I Meme Everything
Member2KOct-22-2016 4:59 AMAfter watching the Rebels episode Holocrons of Fate, I greatly wondered about who will cause Maul's demise. I only see two people who should end him: Obi-Wan and Darth Vader.
Obi-Wan Kenobi
In the episode, when Maul and Ezra look into the holocrons, Ezra sees twin suns. An obvious reference to Tatooine, and Kenobi is there, living in exile.
In The Clone Wars, when Kenobi offers to go to Felucia to stop him, Yoda agrees, saying "Finish what he started long ago, he must."
In Legends, Kenobi fought Maul for a final time on Tatooine. This may happen in the new canon.
Now for who I want to kill Maul...
Darth Vader
In Legends, Vader fought and killed a clone of Maul.
Fans have been arguing about who would win since The Phantom Menace.
Everyone is dying to see this fight.
Sidious has always tested the power of Vader after his defeat on Mustafar. Maul may be another test, like the clone was in Legends.
"Part of the journey is the end..."

Darth Shiro
MemberContributorOct-22-2016 5:00 AMDARTHHHH VADERRRRR
Dinosaurs incredible creatures who roamed the Earth 65 million years ago. Never had nature been filled with so much terror and beauty...

Darth Shiro
MemberContributorOct-22-2016 5:04 AMYeah
Dinosaurs incredible creatures who roamed the Earth 65 million years ago. Never had nature been filled with so much terror and beauty...

MemberInitiateOct-22-2016 6:09 AMObi Wan
It's not even a competition, Vader has no direct history with Maul whereas Maul's whole character revolves around him trying to get revenge on Obi Wan.
If it's not Obi Wan after the setup for Tatooine I'm gonna be really disappointed with Rebels.

I Meme Everything
Member2KOct-22-2016 8:09 AMhe's in his 50s by now
"Part of the journey is the end..."

Member2KOct-22-2016 5:20 PMI don't want Maul to die xD. He has made it this far, he might as-well live lol.
Good grief.