I Meme Everything
Member2KNov-12-2017 9:29 AMWith Pokemon: Ultra Sun and Pokemon: Ultra Moon boasting the highest amount of legendaries in any Pokemon game, I thought it would be nice to look back on and rank every legendary Pokemon from my least-favourite to my favourite.
65. Asseus
64. Regigigas
63. Shaymin
62. Diancie
61. Mesprit
60. Terrakion
59. Regice
58. Regirock
57. Keldeo
56. Uxie
55. Phione
54. Manaphy
53. Cosmoem
52. Cosmog
51. Jirachi
50. Hoopa
49. Meloetta
48. Magearna
47. Celebi
46. Tornadus
45. Azelf
44. Tapu Bulu
43. Heatran
42. Tapu Lele
41. Tapu Fini
40. Reshiram
39. Volcanion
38. Moltres
37. Registeel
36. Verizion
35. Cobalion
34. Thundurus
33. Zapdos
32. Landorus
31. Articuno
30. Victini
29. Raikou
28. Entei
27. Tapu Koko
26. Cresselia
25. Marshadow
24. Yveltal
23. Deoxys
22. Latias
21. Mew
20. Lunala
19. Genesect
18. Latios
17. Palkia
16. Xerneas
15. Suicune
14. Darkrai
13. Solgaleo
12. Zekrom
11. Ho-Oh
10. Kyurem
9. Zygarde
8. Necrozma
7. Dialga
6. Giratina
5. Lugia
4. Groudon
3. Kyogre
2. Mewtwo
1. Rayquaza
I love 1-20. 21-31 are okay, and I hate the rest.
"Part of the journey is the end..."

MemberContributorNov-12-2017 9:47 AMGreat list, Tyrannos. You know that my favorite is Groudon.
Godzilla... Truly a God incarnate.

Something Real
MemberLegendDec-23-2017 4:18 PMTYRANNOS - Good heavens! This was quite an extensive list! I like it a great deal - especially the imagery! :)

Timmy the ultramorph
MemberContributorDec-29-2017 3:09 AMgenicect and kyurem are my favorites.
food ain't that bad! - Parker

MemberNoobJan-29-2021 6:18 AMthanks my issue has been fixed.