MemberNoobMay-20-2017 9:54 PMIn Kong Skull Island how did the audience react to the after credits scene?
On my first view. Just before the cave painting of Godzilla came up One guy yelled out loud Godzilla!!! And then the cave painting of him came up, and he yelled even louder and then once rodan came up one guy cheered out. And then after Godzillas roar was heard few yelled out loud YEEAAAHH!!! That end credits alone blew my mind more than the entire movie did. (Dont get me wrong the movie is good).
On my second time their was almost no sound cuz almost everybody had left the theater.
On a Third time few were mind blown and as we left the auditorium few started having conversations of the two fighting.
Thats all what were your audience reaction let me know.

MemberInitiateMay-21-2017 4:47 AMWhen I saw it, I was with two friends and there was this other kid standing in the back. The kid had no idea what it was all about and looked confused as my friends and I were getting all excited. My friends didn't know about it and kept asking why were staying behind, but I knew so I insisted on it. It was worth it in the end.
"Is that a monkey?"

I Meme Everything
Member2KMay-21-2017 5:19 AMAlmost everyone in my showing left before the post-credits scene. Noobs.
"Part of the journey is the end..."