I Meme Everything
Member2KOct-14-2017 1:28 PMWe do not speak of these films...
8. Batman & Robin
7. Batman Forever
These next two are mediocre.
6. Batman (1966)
5. Batman Returns
Then, there's a huge spike in quality.
4. Batman (1989)
3. Batman Begins
2. The Dark Knight Rises
The final entry on this list is so good, it's in its own tier.
1. The Dark Knight
"Part of the journey is the end..."

Something Real
MemberLegendOct-14-2017 6:56 PMTYRANNOS - This is quite neat! I very much enjoyed how you opened with the films "we do not speak of"! :)

MemberContributorOct-14-2017 6:59 PMI've only seen TDK trilogy.
Godzilla... Truly a God incarnate.

I Meme Everything
Member2KOct-14-2017 6:59 PM^Only other one worth watching is the '89 film.
"Part of the journey is the end..."