Can any one help me to find a movie?

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MemberNoobJul-28-2017 12:32 AM

Good morning to all . I am new in scified  and i want to make a question . If i don't get an ansswer here , then i am afraid the will be no ansswer at all. I want to find the title of a movie . Actually this was the first sci-fi movie i show back in 1965- 1968. The story holds a follows. 

I child is with his father wh is archeologist in an excavation. They discover a mysterious device , something like a car's battery which does nt much at all with the era of the ruins they excavete. They put the device under the child's bed . In the following night the boy has a very mysterious dream , talking with the creatures they created this device. The next morning , by accident the device is destroyed. This is all a can recall. If any of you can help me by saying the title of the movie , i wuld be graceful. I think of this film and of the impact it had in my taste on movies very often.

Thank you all in advance !! 

7 Replies


MemberRespectedJul-28-2017 9:40 AM


Maybe Robot Monster?

An archaeologist's child dreams of a creature who wants to destroy all of mankind.


MemberInitiateJul-28-2017 11:17 AM

This sounds more like a fantasy film than Sci fi. Could do with a little more info to go on. Can you remember if it was in colour or black and white? Although you saw the movie around 65-68, there could be some clues as to when it was produced. In what country did you view the movie ? Sometimes the accents on a movie can give away the country of origin.  


MemberNoobJul-28-2017 12:29 PM

Thank you for your time . I can't remember a lot since is more than 50 years since then. Nakedlunch , i tried Robot monster , it was not the right film . Batchpool the country is Greece , i show the gilm in Athens. If this helps ,i can recall that it should be a film based on the atmosphere rather than in special effects. I remember that spacships were only dots in a radar screen . Yigrette Stark , there is no way to remember actors names , i doudt if i could even spell in English back then . (I know you think that there was very litle improvement since then). Any way if you can suggest some movies with similar case it would be helpful. Thank you again !!



MemberNoobJul-28-2017 12:29 PM

Thank you for your time . I can't remember a lot since is more than 50 years since then. Nakedlunch , i tried Robot monster , it was not the right film . Batchpool the country is Greece , i show the gilm in Athens. If this helps ,i can recall that it should be a film based on the atmosphere rather than in special effects. I remember that spacships were only dots in a radar screen . Yigrette Stark , there is no way to remember actors names , i doudt if i could even spell in English back then . (I know you think that there was very litle improvement since then). Any way if you can suggest some movies with similar case it would be helpful. Thank you again !!


Dr. Curt Connors

MemberContributorJul-28-2017 4:03 PM

I'm sorry I couldn't find anything that was like that, the closest thing I found that was somewhat similar was Quatermass and the Pit or also called 5 Million Years to Earth. Sorry about not finding it and you're more than welcome. Hopefully someone will come up with it for you.


MemberNoobJul-29-2017 1:45 AM

Quatermass and the Pit seems very interesting movie. Espcialy the 1953 series. I watch it now. Thank you . After all it seems that the movie i remember had the same story like many others . 

Dr. Curt Connors

MemberContributorJul-29-2017 7:05 AM

@Stamatis   You're welcome

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