Gamera Chronicles Chapter 3:The Challenge

Ganimes V.8
MemberInitiateOct-30-2019 12:49 PMInspired by Godzilla Extinction
Original idea by Ganimes V.8
Location:Somewhere On The Beach
The Xakoa Aliens sent a spaceship to Gamera's location,he was somewhere on the beach,they found him,Gamera roared.ROOOOOOOOOAARR!The spaceship spawned MechaGamera!KRRRRREEEEEEEEARRRRRR!Gamera used his fire ball,MechaGamera used his shield to protect himself,MechaGamera used a plasma ray from his mouth to blast Gamera's neck,Gamera then used his fire breath!MechaGamera used his armcannon to defend himself!
As Gamera bled from his neck,MechaGamera used his finger projectiles,Gamera roared in pain as he got hit by the projectiles.It seemed hopeless for Gamera...He used his fire balls multiple times and used his fire breath to try and damage MechaGamera,the worked,some of them.
Gamera noticed that the spaceship which spawned MechaGamera was still there,so he blasted it with his fire balls,after the ship was destroyed,MechaGamera systems shut down.So Gamera used his fire breath to exterminate MechaGamera,MechaGamera was nowhere to be seen.
Location:Xakoa Alien Mothership
The Xakoa Aliens saw that MechaGamera was destroyed,they got angry and they worked on a plan to destroy Gamera.The Xakoa Aliens decided to recreate MechaGamera,but they didn't,they planned to do that if some space monsters didn't succeed in killing Gamera.
Gamera never had a "Partner" that he can join forces with,he noticed that his enemies became stronger than ever,he also learned new moves like a fire combo.He never knew whats gonna come up next,maybe something large,maybe something that has a lot of abilities or a dark enemy he never knew of?
"I hope,one day,i will go to the U.S.A..."
Ganimes V.8,December 10th 2019

MemberRespectedOct-30-2019 1:29 PMNice chapter.
Zwei Wing is the best singing duo. Change my mind.

Ganimes V.8
MemberInitiateOct-30-2019 1:30 PMWhich Chapter is the best?
Chapter 1 or Chapter 2 or Chapter 3?
"I hope,one day,i will go to the U.S.A..."
Ganimes V.8,December 10th 2019

MemberRespectedOct-30-2019 2:02 PMChapter 1 or 2 I think, but still. Nice chapter.
If people weren't lazy, we wouldn't try to be efficient. If we weren't efficient, we'd never get anything done.