Sandworms: Lynch vs Villenueve vs Yataines

Member2KNov-20-2021 8:08 PMThe most iconic thing to come out of the Dune series is probably the sandworm.
Based on the three live action designs of the sandworm, In Lynch’s Dune 1984
Yataine’s in the children of Dune miniseries, the Dune series doesn’t really count because you don’t see it that much.
And the 2021 Dune film by Villenueve
which do you think is best?
expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst

AdminAtmanNov-20-2021 8:19 PMI really liked the updated look for the Sandworms from Villenueve's Dune. The original is iconic, though even though I get Tremors vibes every time I see it. Villenueve's looks more unique, in my opinion.

Member2KNov-20-2021 8:43 PMI agree, to me it looks like a filter feeder, which works with the spice cycle.
expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst

Member2KNov-20-2021 9:12 PMI like Lynch's version, its closer to canon

Member2KNov-20-2021 10:41 PMYeah those sandworms are based on these series of covers, which Herbert described as being what he envisioned when writing the book.
But I personally love the new one. It looks prehistoric and the mouth with all the baleen teeth looks like an eye. Like the eye of Shai Hulud watching you
expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst

Member2KNov-21-2021 11:22 AMHinikunaGoji
They all look prehistoric too me