MemberRespectedDec-05-2017 1:32 AMCan somebody please tell him that there is another certain franchise which could use a little help?
Tarantino Star Trek Idea: Deadline
Link Fixed by GG

MemberRespectedDec-05-2017 1:40 AMJust imagine Tarantinos's Star Trek movie and Ridley Scott's no-alien "Alien" movie hitting the theaters on the same weekend. I most certainly would be a no show for Ridley's latest. And I'd probably go to see Tarantino's movie twice. Even if it's bad.

MemberConversationalistDec-05-2017 1:52 AMTarantino did not do anything worthy after Inglorious Basterds. And I can't imagine a Tarantino Star Trek movie. How come? Star Wars is better for him, at least he can play the swords.
"He survived, he’s now in Disneyland in Orlando, and no way am I going back there. How did he end up in Disneyland? I saw him in Disneyland, Jesus Christ!"

Member2KDec-05-2017 4:07 AMTarantino? Sukiyaki Star Trek Django? :D
'...another certain franchise which could use a little help.'
You mean the Star Wars Saga?
Star Wars 7 is terrible. And now we have Star Wars 8 and it seems to be the combination of The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi with a white pokemon fox and a baby groot bird.
Look at the scenes in the SW 8 trailer and you'll find that all of them are copied from SW 5 and 6:
Jedi training with a master and an apprentice, key spaceship under the water, cave scene with a vision, escape from a cave with a spaceship, walkers attack on a white planet, the two types of walkers from SW 5 and 6 reappear, the gate closes on this white planet - of course the scene shows Leia, space war with two fleets - the new version of the EF76 Nebulon-B escort frigate can be seen as well, the young Jedi meets the Emperor/Supreme Leader, and he tortures her like Palpatine did with Luke, and so on...
Box Office number does not mean quality...

Member2KDec-05-2017 1:26 PMI have moved this to the Star Trek forum. Make sure to post topics in the right categories, Star Trek, Alien, etc.
Good grief.

MemberRespectedDec-05-2017 1:29 PMAti No I mean the Alien saga is in desperate need of something new. What I like about Tarantino is that he is into the oldfashion way of making movies. I don't see him abusing the cgi. He even bought a movie theater in LA where he shows his own 35 mm prints (real celluloid!) He is the opposite of Ridley Scott, who totally surrendered to the digital age.