AdminAtmanMay-14-2021 1:44 PMToday I am very pleased to launch the latest feature to hit the Scified community forums - Online Polls!
I have added a polling option to all forum topics and soon to be added to news articles as well!
Polls are great for gathering opinion data on any number of topics. As well as replying to a topic, members will be able to cast their votes as well! Votes will be anonymous so members can vote in confidence!
In order to vote on Polls, you will need to have an active membership on Scified. This will reduce the risk of people misrepresenting poll results. By validating each vote with a registered member on the site, this will ensure votes are authentic and not bombarded by bots or duplicate accounts like some other online surveys allow.
Every single existing and future forum topic can have a poll added to it! However, only the author of a specific topic can add a poll to it. Staff and Admins have access to do so as well.
Polls can have unlimited choices for members to vote on but upon creating your Poll, two choices / options must be determined by default (obviously). Once the Poll is active, additional options / choices may be added individually!
*Options can NOT be edited once created
Authors of the topic / poll will be able to CLOSE voting on their polls at any time. This will allow limited timeframe voting windows for unique topics if the need arises.
As always, feedback is greatly appreciated! If you encounter any bugs, feel free to post them below in this topic or message me privately!
Hope everyone enjoys the new feature!

Member2KMay-14-2021 5:07 PMyay, seems really cool!
expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst

MemberConversationalistMay-16-2021 8:05 AMSo how do I get the option to create a poll? I went to make a topic, but I didn't know how to access this option.

Die-hard Spino Fan
MemberInitiateMay-17-2021 7:02 AMSame

AdminAtmanMay-17-2021 8:12 AMTo add a poll, you must first create a topic. Once the topic is live, you will see an "Add A Poll" option below the topic title. Click that to create a survey for that topic.

MemberConversationalistMay-17-2021 1:14 PMOkay, Thank You!