War for the Planet of the Apes is nigh!

Scified2017-06-27 11:44:18https://www.scified.com/articles/war-for-planet-the-apes-nigh-7.jpg
Written by Gavin12,795 Reads2 Comments2017-06-27 11:44:18

In a fortnight's time, the third movie in 20th Century Fox's critically acclaimed Planet of the Apes reboot series will explode into theaters worldwide. According to early reviews on Youtube, it looks like director Matt Reeves and star Andy Serkis have once again crafted a beautiful piece of cinema with many once again claiming that Serkis' performance as the leader of the apes Caesar is deserving of at least an Oscar nomination.

This, the final, final trailer finally reveals the catalyst that pushes Caesar into a war against the humans, a conflict he has fought so hard to avoid. Early reviews have heralded Steve Zahn's "Bad Ape" as the films much-needed comic relief; giving the audience a much-needed break from the heavy and dramatic themes that have made the new Planet of the Apes movies modern classics. 

A word of warning from the early reviews is that War for the Planet of the Apes is not an action heavy war movie but is, as with its predecessors a drama with heavy themes that make you reassess your view of humanity. Although the human's in these movies are never depicted as stereotypical movie villains, it is the bad decisions that they make out of fear contrasted against Caesars fight for freedom and peace that makes us sympathize with the legendary ape. As with the Terminator movies, the underlying theme of these movies is that mankind will inevitably be the very instrument of its own demise.

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MemberInitiateJun-27-2017 3:49 PM

Words cannot express how excited I am to experience this movie.  I have a feeling this film will break my heart 9 ways to Sunday, and I'm nervous but ready to see how this story concludes.  Could Serkis finally receive the Oscar recognition he's been criminally denied all these years?  I certainly hope so; it's been a long time coming.

These movies have all truly been something special.  Reboots done right, blockbusters done right... films done right.  They are shining examples of cinema in an era of unoriginality.  They have something to say, while still being, as Roddy McDowell himself once said of the original Planet of the Apes films, "wildly entertaining at the same time."

Bring on the War. :)


MemberNoobNov-24-2023 8:49 AM

i like thus planet of the apes movies sequels .they are a movies success.there is something on this apes something scary and funny at the same time..they overthrow the humans and takeover the planet ..in our imagination..

the question is  in the real life are the apes a real threat for the humans.............??.

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