Godzilla: Exif A Story

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Member2KApr-13-2021 11:47 PM

In case you want Kaiju action and all that, this is really not for you.... there are other great stories on this website check out those. 

This is more of a background story for Metphies and Endurph from the Godzilla Anime, and how they managed to end up where they did.

Chapter One

The discordant cackling of Gematron Calculation filled the ears of Endurph. He had been staring out the window of the Space station while his students worked. The blue and red planet below had aged into it’s ignorance and was ripening for destruction. He turned around and gazed at the two exif children, each twenty five years old. Articoph was a talkative and social child, and had a talent for logic and gematron calculation. The other, Metphies was cunning and reserved. This did not mean he lacked social skill or friends, but rather waited for moments to speak and planned his every move. Metphies also asked all the right questions, and showed a genuine desire to know about Ghidorah. 


The Exif never spoke the name Ghidorah out loud, Endurph reflected. It wasn’t particularly sacred but more as a precaution. The name itself could encourage the entity to enter this realm prematurely. 


“Finished.” Articoph’s excited voice pulled Endurph from his thoughts. “Next week the first Monster will appear on the planet below us.” The child’s excitement was understandable, but in it he had made a critical error, Metphies pointed this out. “They’re not monsters. More like Divine Beasts. Guardians of planets.” Metphies corrected automatically and almost robotically.


Articoph looked at Metphies with a gaze of hurt, to which Metphies returned no emotion. Metphies had not finished his assignment, and had not revealed what he had been working on, not even to Endurph. Metphie’s eyes stayed on his calculations. The green light emanating from the stone gave him an almost demonic appearance.


Articoph deciding that he was done, left the room went down the hall, headed towards the his room. “He doesn’t actually understand what’s happening here, does he?” The comment by Metphies took Endurph by surprise. “Articoph is just as skilled as you, that’s why your both here.” Endurph noticed that Metphies had finished his project. Metphies stood up, walked towards the window and put his arms over the rail, making it so he had to stand on his toes to stay in this position.

He looked at Endurph, “Can we open the windows?” The child like appearance of Metphies was deceiving, yes he was a child but he didn’t think like one, his parents had warned Endurph that Metphies was always thinking of a plot. Endurph looked at him for a beat, then complied and pressed a button below the window. Instinctively the two held they’re breath as the sheild disintegrated, and the air rushed out.


“You are fortunate we are still in the ship, Metphies. The vacuum could have taken us out.” Endurph reprimanded him, releasing air, and shortening the amount of time they could stay out there. “Beautiful.” Was all Metphies replied. Endurph closed his eyes and listened to Planet 3. The steady thrum created by the planet alternated between the notes A, B and G. A light shined through his eyelids and he opened them.


Metphies held a garbetrium to the void. “Bring us a beautiful demise. Ghidorah.” He uttered releasing the remaining air in his lungs. The Garbetrium glowed gold and rising panic consumed Endurph. Metphies stared at the light, entranced. As the sheilds came into existence, oxygen filled the room, and the thrum of Planet 3 faded.


“What do you think you are doing?” Endurph Scolded. Metphies did not answer and continued to stare out the window. “The most childish, and un-“


“It worked, didn’t it?” Metphies replied coolly. Endurph looked back at Planet three. The bright light that should have been the Solar System’s Star grew fainter in light. Streaks of gold grew in size as the planet drew closer to the forming singularity.


Endurph grabbed Metphie’s hand with a Vice like grip and obediently the child followed behind. “Not even I pulled a trick like that when I was your age, how did you even know what to do?” Endurph Questioned angrily. Metphies stayed quiet, and turned his head away. Endurph tried a different approach. “How did you learn what to do?” He asked, keeping his voice even and controlled. Metphies mumbled a response. Endurph repeated himself.


Metphies looked squarely at Endurph in the eyes, with a defiance and sense of equality. He opened his mouth and said, “Because it told me how.”

expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst

15 Replies


Member2KApr-14-2021 7:26 AM




Member2KApr-14-2021 9:20 AM


“Calling yourself a hero make you a self-mythologizing narcissistic autocrat!”


Member2KApr-14-2021 10:02 AM

In case you didn’t know, Planet 3 of the Bilisaludian System is the the home of the Bilasaludo. 

expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst


Member2KApr-14-2021 10:21 AM

I need to rewatch the anime



Member2KApr-14-2021 10:29 AM

Yeah, this might confuse people who haven’t watched it. 

expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst


Member2KApr-14-2021 10:35 AM

I plan on using the Exif and the Bilasaludo to some compacity in Rise of the Kaiju



Member2KApr-14-2021 10:53 AM

That ought to be interesting.

expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst


Member2KApr-16-2021 11:55 AM

Articoph stared at the ceiling in utter boredom. The scratches on the metal looked like a weird bowl of some sort. The bunk bed creaked as he climbed off and walked toward the door. “Where are you going?” Metphies didn’t look up to ask the question. Articoph ignored then question and proceeded to the door. He winced at the opening door’s creak and proceeded onward. He felt the rumbling of the ship as he walked down an unfamiliar corridor. The metal seemed to take the heat from his feet as he continued on.


Other than Metphies and Endurph the ship seemed empty. Endurph had assured them both that there was a crew guiding the ship, but neither of the children had seen anyone else. He turned around and looked at Metphies. “If you wanted to come you could have just said something.”  Metphies opened his mouth to say something, but stopped. Articoph sighed and continued on. Metphies presence wasn’t annoying by itself, but Articoph would rather know why Metphies had bothered tagging along. They had never really engaged in anything together, and certainly weren’t friends. Metphies mainly kept to himself, and it was an unspoken that they shouldn’t talk unless necessary.


“We’re headed in the direction of the Engine-“


“Library.” Metphies Corrected.


“Library, where there are books.”


“There are no books, it’s all digital.”


Articoph realized something. He decided to press more.


“And the records were made by Endurph.”


“By the Xilien Council.” Metphies stated almost robotically.


“And they know about Aliens.”


Metphies started to speak but then stopped and stared directly at Articoph. “If you’re trying to get information out of me. Then you can stop.” Articoph turned away from Metphies they continued to walk in silence.


“Ghidorah by the way.”


Articoph stopped, the name sent shivers down his spine.


“What?” He asked.


“Ghidorah. The Xilien council created the records about Ghidorah.”


Metphies sensed Articoph staring at him.


“I know I said I wouldn’t say any more but I couldn’t help it.”


Articoph turned away. He didn’t remember hearing the name but he knew he heard it. It was as if every being in the universe knew the name.


“I thought you were old enough to remember it.” Metphies replied almost as if he had read Articoph’s thoughts.  The conversation  ceased there and they continued to walk and entered the Library.



expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst


Member2KMay-12-2021 9:30 AM

this never existed

expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst


MemberInitiateFeb-24-2023 12:10 AM

“The other, Metphies was cunning and reserved. This did not mean he lacked social skill or friends,”

i mean…. I’m not a writer



Member2KFeb-24-2023 6:20 AM

still a cool story



MemberConversationalistFeb-24-2023 9:22 PM

can someone make a Q78 alien fanfic now?

their the erotic aliens from the "tiny godzilla" story included in the "the godzilla comic" anthology manga.

"Do you love it that much? That... monster graveyard?"


Member2KFeb-26-2023 7:36 AM

ummmm what?



MemberConversationalistFeb-26-2023 4:59 PM

Thats a good question

"Do you love it that much? That... monster graveyard?"


Member2KFeb-26-2023 8:23 PM

whats this about erotic aliens in a godzilla story?

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