I Meme Everything
Member2KOct-26-2019 5:11 PMWith the last installment of the main Star Wars saga coming out, I figured I'd look back on all the movies in order of release, so that means we're starting with the original.
A New Hope holds up surprisingly well after over forty years. The characters are all likable and charming, and they are what drives the story. All the performances are fantastic and great in bringing the characters to life, albeit Mark Hamill is a bit whiny. A New Hope is pure fun from start to finish and I can sit down and watch it at any time. John Williams' score is fantastic and the film has what is possibly the most iconic main theme of any movie. Williams is as integral to Star Wars just as much as any of the actors are. The visual effects also hold up as long as you're not watching the special edition. Overall a fantastic watch that any moviegoer should see.
Score: 9.5/10
"Part of the journey is the end..."

MemberContributorOct-26-2019 5:20 PMI pretty much agree with what everything you said
Godzilla... Truly a God incarnate.