Explain your user name (time to lighten up)

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MemberLegendAug-01-2017 7:29 PM

For instance, mine is from one of my favorite bands and is also my initials. How about you?

48 Replies

Timmy the ultramorph

MemberContributorAug-02-2017 10:53 AM

my username is timmy the ultramorph because I have always wanted to seean ultramorph in a future movie. I really do not know why I have timmy in it. My name is not timmy.

food ain't that bad! - Parker

Deep Space

MemberInitiateAug-02-2017 11:00 AM

No reason, really, just popped in my head and seemed relevant.

I did/do like how it sounds though.  I only have a few other on line avatars and they are all terrible by comparison! :) 

Good thread DK 


Member2KAug-02-2017 11:32 AM


Xeno referencing the Xenomorph

Taris because it sounded cool like a Protoss name.



MemberNoobAug-02-2017 12:49 PM

My little sister helped me get my first email address in 1993. She was so much smarter then i was and is not with us anymore. So i cannot ever get rid of that name. She gave me the name cause i used to be a sponsored snowboarder for allian snowboards and vail snowboard supply company. That and i obviously live in Vail Colorado. I miss her greatly and she loved the Alien films.



MemberLegendAug-02-2017 12:56 PM

ridinvail Thanks for sharing that. 


MemberContributorAug-02-2017 4:13 PM

@ridinvail that is so nice to hear and nice of you to share. RIP ridinvail's little sister.

Capt Torgo

MemberInitiateAug-02-2017 5:14 PM

Now I know why Geiger made Fox nervous a bit, what a picture, still grossed out, lol. Mine comes from the days of smoking the herbs of the earth and an alternate stoned personality, I think! Only been a hardcore Alien franchise fanatic for about four years but I live it and breathe it. Like it's a calming agent running them for the thousandth cycle. Good times, mostly


MemberLegendAug-02-2017 6:58 PM

Capt Torgo Might that be Targo from Manos?


MemberInitiateAug-02-2017 10:40 PM

I've been using my handle for many years now. It's a reference to some rather obscure work by Pink Floyd in their early psychedelic pre-Dark Side of the Moon days.



MemberContributorAug-04-2017 5:52 PM

Loving everyone's answers so far!

Well, when I first joined this forum it was just because I wanted to post my fan fiction "After the Crossing".

David's little taxidermy project made a cameo in my story, so I decided to make my username a reference to that. :)


MemberLegendAug-04-2017 6:08 PM

VivisectedEngineer Is there a Vivian in the mix as well? I always wondered about that name.


MemberContributorAug-04-2017 6:29 PM


I actually really love that inference! But no, I'm afraid my real name isn't anything close to Vivian. I never made that possible connection until you guys pointed it out!

In fact, when I chose it for posting my story, I was actively trying to avoid picking anything that sounded feminine because I always fear my writing will be judged more harshly if people know that I'm female. 

My dad and husband both thought it was really funny that such a macabre name got morphed into something nice though, lol.


MemberLegendAug-04-2017 6:39 PM

VivisectedEngineer Thanks- it is interesting to hear what goes into user names- even if it is just something random as a couple have stated.

Trash panda

MemberConversationalistDec-10-2019 9:46 AM

Mines Monster_Zero because I'm a BIG Godzilla fan and 2112 are the numbers from Rush's classic sci-fi album, 2112.  

Ah shit I’m using my wrong eye again. Sorry that was meant to be behind your back


MemberRespectedDec-10-2019 9:54 AM

Mine is the suit name for GMK godzilla.

Zwei Wing is the best singing duo. Change my mind.


MemberRespectedDec-10-2019 1:30 PM

Well, mine is just that I'm lazy, and that I like fish. Then put "the". Literally that's it.

If people weren't lazy, we wouldn't try to be efficient. If we weren't efficient, we'd never get anything done.


MemberContributorDec-10-2019 7:32 PM

Mine is just a combination of three of my favorite things: Minecraft, dinosaurs, and Kaiju.


MemberConversationalistDec-27-2019 9:07 PM

At first my name was 21pilot-FlyleafFANKaiju which was really dumb so I changed it. My name was that because I like 21 Pilots, Flyleaf, and kaiju (I for some reason didn't reference Breaking Benjamin though...) but now my name is Flyleaf-Rapt0r because I still like Flyleaf and Velociraptors.

i've officially left. thanks for the memories!
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