2016's surprise hit superhero movie Deadpool was a welcome breath of fresh air. That is not to say that the MCU is showing its age, on the contrary, the MCU has been going from strength-to-strength in recent years, as evidenced by Black Panther, Thor: Ragnarok, and Captain America: Civil War. Sadly outside of the MCU, it seems studios are struggling to piece together their own cinematic universe, as we have seen with the DCEU, the Dark Universe, and the X-Men movie franchise. Deadpool was, and still remains a unique movie that subverts the tropes of the genre and plays with and against those tropes to hilarious effect. Up until recently the marketing campaign and trailers for its sequel have felt overly familiar, giving the impression that the movie would just try to emulate the original movie, and fall flat on its face attempting to do so. That was until the final trailer was released.
The references both in-universe and beyond that are evident in this trailer show that the humor of the original movie will remain intact. With director Tim Miller no longer involved one could be mistaken for thinking he was what made the original movie work. This trailer proves that Ryan Reynolds' archaic sense of humor was also a driving force behind Deadpools phenomenal success, and looks set to do the same for the sequel. Let us just hope that, as Hollywood comedians tend to do, Reynolds doesn't burn himself out in a few years from now.
About the Deadpool 3 movie

Deadpool 3 September 6th, 2024
Official plot synopsis for Deadpool 3 has yet to be revealed.
Directed by TBA, Deadpool 3's release date is September 6th, 2024.
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