What scifi novels are you reading and who is you favorite author?

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MemberNoobJan-23-2013 12:40 PM
to start off im currently reading Cloud Atlas and A Scanner Darkley. two completely different aproches to science fiction. Cloud Atlas is about time and the impact that different individuals have on it. i wanted to read the novel before seeing the movie as the book explains the concepts better. A Scanner Darkley by Philip K Dick is about someone on slow d a drug that makes the user act very strange, the book is so well written you begin to wonder who is going mad the reader or the main character. i havent finished them yet so these descriptions may not be correct. favorite Scifi writters are Steve Perry, Douglas Adams and now Philip K Dick
9 Replies


Interstellar-Movie.com AdminMemberNoobJan-23-2013 4:44 PM
I can't just say one favorite science fiction author. I like Michael Crichton, Phillip K. Dick, Orson Scott Card, and Timothy Zahn. Of course I have to mention Isaac Asimov, Robert Heinlein, and Arthur C. Clark. Crime writer Walter Mosley's science fiction endeavors have been solid as well. a few seconds ago · Like


MemberNoobJan-23-2013 8:56 PM
I would have to say " Pawns and Symbols" by Majliss Larson. A Great read about Klingons. [img]http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c80/KMelKang/Star%20Trek/Housepic.jpg[/img]


MemberNoobJan-25-2013 2:09 AM
currently reading joe haldenmans 'the forever war' . Heard that ridley scott had brought the rights to it ,so i thought i would have a look first. story line basically about a conflict in space and the effect of time dilution on the personel . way more to it than that, old book but pretty damn good.
"how do you feel?"-" great, next stupid question"


MemberNoobJan-25-2013 10:54 AM
i started reading it as well ive got to the bit where they see the taurans for the first time. im trying to imagine what the creatures nicked named the teddy bears look like and i wonder how these aliens will be depicted in the film.


MemberNoobJan-25-2013 3:25 PM
the teddy bears, they like strange creatures, passive. Ive heard some where that ridley scott had brought the rights for the book. havent eard wether or not hes going to make a movie from it. Hope so, his sci fi movies are the best.
"how do you feel?"-" great, next stupid question"


MemberNoobFeb-15-2013 11:28 AM
I've just read the progenitor trilogy (kindle) very well written. I'm half way through EON, different pace but quite engrossing all the same. I also tend to devour a lot of space operas, BV Larsen for example.


MemberConversationalistFeb-25-2013 7:46 PM
I'm currently reading alien 3. Finished Aliens and Alien a while back. About to start on another Von Danniken Book


MemberNoobApr-19-2013 2:45 PM
Re-reading [b]Arthur C Clarke's[/b] Rendezvous with Rama at the moment. So many great authors to list but my favourite would have to be [b]Larry Niven[/b] [Ringworld and The Mote in Gods Eye are awesomw IMHO] and [b]Asimov[/b] ,whose output of quality work is impressive. Read The Forever War a few times over the years and would love to see a film version that does justice to the book.


MemberNoobMay-24-2013 1:16 AM
I'm currently re-reading Frank Herbert's critically-acclaimed Sci-fi masterpiece, DUNE... [img]http://www.arrakis.co.uk/jpg/dune2l.jpg[/img] Love the story, the settings, the characters... Definitely earns the "masterpiece" rank! As for favorite author, though... I'm a mixed bag. I love so many, I can't pick just one, but Frank Herbert's near the top of my list.
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