Something Real
MemberLegendNov-10-2016 2:13 PMHello there.
While browsing the web, I happened upon a bit of information that is sure to astound everyone! I will not spoil the surprise, but you must see it!

I Meme Everything
Member2KNov-10-2016 2:19 PMHOLY RODENTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"Part of the journey is the end..."

I Meme Everything
Member2KNov-10-2016 2:22 PM^Yep. I don't know how my father hates rodents...
"Part of the journey is the end..."

Something Real
MemberLegendNov-10-2016 6:20 PMGORILLAGODZILLA - You are most correct! It is so cute! :)

Darth Shiro
MemberContributorNov-10-2016 9:55 PMGIMME THESE BELLIES I WANNA TICKLE THEM!
Dinosaurs incredible creatures who roamed the Earth 65 million years ago. Never had nature been filled with so much terror and beauty...

Member2KNov-13-2016 11:10 AM"Hey where de hand goz?"
Cute, rats are super smart and affectionate little critters! :)
"Let The Cosmic Incubation Begin" ~ H.R. Giger

Something Real
MemberLegendNov-15-2016 7:17 AMLONE - Hahaha! I believe that is a perfect representation of the rats' mental dialogue! :)

Something Real
MemberLegendNov-15-2016 7:19 AMSWEETMANDARINE - Welcome to SCIFIED! It is always excellent to see new faces! I am very pleased that you found this article to your liking! :)

MemberNoobDec-07-2020 2:03 AMThese emotions are called positive vocalizations. Biologists confirm that primates and rats are able to use gargalesis as a means of social bonding.
Tickle Experiments Prove Animals Can Laugh:
nationalgeographic.com/news/2015/06/150613-animals-laughter-apes-evolution-science pimion.com