What are you Storytelling Pet-peeves you have

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Member2KNov-13-2019 4:21 PM

One thing in post apocalyptic stories or in sci-fi movies that either in the narration or they reference another movie but gets the facts wrong.

In one movie "the virus broke out and spread across the world, everybody died", I'm like so your dead too? You said everybody died, so you must be dead too? But then we see the MC is alive with other living people, I'm just like you lying ***** you said everybody died!

Another from a terrible SYFY original Movie about a giant snake in the antartic, "I've seen Jurassic Park, everybody dies in Jurassic park" I'm like no. Most of the InGen workers evacuated off the island, and even then only a small fraction of the stranded characters died in the movie. 10 stranded people on the island and only 4 of them died, oh yeah 4 which is barely even half is everybody!

13 Replies


MemberLegendNov-13-2019 4:48 PM

Maybe the narration comes from finding do***entation after the fact and pieces it together? It is an interesting point. 

In the end, it is likely exposition to set the story and nothing more, especially if it is a new story.

My pet peeve is exposition delivered via text while other action is happening. 


MemberRespectedNov-13-2019 5:40 PM

When they do something that has been hyped up for a long time, but they do it really mundanely and make it last for only a few minutes before it ends. Like, say, the Frost King's death in Game Of Thrones (whatever his name is; I never watched it, but heard a lot of people say that the wrong person killed them and that they did it really quickly, easily, and in a kind of mundane way). 

If people weren't lazy, we wouldn't try to be efficient. If we weren't efficient, we'd never get anything done.


Member2KNov-13-2019 6:11 PM


Nope, the narriation was like the 4th movie end and the series has like 6 crappy movies total about zombies eating people



MemberLegendNov-13-2019 8:37 PM

I am talking in general. There is text giving background while a scene is playing out- the movie wants you to read words and watch the action at the same time- comprehend and enjoy both but it actually divides one's attention. Voice overs make for better narration in situations like that. Especially if you have bad vision and try to squint reading things on screen. 

I also hate when trailers basically show the whole movie like Alien Covenant did.


Member2KNov-13-2019 9:53 PM


Okay another pet peeve I have is when a movie tries to be scientific but screws up the use of binomial nomenclature.

As much as I love Godzilla: King of the Monster I was mildly annoyed at the misuse of their genus and species names. Titanus gojira and Titanus mosura as examples, the first name is the genus if two lifeforms have the same genus name it means they belong in the same genus thus they shared a very recent common ancestor. Given Godzilla is a reptile and Mothra is an insect, its quite obvious why they shouldn't be in the same genus.

I don't care its because they are kaiju, a kaiju or properly a daikaiju is just a size classification not a ancestral one. Any lifeform with in the kaiju genera can become a kaiju through several justifications: Radiation, Genetic Engineering, Magic/Supernatural phenomena, or good old fashion Evolution.

Gojira alone could have well be its own genus, considering how many different designs of Godzilla that show up throughout the King of the Monster's series. Each suit design could warrant as its own species or subspecies of godzilla. Except for Zilla and Shin Godzilla, Zilla and Shin Godzilla are drastically different from other Gojira and should be placed in its own genus.

Also another pet peeve related to the one above is when they capitalize the species name: example, Tyrannosaurus Rex, instead of Tyrannosaurus rex



MemberLegendNov-13-2019 10:14 PM

I also think it's BS to make a bunch of viral videos leading up to a movie release. And those videos build up a lot of anticipation and are actually better than the movie itself. Again, that is Alien Covenant and IDK if any other movies have done that. Very frustrating!


MemberRespectedNov-13-2019 10:22 PM


OH MY GOD SAME!!!!! FINALLY, SOMEONE WHO KNOWS THE PAIN!!!!!!!!!! I really got miffed when in games or movies they always called Tyrannosaurus "T-rex" or "Tyrannosaurus Rex." I mean, you don't even call the other creatures "S. aegypticus" or "V. mongoliensis", but Tyrannosaurus gets that special right? But I've learned to let that slide. But when they put T-rex, it just defies binomial nomenclature entirely! Or when they put Tyrannosaurus Rex. Or when they put Tyrannosaurus Rex all the time in video games, but don't mention the other creatures' species names at all. Where's the equality? XD


Don't get me started on KOTM's use of it. Cool concept, BUT it's just completely wrong. They could have done it like "Mosura mosura" or something like that, but... they kept them all under the same genus. Also, the way they define "titan" is really iffy. "Of significance to the world?" COME ON!!!! THAT'S WHAT QUALIFIES GETTING INTO THE GENUS?!!!! EVEN GHIDORAH, AN ALIEN THAT SHOULDN'T BE ANYWHERE IN OUR KNOWN KINGDOMS, IS IN THAT **** HOLE THEY CALL A GENUS!!!! And where's all the peer-reviewed academic journals do***enting and affirming their positions in that genus? The **** happened there?!! How did so many people get it wrong? And doesn't that also break the whole continuity of the Monsterverse, since the titans are supposed to be secret... but they have confirmed binomial nomencalture names, which means they had to have been published in peer-reviewed academic journals- GGGGGRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRUUUUUUUUUUUUUAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGHHHHHHHHHIUOHFHLBG



(Loudly breathing) ok, I think I got that out of my system. Sorry, a nerd's mild annoyance built up over a minor thing over years and years just kinda blew up there once someone else finally brought it up lol. Sorry about that... outburst? Tantrum? Rant? I don't know. But man, that felt good to get it out. And I thought giant, golden, three headed, electricity stealing, alien dragons fighting giant nuclear lizards/Dinosaurs (since he has both origins) that can spew atomic "fire" was the most unrealistic part of the Godzilla franchise...

If people weren't lazy, we wouldn't try to be efficient. If we weren't efficient, we'd never get anything done.


Member2KNov-14-2019 1:04 AM

its okay, funny thing though they used actually better scientific names in Kong: Skull Island (behind the scenes material) but in KOTMs they went Lazy



MemberRespectedNov-14-2019 9:04 AM


I see what you did there :)

If people weren't lazy, we wouldn't try to be efficient. If we weren't efficient, we'd never get anything done.


MemberContributorNov-15-2019 9:41 AM

Don't even get me started with what they did for the explanation on the sizes and powers. Godzilla, I can understand, because he is on the surface. But how do you know that Mothra has a ~90 meter wingspan or god rays when she is an egg that hasn't even hatched? Or knowing Rodan has a flight speed of Mach 3 and a ~100 meter wingspan when he is still stuck in a volcano unable to move and curled up? It's just so dumb and frustrating.


Member2KNov-18-2019 8:18 PM

I never thought of that



Member2KNov-18-2019 8:20 PM




MemberRespectedNov-19-2019 8:20 AM


If people weren't lazy, we wouldn't try to be efficient. If we weren't efficient, we'd never get anything done.

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