Top 5 Best Things About the Prequels

I Meme Everything
Member2KNov-09-2016 10:18 AMI recently rewatched the prequel trilogy and found some things I liked. So today I'm counting down the top 5 best things in the prequels.
5. The world-building
The prequels' world-building was great. There were new, badass starships and planets.
4. New iconic characters
Not only did the prequels bring back iconic characters from the Original Trilogy like Darth Vader, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Boba Fett, and Jabba the Hutt (although they were all ruined), but they introduced us to new characters. There was Darth Maul, Jango Fett and General Grievous. They weren't the main focus of the films but they sure were badass.
3. The score
The music in the prequels adds so much more emotional impact to the scenes. John Williams created masterpieces for all three films of the trilogy. My favourites are Duel of the Fates and Battle of the Heroes.
2. The fight scenes
Yeah, of course this is on the list of a psychotic teenager. The fight scenes in the prequels were badass, moving, and, unlike Transformers, had choreography. But Luke vs Vader ROTJ and Obi-Wan vs Vader ANH will be infinitely more impactful.
1. The movies that they set up
This is the best thing about the prequels, the movies that they set up. I ****ing love the Original Trilogy more than life itself. The characters were ****ing perfect, the action scenes were amazing (even the ANH duel. Like I said, it is more impactful than the prequel fights). I liked the storylines and the mood of the films.
"Part of the journey is the end..."

Darth Shiro
MemberContributorNov-10-2016 11:17 AMMememmememe!
Dinosaurs incredible creatures who roamed the Earth 65 million years ago. Never had nature been filled with so much terror and beauty...

Darth Shiro
MemberContributorNov-10-2016 11:29 AMlel.
Dinosaurs incredible creatures who roamed the Earth 65 million years ago. Never had nature been filled with so much terror and beauty...

MemberNoobJul-10-2018 6:10 AMThe movies could have been great if only for a few flaws . . .
Acting - Great actors, bad performances
Over Political - All the trade discussions and blockades, it was too much.
Best part . . . Padracing!