Gamera Chronicles Chapter 1:The Guardian Of The Galaxy

Kamoebas V.6
MemberContributorOct-19-2019 8:18 AMInspired by Godzilla Extinction
Idea made by Kamoebas V.6
In the year 2047,a giant meteor struck the earth,and a bunch of creatures began attacking cities.But then a creature came to Earth,it was Gamera!There were meteors in his way so he dodged them as fast as he could,then he crashed into Earth.
When Gamera crashed into Earth,it caused an earthquake,and Gamera got up,and the earthquake stopped.ROOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAARRR!The humans quickly knew that it was Gamera...As Gamera flew to New York to battle King Kong.While flying,Gamera saw some jets approaching him,they shot Gamera a lot of times,then Gamera blasted them...
But he stopped in Arizona for some reason,he stopped there because the Xakoa Alien mothership was there.He quickly blasted the mothership,the Xakoa Aliens noticed what Gamera was doing so they quickly flew away.Gamera did not follow them.
New York was being attacked by King Kong,they used tanks and jets,but they didn't work,the giant ape jumped from building to building.ROOOOAAAR!But then,something came up to Kong.It was Gamera!Kong quickly threw a small building at Gamera,Gamera blasted it.Then Gamera flew to Kong and he picked up his upper body and ripped his upper body so that he can kill Kong,only Kong's legs remain.
After that,Gamera flew to Fukuoka to rest.When he got there,he saw the Xakoa Alien mothership again.This time they won't get away with what they have done,mind controlling monsters and making them kill their allies and making them destroy cities.The Xakoa Aliens noticed that Gamera was there so they flew away,Gamera saw that they flew away,he wasn't very happy but he was tired and he lost some stamina,so he rested.

MemberRespectedOct-19-2019 9:37 AMR.I.P. Kong.
Zwei Wing is the best singing duo. Change my mind.

MemberRespectedOct-19-2019 9:55 AMIt was pretty nice. BUUUUUUUUUT, work on your structure and grammar a little bit.
Zwei Wing is the best singing duo. Change my mind.

Kamoebas V.6
MemberContributorOct-19-2019 9:59 AMHah!it isn't that good because only one person worked on it...
And Godzilla Extinction is made by 4 or 5 people!
And a team is stronger that one person.

MemberRespectedOct-19-2019 10:07 AMWell, yes, Godzilla:Extinction WAS made by 5 people... BUT, look at my work, my Godzilla battles. Look at Lazy's Zilla vs Rodan. You see, even though it's just one person writing our individual fights/stories, our grammar is still good. I'm not trying to brag or anything, what I'm saying is that you can be just as good as we are at writing if you just practice.
Zwei Wing is the best singing duo. Change my mind.

Kamoebas V.6
MemberContributorOct-19-2019 1:08 PMListen,i made it in a hurry,and i didn't check,and im still in school so im not a genius.

MemberRespectedOct-19-2019 3:41 PMYou should write whenever you actually have the time to write.
Zwei Wing is the best singing duo. Change my mind.

MemberRespectedOct-19-2019 3:48 PMAlso, Goji, Dante, Flyleaf, and I are all still in school as well... I mean, at least put some spaces between periods and commas mate. Also, write when you have the time to. I haven't actually written in a little while because of lack of time, but I'm probably going to write again today. Other than that, nice chapter. Tad rushed in my opinion, but great story!
If people weren't lazy, we wouldn't try to be efficient. If we weren't efficient, we'd never get anything done.

MemberRespectedOct-19-2019 3:49 PMAlso, Xenotaris said he'd be willing to help you (I think, don't quote me on that) on your topic that you asked whether or not you should make a Gamera series.
If people weren't lazy, we wouldn't try to be efficient. If we weren't efficient, we'd never get anything done.

Ultra BIF
MemberNoobOct-20-2019 4:18 PMI liked it. I'm just a random guy who likes Gamera too but I think that your story is great. I imagine that as you write more it'll become easier for grammar and structure to come naturally. Because nobody is a genius, we're just people who like to write fictitious stories. I especially love that you have a great vocabulary, and that you don't lean on curse words like crutches. Curse words suck. Keep up the great writing.

Ganimes V.8
MemberInitiateOct-26-2019 9:28 AMAh,i forgot mention im not from America!
"I hope,one day,i will go to the U.S.A..."
Ganimes V.8,December 10th 2019

Member2KOct-26-2019 9:58 AMThis looks like it could be an interesting story, also the Xakoa aliens. Are they an OC race or are they canon?

Ganimes V.8
MemberInitiateOct-28-2019 9:33 AMThey are Original Character race.
"I hope,one day,i will go to the U.S.A..."
Ganimes V.8,December 10th 2019

MemberInitiateAug-27-2022 1:42 PMI miss this time, i wish i can go back and finish this thing.I got it up to the last 2 episodes.

MemberInitiateAug-27-2022 1:42 PMBack when Lazyfish,Gmkgoji and Flyleaf were still very much active and fun people. They just left

Member2KAug-27-2022 5:53 PMI'm still here at least, sorry I didn't join y'all sooner