Explain your user name (time to lighten up)

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MemberLegendAug-01-2017 7:29 PM

For instance, mine is from one of my favorite bands and is also my initials. How about you?

48 Replies


Member2KAug-01-2017 8:00 PM

Mine is short for ‎Internecivus raptus. Latin for Murderous Thief.

I. raptus = Species name of the Xenomorph.

I Raptus = song name on my bands first EP latin for I Steal...


But, It was also a deliberate reference to Alien :)  


I Moon Girl

MemberContributorAug-01-2017 8:08 PM

Mine is from a personal relation with Noomi Rappace.  It wasn't very long, but it's something.  

I can't talk about it and I haven't talked about it with anyone.  It's not that I don't want to, but most people wouldn't care.  The reason why I am not going to talk about it here is because I am not writing it on the internet for it to go who knows where.  I never told anybody before now because the first person I could actually trust with this info, I couldn't, because the event that related back to Noomi Rappace was still going on. It just didn't involve Noomi Rappace anymore.  I couldn't trust anyone at that time just for my own safety.  Noomi Rappace was a small, yet a serious part, of the chain of events that occurred over a number of months.  The real story is in the chain of events.  Noomi Rappace was just a part of it.

It's nothing, yet it leads to greater questions that I have answers for, but cannot tell.  I don't know the people on this forum enough.  The big answer is going to be coming around the turn of 2018.  I might be able to share the story then.  Still, what has happened in the past is true and I just got to keep remembering that regardless of what answer I get around the turn of the new year.

This is probably the most I have ever talked about those events and the main reason why is because you asked and I think it's safe enough to say what I said, but that is all that is going to be said.

I originally chose the user name "toman", which was a long time nickname for me within my family.  Then, one day I realized that I can actually share those events on this website by changing my screen name to "I Moon Girl".  It sounded like a great idea and a way for me to actually take ownership over those events.  This is also another reason I am writing about it now.  I don't have many close friends, so there's no one to trust really.  A person I could've trusted, but couldn't at the time, isn't really a friend anymore.  We've just gone separate ways really. That's all.

The avatar picture is a picture of Noomi Rappace in L.A., California.  It's a very nice picture of here and I enjoy looking at it.  She's got a pretty face.

I guess that's it.


MemberLegendAug-01-2017 8:09 PM

Interesting- Latin- not used as much anymore but a huge foundation for language at least in the US.


MemberLegendAug-01-2017 8:14 PM

I Moon Girl Thanks for sharing! That is an interesting story. It is understandable that members only share what is comfortable for them.


MemberInitiateAug-01-2017 10:53 PM

Hox genes control the body plan of an embryo. Ring any bells?


MemberLegendAug-02-2017 1:54 AM

hox Interesting. Could you elaborate? I am afraid I am unfamiliar with genetics at that level.


MemberNoobAug-02-2017 2:00 AM

I Moon Girl, Did Noomi Rappace refuse to sign an autograph or take a selfie with you?


MemberNoobAug-02-2017 2:07 AM

DK, I love Dead Kennedys, got all their albums plus alot of Jello Biafra side project stuff. His record label Alternative Tentacles released alot of cool music too.

There's also the link to Alien, when Dead Kennedys used HR Giger's painting 'Penis Landscape' on album artwork, there was alot of trouble/legal problems/court cases in USA because of Gigers work.



Member2KAug-02-2017 2:32 AM

I Moon Girl I think you are very brave for sharing that with us.

Thank you :)


Ah, it was the Dead Kennedy's who had the Penis Landscape Giger work lol. thanks JOHNNYMORPH


MemberLegendAug-02-2017 2:39 AM

JOHNNYMORPH Yes, DK almost went broke with the Penis Landscape done by Giger. Jello went on to do several spoken word tours and did some great stuff with Guantanamo School of Medicine with great musicians including Adam Jones of Tool fame. It is always nice to meet a fellow DK fan.

As far as I Moon Girl is concerned- she posted her reason per the OP and it should be left alone. After all, I do not see that you explained your user name. 

Necronom IV

MemberInitiateAug-02-2017 2:44 AM

I think mine says it all. The name of the original painting of the creature by HR Giger that was the foundation for the Alien. Love the name, sounds very sinister and fits the creature perfectly :)

"Kane's son"


MemberLegendAug-02-2017 2:48 AM

Here is the DK/Giger connection. What is interesting is one penis has a condom. 


