on Gigamoth

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