MemberContributorApr-22-2017 7:47 PMHey guys, today I thought I would tell you guys about the original plot idea's I had for the "Maga Kaiju" story arch.
There will some similarities between my original plot idea's and the official plot, such as our characters traveling from planet to planet to find and kill the monsters, and killing them by destroying the gems on their heads. However there were several differences such as the who the Maga Kaiju are and who killed them. The plot was based heavily off of the plot from the latest Ultraman series called "Ultraman Orb", In this series seven kaiju called the "King Demon Beasts", and they were under the control of the series main villain "Jugglus Juggler". The original Maga Kaiju were as follows, they were Maga Basser the beast of the air, Maga Grand King the beast of the earth, Maga Jappa the beast of water, Maga Pandon the beast of fire, Maga Zetton beast of light, Maga Gatanozoa the beast of darkness, and finally Maga Orochi/Magato no Orochi the strongest of all the King Demon Beasts. Also I was not planning on Calamity being fully revived, he would have been very close but not completely. The Cult of Calamity were still going to play a big part in the story, but they would mostly be a secondary threat to the monsters. One of the most important differences was that it wasn't just one person who killed all the monsters, all of our characters would have gotten the chance to kill one of the monsters.
So that was my original idea for my plot for the "Maga Kaiju" plot. What do you guys think? Are you happy with the plot we went with, or do you prefer my idea's? Tell me what you think and I'll see you guys later.
Godzilla... Truly a God incarnate.

Something Real
MemberLegendApr-23-2017 1:46 AMULTRAZERO80 - This is extremely fantastic! I have always greatly enjoyed your ideas and I very much desire to see them come to fruition! Thank you ever so much for sharing this with us! :)

I Meme Everything
Member2KApr-28-2017 9:49 AMThe original names tho xD
"Part of the journey is the end..."

MemberContributorApr-28-2017 9:52 AMThey are kinda silly.
Godzilla... Truly a God incarnate.

I Meme Everything
Member2KMay-19-2017 12:48 PM^They make me cringe, especially "Maga Jappa"
"Part of the journey is the end..."

I Meme Everything
Member2KMay-19-2017 12:48 PM^They make me cringe, especially "Maga Jappa"
"Part of the journey is the end..."

I Meme Everything
Member2KMay-19-2017 12:48 PMSorry for double post xD
"Part of the journey is the end..."

I Meme Everything
Member2KMay-19-2017 12:48 PMBro I'm dying after reading "Jugglus Juggler" XD
"Part of the journey is the end..."