
Member2KMay-15-2018 6:07 PMthe Syfy channel has recently opted not to renew their amazing Science Fiction for a fourth season and beyond. The series has been a resounding success and been met with critical acclaim and been dubbed the "Game of Thrones" of space. Regularly scoring in the highest echelon on both Rotten Tomatoes and IMDB it is a genuine success.
Born from the collaboration between Daniel Abraham and Ty Franck under the pen name James S. A Corey the series is based on 9 novels of the same name.
It is one of the best Science Fiction series in many years with an enthralling story, compelling characters, amazing visuals and a grand scale to rival other classics like Battlestar Galactica, Stargate and Star Trek.
Currently there is a plethora of pages, partitions and youtube channels dedicated to saving the series, in the hope that Amazon Prime or Netflix may pick up the production.
The most important part is to use the #SaveTheExpanse hashtag where possible and to watch the episodes and Live Youtube content as often as possible.
Below are links to several websites and social media pages joined in the fight:
For those unfamilar with the series watch the trailer for Season One below to get you hooked :-)
The Predator star Thomas Jane features as Joe Miller.
Join The fight now

MemberContributorMay-15-2018 10:15 PMLet Netflix buy it whole sale, so we in the rest of could watch it as it released. #SaveTheExpanse

Member2KMay-16-2018 1:18 AMThat would be my preference also ignorantGuy :)
but I'll support the show on whatever network it is picked up on

Admin2KMay-16-2018 5:10 PMI upvoted this and will pin it. It's a great show and has a wonderful cast.

MemberLegendMay-17-2018 12:02 AMDoesn't seem to be on Netflix in the US- not even that trailer. Been off cable for years and Syfy was mostly wrastling shows and non sci fi shows back then. They had some terrible made for Syfy movies too. Seems they have improved.

Member2KMay-17-2018 3:32 PMCampaign UPDATE:
Last Nights newly aired episode hit its highest ratings in years.
The petition has reached over 100,000 signatures! If you haven't signed yet, now is your chance :)
#SaveTheExpanse hashtag is trending high!

Member2KMay-25-2018 8:19 PMWe got a Roci model into orbit!!! The power of fans coming together!!

MemberContributorMay-26-2018 2:40 AMJob done? http://deadline.com/2018/05/the-expanse-amazon-picks-up-space-drama-series-season-4-syfy-cancellation-1202398511/

Member2KMay-26-2018 4:52 PMWe did it! The Expanse has been renewed and picked up by Amazon!