Should I leave certain groups like the Fandom Menace

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Titan of Water

MemberInitiateNov-30-2019 7:40 AM

I’ve been following groups such as Geeks and Gamers, Fandom Menace and such, but lately they’ve been saying stuff that’s been troubling me lately. They’ve said things along the lines of only fans should direct certain movies and that politics should be completely absent from films. Both of these go against what the Godzilla franchise stands for, as it has had a diverse group of directors and have always been political. Should I leave them?

Angering the Godzilla fan base one take at a time


21 Replies


MemberContributorNov-30-2019 8:43 AM

1) Just a friendly reminder that this is a Godzilla forum, so perhaps it'd be better to have put this elsewhere if at all possible.

2) I don't follow Geeks + Gamers, but I will say that I personally am not to pleased with the latest crop of Star Wars films (excepting Rogue One). I'm actually not even a die-hard Star Wars fan anyway; I'm more of a casual admirer.

Looking at the statements "only fans should direct certain movies and that politics should be completely absent from films", I think what they're asking for is somebody who is going to respect the source material in their movies, and live up to it's spirit as it were.

As for politics...well, let's see how I can put this. The Godzilla franchise has had hard-hitting messages since the beginning. I think what they're referring to is the latest batch of political issues/agendas/whatever you call them that have been making the rounds. And I kinda agree to an extent. For instance, every time they made some sort of Trump reference in Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom, or tried to hammer in the "misogynistic white man vs. strong independent woman" dynamic between Ken Wheatley and Zia Rodriguez, I rolled my eyes; I didn't come to a JW movie to be reminded of the woes of this world; I came to see the woes of a world that has to deal with genetically engineered dinosaurs. For the love of everything, Universal, let me have my dinosaurs!

And as for diverse directors, or diversity in general, let me just say this: I don't care about a person's sex or ethnic background or anything like that. All I care about is who they are as a person and how good they are at what they do. Skin color means nothing to me. It does become an issue when people try to say that I'm just being a racist or a sexist because I didn't like a certain movie, even if my issues had nothing to do with sex or ethnicity itself.

I hope I'm making myself clear here.

At the end of the day, only you can decide what to do with the group for yourself.

A true fan can acknowledge the bad while still appreciating and cherishing the good.

Titan of Water

MemberInitiateNov-30-2019 8:48 AM

By diverse directors I meant fans and non fans. Also, while they do a lot of Star Wars content, their not limited to just that. They cover a variety of things. But I really do appreciate your input.

Angering the Godzilla fan base one take at a time



MemberContributorNov-30-2019 8:56 AM

Titan of Water "By diverse directors I meant fans and non fans."

Ah. I see.

In that case, let me give you a Godzilla-related example. Roland Emmerich was not a Godzilla fan. If I recall correctly, he didn't even want to make the 1998 film. I think you can gather the rest from there.

A true fan can acknowledge the bad while still appreciating and cherishing the good.

Titan of Water

MemberInitiateNov-30-2019 9:06 AM

I should have specified. While I don’t think a director has to be a fan in order to make a good movie, my requirement is that he does have respect for it and he’ll put actual effort into it. Shuske Kaneko wasn’t a big Gamera fan, and he ended up making the best Gamera films ever made.

Angering the Godzilla fan base one take at a time



MemberContributorNov-30-2019 9:15 AM

Titan of Water "While I don’t think a director has to be a fan in order to make a good movie, my requirement is that he does have respect for it and he’ll put actual effort into it."

A sentiment I agree with entirely.

A true fan can acknowledge the bad while still appreciating and cherishing the good.

Im Durp

MemberInitiateNov-30-2019 10:25 AM

I'm a huge star wars fan and I don't follow either of those channels so I don't see the problem. The fact is any fandom has a lot of different people and views and if there's one that doesn't match your preferences there's probably others that do, or at least more open minded people to discuss it with. Star Wars in particular has a lot of sub fanbases inside it for where ever your interests lie.


Also while I don't interact with these groups really I know they have a pretty bad name within a lot of the SW fanbase so don't think they're part of this majority.

Titan of Water

MemberInitiateNov-30-2019 10:37 AM

I probably should have put Geeks and Gamers instead of the Fandom Menace. I had Geeks and Gamers specifically cause they cover a variety of movies, not just Star Wars.

Angering the Godzilla fan base one take at a time



MemberRespectedNov-30-2019 11:13 AM

I cannot give you advice on this.

Zwei Wing is the best singing duo. Change my mind.

Titan of Water

MemberInitiateNov-30-2019 11:22 AM

Ok guys I’m sorry I made a mistake asking on here. Let’s just pretend this never happened.

Angering the Godzilla fan base one take at a time



MemberRespectedNov-30-2019 11:23 AM


Zwei Wing is the best singing duo. Change my mind.

Im Durp

MemberInitiateNov-30-2019 1:49 PM

I think the main thing this comes down to is how much you enjoy the content the channels make and if that justifies staying associated with them and some of the ideals you may not agree with.

Im Durp

MemberInitiateNov-30-2019 1:49 PM

I think the main thing this comes down to is how much you enjoy the content the channels make and if that justifies staying associated with them and some of the ideals you may not agree with.


