MemberInitiateJun-30-2022 3:46 AM:0
Size:2 feet
Size:9 feet
A Tiktaalik returning to the water decides to hunt, It eats alot of fish which attracts a Megalograptus. The fish population in the lake decline, As they both see eachother the Tiktaalik strikes first, The Megalograptus captures the Tiktaalik, The Tiktaalik bleeds but it manages to escape and tail whip the Megalograptus. The Tiktaalik charges and bites the Megalograptus, While being bitten it captures the Tiktaalik again. The Tiktaalik escapes and tail whips the Megalograptus as usual, But the Megalograptus stabs into the Tiktaalik using its tail, The Tiktaalik bleeds so much is swims away and goes back to land, Only to die by bloodloss.
The Winner.......Megalograptus
Size doesnt matter, It had more weapons.
What happens when Mini Sperm Whale, Zygophyseter bumps into Orca Sized Shark Leptostyrax?

MemberInitiateJun-30-2022 3:49 AMOh No, I think i put this in the Gamera Topic :