MemberNoobNov-14-2017 6:59 PMWith studios doing "side movies" for every successful franchise, I would totally go for a movie based on the pilots, support dome, & of course Cherno Alpha. The soundtrack from that movie would be absolutely epic as well (less "modern" music, more "Shatterdome" & "Double Event"). It was sad to see them go out like fodder so quickly.
Here is to hoping Uprising isn't as bad as the trailer leads you to believe....like a bunch of drunk Michael Bay got a hold of a thrown out PowerRangers script....

MemberNoobNov-14-2017 10:12 PMNo way it a badley design jeager do Striker Eureka instead better design jeager

MemberNoobNov-15-2017 5:30 AMI wouldn't argue against a Striker Eureka movie either, but that one wasn't around for very long. We pretty much saw all the action that it did already. Not sure what more they could make of that one. Cherno though, that one has got to have some good history!

MemberNoobMar-05-2018 2:57 PMMeeeee! Absolutely love the design. My favorite jaeger from the first one. Pilots were great too.

MemberNoobMar-23-2018 4:00 PMYea i love to see story spinoff of cherno or the old jaegers. I always thought the second movie should of been a prequel. Saw uprising and was very disapointed.

AdminAtmanMar-23-2018 5:29 PMI'd be down for a prequel focusing on the MARK I Jaegers. Especially if fans take more kindly to the original over the sequel.

MemberContributorApr-02-2018 9:43 AM@abeNdorg So you're basically saying Pacific Rim should do what Star Wars is doing with the "A Star Wars Story" sort of spin-off?

MemberNoobApr-02-2018 12:13 PM@MinecraftDinoKaiju - More of a general prequel about the early days which would include Cherno. That one was one of the earlier designs, & to have still been around would have done well in the action it did see. I know it could not carry an entire movie on it's own, but it would be fun to see more of it.