Has Daisy Ridley created a real version of Rey, and can Daisy meet the real Rey?
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MemberInitiateDec-22-2017 3:45 PMCan Daisy Ridley meet the real Rey, on the basis that Ridley's performance as the character has inadvertently created a real version of the fictional history seen in TFA and TLJ?

MemberInitiateDec-22-2017 6:09 PMDo you think that Rey can be real, because of Daisy's performance?

Im Durp
MemberInitiateDec-22-2017 6:50 PMNo more than any other actor has brought a character to life.

Member2KDec-22-2017 7:17 PMThe sarcasm is with you young Trokanmariel--but you are not a memer yet.
Good grief.