Star Wars: A Dark Legacy (audio skit)

MemberNoobFeb-24-2018 11:45 PMA fan-made audio skit with my reimagined prelude to Episode VIII: The Last Jedi. Sincere thanks to George Lucas for bringing us this wonderful franchise. And please, Disney.. I beg you! Do not let my love, that was born with A NEW HOPE, die with THE LAST JEDI. I dedicate this to one and all... click the following link & enjoy! #StarWarsADarkLegacy

Member2KFeb-26-2018 10:31 AMThis was pretty great, even though I don't like Kylo--this made me kind of intrigued with his character in the way you portrayed him. Great work, I'd love to see more in this style if you choose to do so.
Good grief.

MemberNoobFeb-26-2018 11:00 AMThank you @Emperor GorillaGodzilla... your feedback means a lot to me and I am most grateful.