Member2KAug-02-2017 2:50 AM

Necronom IV it is a splendid and iconic name to have indeed. well picked.


MemberLegendAug-02-2017 2:52 AM

Necronom IV Indeed- no explanation needed!


MemberConversationalistAug-02-2017 2:53 AM

I guess mine is obvious, it was the first that came into my mind in a rush to become a member of this forum, an anagram of Daniels. It does not imply that I'm a fan of Daniels or Aliens. 

"He survived, he’s now in Disneyland in Orlando, and no way am I going back there. How did he end up in Disneyland? I saw him in Disneyland, Jesus Christ!"


MemberLegendAug-02-2017 2:59 AM

daliens Nice and creative name!


MemberInitiateAug-02-2017 3:18 AM

@dk, Not a geneticist myself, but there's quite a good article about Hox genes on Wikipedia. In loose terms, they are the bits of DNA that determine the type of structures (wings, legs, vertebrae etc.) that will form when an embryo develops. Mess about with Hox genes and you will end up with some unusual body parts and mutations. Their physical basis (which is cross-species - thanks, Engineers!) was identified relatively recently in 1983. These genes will unquestionably play a part in David's tinkering about.


MemberContributorAug-02-2017 5:07 AM

Username: Sherris - wait for it, wait for it.......

dan dan darrrrrrr

My name.

Sorry very boring i know. no interesting story here ;)

Take This.... This is the blood of our lord


MemberInitiateAug-02-2017 5:44 AM

I use Jonesy because he is a survivor but without trying hard to achieve that. 


MemberNoobAug-02-2017 5:45 AM

Merlinamagus - a play on the name Merlin and the word 'mage'. Acquired as a result of my longing to be a wizard when young, long before the days of Potter et-al.

"Is that a question Sir?"


MemberNoobAug-02-2017 5:57 AM

Leeta, from Deep Space 9. :)


MemberContributorAug-02-2017 6:43 AM

self-explanatory if you're a child of the 70's-80's, lol...

I Moon Girl: Very great to read your story. Curious interest makes me want to hear the rest of it when the time is right!

Cerulean Blue

MemberInitiateAug-02-2017 7:07 AM

Mine is from a great X-Files episode & also my favorite color!


MemberContributorAug-02-2017 8:06 AM

@Cerulean Blue Ahh, "Pusher"! One of our fave tv series of all time for me & my wife. Millennium was a pseudo-spin off that for some reason never got off the ground, but it was very dark and our favorite Android, Bishop (LH) was the star.


MemberContributorAug-02-2017 8:26 AM

It's nice to hear a bit of backstory from everyone so far (and anymore coming along!) Great topic choice, dk! 

My username is simply a nickname that a friend in my high school journalism class annointed me! It never really stuck, but that has been the case with every nickname so far in my life. Still, I have always loved Cuponator3000. It's silly (of course), but still make me feel like a badass sometimes haha! 

Not a map, an invitation

Cerulean Blue

MemberInitiateAug-02-2017 8:44 AM

@Starlogger - Robert Patrick Modell at your service!  HAHA!!

I was a big fan of Millennium, too!  I am also a loyal fan of Lance Henriksen aka Bishop!


MemberInitiateAug-02-2017 9:32 AM

Mine is easy to figure out....I won't even give a hint.  A few of you have done similar with your moniker on here 


MemberInitiateAug-02-2017 9:32 AM

...and know mine...


MemberNoobAug-02-2017 10:16 AM

DK, I also got Jello on albums with Tumor Circus, NomeansNo, The Melvins, Lard and The Revolting ****s. Love all that stuff....

My username is a combination of my first name and Morph, which is a term associated with the Alien universe....

Also, I Moon Girl gave a long statement about some connection she had with Noomi Rappace. If you write a message like that you've got to expect that people here would be interested what the story is. Saying she might tell us what its about in early 2018 is strange. Why early 2018? Why not now? I only asked a question and if she didn't want us to ask questions, she maybe would've been wise to not bring up an encounter with Noomi Rappace.


MemberLegendAug-02-2017 10:30 AM

JOHNNYMORPH It is a large community with people from many walks of life. We have different ways with dealing with things. She has been reached out to.

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