Transformers Wallpapers Reveals New Transformers & Dinobot Origins Revealed!
Scified2014-04-12 06:47:17
Written by Gavin12,212 Reads8 Comments2014-04-12 06:47:17

To accompany the forthcoming movie Transformers: Age of Extinction Hasbro have released a batch of character art desktop wallpapers of the Autobots, Decepticons and Dinobots that will feature in the movie. These wallpapers include the names of the Transformers - leading to some unexpected surprises for those of use trying to decipher which Transformers will feature in the forthcoming movie...


No major suprisesreally for the Autobots, although we now know the name of the above Autobot, Crosshairs, who is seen in the trailer parachuting through a city with guns in each hand - as featured on our Facebook page.


Decepticon Lockdown is now fairly well known, but Stinger whom also appears in the movie many had wrongly presumed would be Rodimus, although if you look closely Stinger is identical to Bumblebee's new look, but in red (a shapeshifting Decepticon maybe)? The biggest surprise is the above Galvatron, who in the animated series was former Decpiticon leader Megatron reformatted into a new form by Unicron. Before there were any major details on the forthcoming movie many fans suspected Galvatron would feature as a way to resurrect Megatorn after his death at the hands of Optimus Prime in Dark of the Moon. Reportedly Galvatron will be a Transformer made by humans, presumably using Megatrons remains. 


Grimlock is already well known to feature in the forthcoming movie, but his cohort from the animates series that transformed into a Triceratops, Slag, is here named Slug - a renaming or a typing error? Many fans have mentioned the possibility of Swoop (transformed into a Pteranodon) as seen in the trailer, but above the two headed "Flying Reptile" Dinobot is clearly named Strafe. Most interesting is the additional Scorn (Spinosaurus) and Slash (Velociraptor). Unfortunately their is no mention of Snarl, whom in the animated series transformed into a Stegosaurus.

In the animated series the Dinobots were created by Autobots Wheeljack and Ratchet. Yet it seems that only Ratchet will feature in Transformers: Age of Extinction. We have speculated here previously that maybe the Dinobots where a group of Transformers that arrived on Earth during the age of the Dinosaurs - and it appears we may have been right, if the below photo is correct (a clearer image of Grimlock breathing fire is below, courtesy of EW)?

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MemberNoobApr-12-2014 7:53 AM

Forgive me, I don't have any knowledge of the older imaginings of the transformers but did galvatron always look like that? If not that circular thing on his breastplate area is a desperate copy of the jaeger Gypsy Danger but nonethless it looks very cool.


MemberNoobApr-12-2014 8:55 AM

they renamed him slug because slag is a derogatory term in the UK. at least thats what i heard. and no galvatro never looked like that beforebut yes he does look very cool anyway


MemberContributorApr-12-2014 10:41 AM

Galvatron! Sh*t just got real!

Also I'm loving the new Dinobots. Slug was originally called Slag, but he was renamed because in the UK, it's a derogatory term. I kinda like him named Slug instead of Slag. I just sounds better with his look (you know when you say that some one looks like a certain name. he looks like a ryan for example). I assume Strafe was based of of Swoop. So, why the two heads? It still looks awesome though. And I love that the new Dinobot Slash has devoured 8233 stoplights because they were red. Lol. This is going to be worth seeing.


MemberContributorApr-12-2014 10:54 AM

double post


MemberContributorApr-12-2014 10:55 AM

double post


MemberContributorApr-12-2014 10:59 AM

There should be a Dinobot trailer. That way we get to see them in action before the movie.


MemberContributorApr-12-2014 11:05 AM

Has anyone else noticed how all the Dinobots' names begin with "S" except for Grimlock?


MemberNoobApr-13-2014 3:07 AM

All of them looks terrible, Are those dinobots or spikobots? how many spike do you need to put? those spike looks really ugly, similiar to venom from spiderman 3, Lockdown looks like an old man, Hound has beard? And galvartron looks really ugly, And that thing on it's chest looks like a copy of Gipsy Danger from pacific rim, Yeah michael bay rip it off from other movies.... very disappointed.

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