MemberLegendNov-30-2019 2:49 PM

Maybe it just means not to bring up politics and religion etc that delves into personal views. Sometimes it is seen here but got really bad a few years ago. It just sours the overall vibe of any thread.


Member2KNov-30-2019 3:02 PM

Just because you are fan doesn't mean you'll make a good director examples Paul W S Anderson is a huge Alien fan and yet his alien movie Alien versus Predator sucked balls and his unofficial "Alien" movie Event Horizon also sucked. But also fan directors/screenplay writers would try to chalk in a lot of soulless fan-service to win us fans over but the movie would lack sustenance compared to source material.

A movie should have high quality story and not be an expensive run of the mill fan-fiction adaptation!


Gomi: Ninja Monster

MemberInitiateNov-30-2019 5:29 PM

I liked AvP actually, but I only saw Predator just this year and haven't seen Alien yet, so my opinion is null.

However fans of a genre do not by necessity make bad films in said genre, it's just more often than not the case.


MemberLegendNov-30-2019 8:45 PM

@ Xenotaris,

Event Horizon is a good 'guilty pleasure' movie, but I do understand why some would be turned off by the movie. Originally Event Horizon was to be a much darker movie but during production, producers stifled Anderson's vision demanding a lighter, more popcorn friendly movie. Being a relative newcomer Anderson didn't have the clout to answer Paramounts demands and he instead catered to their 'studio interference', something he has continued to do throughout his career - rather than make the movie he wants he makes the movie he knows the studio will want.

But to the topic at hand. Every fandom has its own groups, as Im Durp said, with some being more constructive than others. The Fandom Menace isn't toxic fandom, however, because their criticisms are usually constructive, but it seems that for the most part they strive on being negative and feeding it into a vicious circle of negativity, and life has enough **** to throw at us without us bogged down by the ****ty attitudes of other, less civil minds.

Ultimately the decision is yours, but remember that, especially with YouTube, once someone has a reputation for certain content they will continue to emulate that content to retain that reputation - or in other words, the majority of successful YouTubers are sell-outs, no matter how entertaining they are. 


Member2KNov-30-2019 9:34 PM

So Paul W S Anderson is weak willed, that doesn't sound any better than just plain sucking it makes him suck even more because he doesn't have a spine in decision making so he drags IPs through the mud because he just wants to make money and allows himself to be a studio puppet than his own director

I will never forgive him for ruining Alien, Predator, and Resident Evil. Say what you will of him giving in to studio demands, he chose to be a puppet and profited on being a puppet and has no remorse of being a puppet!


G. H. (Gman)

AdminLegendDec-01-2019 12:02 AM

Dougherty was a fan of Godzilla, Jackson was a fan of Kong, Snyder was a fan of Superman, McG was a fan of Terminator, Brett Ratner was a fan of X-Men--All of them made self-indulgent, over-budgeted fan films that are really only enjoyable on some surface level. So I don't agree at all that only "fans" should direct franchise films. Especially when Nicholas Meyer (Star Trek II), Christopher Nolan (The Dark Knight) and Jun Fukuda (Godzilla vs. MechaGodzilla) made some of the best movies of those respective franchises and they weren't fans. That's ridiculous. As far as I'm concerned most "fans" have a hard time keeping themselves in check in order to keep their project from spiraling into needless fan service and nostalgia.

"'Nostalgic' does not equal 'good,' and 'standards' does not equal 'elitism.'" "Being offended is inevitable. Living offended is your choice."


Member2KDec-01-2019 1:12 AM

G. H. (Gman)

Yes we finally agree on something! Although I liked Peter Jackson's King Kong


Dark Nebula

StaffRespectedDec-01-2019 8:52 AM

Each fandom has a good and bad side. There are fans who are welcoming and supportive, while there are also fans who are just overprotective A-holes who take themselves way too seriously.

I'm a huge fan of alien, and if I met someone who said that he's a fan of alien, I would honestly be anxious about telling that person what I think about the films because of fear of ridicule.

Kinda like how Alex White described in AVP GALAXY Podcast one awkward moment while he was at the signing of his book Alien the cold forge. At 00:48:48 of the podcast I believe, he described that while he was sitting, minding his own business, he spotted two "gentlemen" wearing alien shirts coming straight towards him. At first, he was excited to talk to them, but when they finally approached him, they asked him about his thoughts on Alien: Covenant, and that it ruined their childhoods. And since he liked the film he just stood in silence and was afraid of telling them his honest positive opinion on the film because he feared they won't buy his book and it also might result in a fistfight.

Before I deleted my facebook account, I was a part of a group called Alien: Paradise, which has lots of lovely and supportive folks who respect other opinions.

Same with the star wars fandom. Now that Baby Yoda exists, it shall bring us all together.

"We all have our time machines, don't we. Those that take us back are memories...And those that carry us forward, are dreams."

Trash panda

MemberConversationalistDec-02-2019 11:04 AM

Eh. Do what you feel is right.

Ah shit I’m using my wrong eye again. Sorry that was meant to be behind your back
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