Guillermo del Toro's next big movie should be...
Scified2016-01-23 01:26:42
Written by Gavin9,389 Reads0 Comments2016-01-23 01:26:42

Mexican writer and director Guillermo del Toro is one of most creative, imaginative, innovative and talented directors Hollywood has ever had, and ever will have. His movies, regardless of scale nor genre each create self contained, believable worlds in which del Toro then expertly weaves to execute the movies narrative - In Pans Labyrinth you believe chalk can create a hidden doorway, in Don't be afraid of the Dark (written by del Toro) you believe those vicious little fairies are real and in Pacific Rim you shed a tear in Stacker Pentecosts last moments on screen.

Del Toro cancelled the apocalypse and broke our hearts when Robert Kazinsky and Idris Elba made their exit in Pacific Rim! 

Unfortunately it is del Toros very strength that is also his weakness, at least when it comes to Hollywood producers. In a business driven by multi-million dollar budgets and profits sometimes creativity has to take a back seat and a formulaic, manufactured product has to be printed, packaged and sold. Conversely, while being the very thing that Hollywood needs, Guillermo del Toro is the one thing they don't want. And because of del Toros high levels of creativity and willingness, nah, desire to step outside the mould, Hollywood and the bankers that run the studios don't know how to utilise his talents best, they are too scared to trust in his natural ability with millions of their precious dollars at stake.

Hellboy 2's Angel of death is both beautiful and horrifying!

Guillermo del Toro's creativity and imagination has proven to be best unleashed on medium level scale projects such as Hellboy, Pacific Rim, Pans Labyrinth and Don't be faraid of the Dark. Big projects such as the Hobbit trilogy are too daunting for del Toro; too big a playground, whereas smaller movies are too restrictive, too confining. Del Toro is a good action, comedy and horror director, capable of effectively utilising the tropes and techniques of each genre to magnificent effect - Hellboy and Pacific Rim are adrenaline filled movies, while Don't be afraid of the Dark has moments of genune chill and fright, and each of his movies have moments that tickle you in just the right spot.

Hellboy 2 is a showcase of what del Toro is capable of!

Visually Guillermo del Toro likes to sway between the worlds of fantasy and science fiction, gun toting demons to skyscraper tall robots, goblins and fairies to stealth camoflauged vampires. Del Toro is not afraid to use bright colors like many modern directors (McG, Zack Snyder, the Wachowski's) and knows how to pull back to awe the audience with a wide, expansive and detailed laden establishing shot or when to zoom in with a portable steadicam right into the thick of the action. Visually and in terms of technique del Toro could be a better action movie director than James Cameron - imagine if del Toro had directed Aliens or Terminator 2: Judgment Day or Avatar.

Peter Jacksons influence could help del Toro create serene landscapes!

When looking at Guillermo del Toros strengths, weaknesses, preferences and passions it does become apparent why Hollwood studio producers are scared of him; left unchecked he could cost the wrong studio a lot of money. But harnessed and guided towards the right projects Guillermo del Toro could create beautiful, magnificent and compelling cinema. Another thing that became apparent was what del Toro's next big movie should be...

A medium scale action, adventure movie with moments of thrill, comedy and darkness. All set within a self contained world populated by fantastical creatures of all manner of shapes and sizes in a world where technology and magic meet.

...Sounds like Guillermo del Toro's ideal movie, doesn't it? A movie in which he would excel and make it truly his own while virtually ensuring a great profitable return at the box office (so long as the budget isn't allowed to bloat). It also sounds very similar to an intellectual property of which the production rights are currently owned by Sony Pictures. A property that has remained under the radar for decades, with very few willing to approach it after the failure of the last attempt to bring this property to the big screen. A property that is also trending along with many others from the beloved 1980's in which it was born. In my honest opinion I truly believe that Guillermo del Toro's next movie will be recognized by the following four simple words...

"I have the POWER!"

He-man and Battlecat concept art by Stjepan "nebezial" Sejic!

Yes, despite the current news that McG is reportedly in talks to direct, I think Guillermo del Toro and his trusted team should be given free reign on writing, producing and directing a big screen adaptation of He-Man and the Masters of the Universe.

Castle Grayskull concept art by Nathan Rosario!

Premiering in 1984 from Filmation, and repeated endlessly throughout the mid-late eighties, and selling millions of action figures based upon its unique and charismatic characters, He-Man and the Masters of the Universe was a big deal to kids from the 80's (I know, I was one of them). Though in hindsight the show was a tad preachy with its moral based storylines, its simple premise and creative characters and expansive world were magnetic to young minds whom would often be seen in many an eighties playground holding a stick, or ideally a toy of the actual sword, above their head, bellowing at the top of their voice "By the power of Grayskull - I have the POWER!"

Skeletor concept art by Greg Semkow!

Narratively He-Man and the Masters of the Universe tells of the planet Eterenia. A planet where technology and magic co-exist, and a planet beset by war. With the powers of darkness led by an evil sorcerer called Skeletor (pictured above), and his sorceress Evil-Lynn determined to dethrone the King of Castle Grayskull. To protect his father young and somwehat arrogant and brash Prince Adam accepts the charge given to him from the Sorceress of Grayskull to weild the Power Sword, which would transform him into the legendary hero He-Man, cornily known as the strongest man in the universe, apparently.

Man-at Arms knows Prince Adams' secret!

Now imagine the above concept art brought to life by Guillermo del Toro, with regular on screen partner Ron Perlman as Man-at-Arms (pictured above), and maybe Chris Hemsworth as He-Man/Prince Adam, and Doug Jones, whom plays Abe Sapien in Hellboy, would be magnificent doing a bad turn as the antagonist Skeletor, or as one of his henchmen Trapjaw (pictured below)!

Skeletors henchman Trapjaw!

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