Top 10 Favorite Movies of All Time (2018)

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I Meme Everything

Member2KJul-16-2018 7:57 PM

The only reason I'm not waiting to the end of the year to post this is because a) I doubt any other movies from this year will make it (only one is on my list), and b) I'm an impatient bastard. Also, there are no ratings because all these movies get a 10/10. So without further ado, let's begin.


10. Shin Godzilla

Image result for shin godzilla poster

I'm one of the more casual Godzilla fans but this movie is the best thing I saw in the terrible year that was 2016. It hits hard with one of the best versions of the titular Kaiju and an epic score. Also, Godzilla's purple atomic breath is dope.


9. Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope

Image result for a new hope poster

Don't be surprised that all three of the original Star Wars movies are on my list. Aside from some derpy dialogue here and there, the original Star Wars is pure popcorn fun. It has some great character moments and development, as well as a first impression that ascends its main villain beyond cinema.


8. Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi

Most people consider this the weakest of the OT, but I disagree. It's deep with both Luke and Vader facing internal conflicts, and it has some character moments that are as good as those of Empire. Throw in some excellent effects (except the Special Edition) and some thriling action scenes, and you've got a masterpiece.


7. Terminator 2: Judgement Day

Image result for terminator 2 poster

This is the best second entry in a series besides The Dark Knight and The Empire Strikes Back. T2 is built on its likeable characters, special effects that are a major step-up from its predecessor, and grounded but awesome action scenes. Surprisingly, the most-developed character isn't John or Sarah; it's the T-800. He learns what it's like to be human, making his death one of the most emotional movie scenes. They should've ended the series here.


6. The Lord of the Rings: Return of the King

Image result for return of the king poster

This is the second-best third entry in a series. RotK is dark, emotional, while still enjoyable. The characters are still likeable and tested like never before. Aragorn takes up the throne, Frodo and Sam have a falling out, and there's more. It's the conclusion this series deserved, and its ending damn near made me cry.


5. The Lion King

Image result for the lion king movie poster

This was a movie I watched over and over again as a kid. I always found it to be fun while still packing an emotional punch. Its message is strong and hard-hitting, the voice actors are great, and the characters are all realistic considering they're talking animals in an animated movie. It also has some moments that are surprisingly powerful thanks to Hans Zimmer's godly score.


4. Avengers: Infinity War

Image result for avengers infinity war

Remember when I said Return of the King is the second-best third entry? The best is Avengers: Infinity War. It's fun, hilarious, thrilling, but above all, sad. It's the pay-off of ten years of smash hits that began with Iron Man back in 2008. It juggles a massive cast, with all the actors delivering (even Zoe Saldana as Gamora). And I cared for all of them because of their development in previous movies. That's why I cried over Spider-Man's death even though I knew he would be coming back.


3. The Dark Knight

This is the second-best sequel ever made, and the best superhero movie of all time. This beast is just as dark as Infinity War, but being more grounded and having a much smaller cast, it's more concise and focused. It's a character study, with Heath Ledger's legendary Joker pushing Batman to his limits like never before. It also has a good dose of impressive practical effects and adrenaline-rushing action. It's dark, gritty, and deep, touched by no other DC movie. It's not the Batman movie we deserve, but the one we need.


2. Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back

Image result for the empire strikes back modern poster

Now this is the greatest sequel of all time. It's darker and moves more slowly than the original Star Wars, allowing for more character moments. The special effects (pre-Special Edition) are all great, and the actors are at their best here. It's raw, gritty, and focused, with the stakes being more personal. It has so many unforgettable moments, including the most shocking reveal of all time.


1. Jurassic Park

You all saw this coming. This masterpiece is the greatest movie ever created. It's had such a profound impact on my life that I couldn't place it anywhere else on this list except at the top. I remember seeing this as a little kid. All the scenes stuck with me, especially the dinosaur ones. It showed that these animals were more than just mindless brutes; they were living, thinking, breathing, feeling animals. None of the other movies on this list convey their theme as well as Jurassic Park does. The characters push the theme of man playing God even further, especially Ian Malcolm. Every actor is great, especially Daddy Goldblum. This movie revolutionized special effects and spiked the popularity of dinosaurs. But most of all, it impacted me. From the moment I saw it, I knew this movie would stick with me for life. It started my childhood obsession with dinosaurs, which continues this day. If I hadn't seen this movie, I probably wouldn't even have come to Scified. Because of its quality as a movie, and the profound impact it had on my life, Jurassic Park is my favorite movie of all time.

"Part of the journey is the end..."

6 Replies


MemberContributorJul-16-2018 8:06 PM

I'm gonna need to really think of what my top 10 favorite movies would be, but my two favorite movies at the moment are

1. Godzilla vs. Biollante

2. Jurassic Park

Godzilla... Truly a God incarnate.

Sci-Fi King25

Member2KJul-16-2018 8:17 PM

JP is my second favorite movie of all time, but I wouldn’t be here either if I wasn’t looking for JP4 news like five years ago. 

Also SG’s Atomic Breath scene is my favorite part in the entire Godzilla series. Watching that on a theater screen and having no expectations beforehand was amazing. 

(Don’t ask for a top 10 from me it’d take me like two hours to think of even a rough draft)

“Banana oil.”- George Takei, Gigantis: The Fire Monster

I Meme Everything

Member2KJul-18-2018 10:41 AM

^What's your first?

"Part of the journey is the end..."

Sci-Fi King25

Member2KJul-18-2018 6:27 PM

^The Lost World: Jurassic Park

“Banana oil.”- George Takei, Gigantis: The Fire Monster


MemberNoobAug-19-2018 1:21 PM

I absolutely agree with you! 

lewis white

MemberNoobJan-30-2019 4:12 AM

I want to watch all these movies. My friend suggests me a site , he said that here I can watch free movies. What do you think about this app ?? Is it safe ?

If not can you suggest me other way.

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