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Indy John
MemberNoobNov-20-2012 2:26 PMInIn one of the intervirew the director mentioned that some scenes will show what happends when one of the Jaegers is contolled just by one mind..instead of the usual two.
I t was not clear if he meant one of the main stars were killed leaving one controlling pilot(I assume not) but another robot(not containing key actors) that show the effect of losing 1/2 of the operating team.
In any case it does raise the question of why two minds are needed to control one robot(a rather large one). And more importantly a weak point that the Kaiju could exploit to take out a enemy.
Why would the Director reveal this plot point so far in advance of the movie's release?
Be choicelessly aware as you move through life
1 Replies
MemberNoobDec-14-2012 5:09 PMYeah I was wondering this same thing. Why are two pilots necessary? and why the delineation of one to the right and one the left? It seems complicated...but I'm sure there will be ample reasoning and make sense in the movie. Just curious. It would make immediate sense if it was two pilots controlling two different things instead of left and right. LIke if you had a tactician and brute force guy, like say...Char's tactical mind and the Gundam fighter pilot's skill
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