With events such as the San Diego Comic Con, panels such as those hosted by Nerd HQ and platforms such as our own (and the many others online), fans of movies finally have a voice. While that voice may be a mere whisper in Hollywood, it is being heard, as has been proven with this weekends comic book movie hit Deadpool, which was green lit by studio 20th Century Fox after visual effects test footage was leaked to almost unanimous praise from fans.
One element in which fans are usually very vocal is in the dream casting of a role. Normally such ideal speculations fall upon the death ears of ignorant studio heads but in 2014 Marvel Studios listened to the fans and cast Star Terk Into Darkness star Benedict Cumberbatch as Doctor Strange. Another element in which studios are listening to fans is when an actor rallies themselves for a role, usually to much negativity from the fans, with one example being the recent attempts by Ronda Rousey to be cast in Marvel Studios cinematic universe as Captain Marvel.
Let's lay some CABLE. You know I want it. This is pre-training. Thanks for spreading the word. #Deadpool pic.twitter.com/jI1Y1i0oH0
— Stephen Lang (@IAmStephenLang) February 13, 2016
Coming back to Deadpool, fans have been rallying for either Terminator and Aliens star Michael Biehn or Avatar star Stephen Lang to take on the role of Deadpools long suffering partner Cable. While Michael Biehn is eager to reprise the role of Hicks in Neill Blomkamps Alien V, if it happens, it appears that Lang is open to the possibility of bringing Cable to the big screen, as shown in his tweet above.
It goes without saying that the casting of Stephen Lang as Cable would be ideal for a Deadpool sequel. If only Hugh Jackman would change his stance on Wolverine and reprise the role just once more in a rematch with Deadpool.
About the Deadpool 3 movie

Deadpool 3 September 6th, 2024
Official plot synopsis for Deadpool 3 has yet to be revealed.
Directed by TBA, Deadpool 3's release date is September 6th, 2024.
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