Is Deckard a Replicant? Apparently, yes.
Scified2017-10-14 09:59:43
Written by Chris19,918 Reads5 Comments2017-10-14 09:59:43

The age old Blade Runner debate has finally been put to rest. Is Deckard a Replicant? Apparently, according to Ridley Scott who directed the original film, yes Deckard is in fact a Replicant! 

Kong: Skull Island director Jordan Vogt-Roberts shared on Twitter that Ridley Scott himself told him that Deckard is indeed a Replicant:

Of course this bold statement was challenged by some on the Twittersphere, but despite the skeptisism, Vogt-Roberts remained adamant that what he said was in fact true:

Blade Runner 2049 has been in theaters since October 6th and has yet to cross the $100 million dollar mark, even after factoring in international ticket sales (as of the posting of this article). By all accounts, 2049 failed to capture the interest of most moviegoers and unfortunately failed to generate a decent return at the box office. Many fans praise the film for its philosophical depth and nostalgia, but many more moviegoers complained about the length of the film as well as its pacing.

In time, Blade Runner 2049 will likely be regarded as a cult classic like the original however. We expect home release sales to compensate somewhat of the lost box office revenue. Some films, like Blade Runner and Alien take time to grow on people. It's just unfortunate they lack the initial impact to secure more of a franchise building experience for those who do enjoy these films right off the bat.

Do you buy that Deckard is a Replicant? What did you think of Blade Runner 2049? Let us know below!

About the Blade Runner 2049 movie

Blade Runner 2049 movie news, trailers and cast

Blade Runner 2049 October 2017

A new blade runner, LAPD Officer K (Ryan Gosling), discovers a dark secret that might bring an end to humanity. K's discovery leads him to find Rick Deckard (Harrison Ford), a former blade runner who disappeared thirty years ago.

Directed by Denis Villeneuve, Blade Runner 2049's release date is October 2017.

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MemberContributorOct-14-2017 10:25 AM

 Was this not obvious? Gaff's 4th wall breaking was pretty obvious. He said that he thought Deckard was retired (in Hungarian) and that he had a problem with his eyes (all replicants in the 1st BR had that brown circle in their eyes, so did he in a quick gaze).


Member2KOct-14-2017 11:26 AM

Doesn't seem right. He lacked the strength of replicants, especially if he is supposed to be a Nexus-6 version. And the character wasn't even a replicant in the original book, he was human, and he shows born-emotion unlike other replicants.

Would firmly say he is not.


Member2KOct-14-2017 11:52 AM

Theory is that deckard and rachel were nexus 7.  Possible made foreachother to meet and procreate. I think only two of n7 were made.  


MemberContributorOct-14-2017 12:03 PM


That theory as the most ridiculous thing in the whole movie. If they were for them to breed why make him a blade runner and risk dying in the process several times? Why make an experiment where Tyrell himself dies? 



Admin2KOct-16-2017 11:01 AM

Chris, Ridley Scott has said that Deckard's a Replicant many times over the years.

Here's a video of him saying it from over 10 years ago, lol. 

Rildey Scott confirms Deckard is a Replicant

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