Top 10 Reasons Transformers Sucks
I Meme Everything
Member2KOct-15-2016 4:48 AMI absolutely ****ing hate the ****ing Transformers movies MORE THAN LIFE ITSELF. It's ****ing impossible to put my thoughts on why these ********s of movies are so filthy and disgusting. So today I'm bringing you the top 10 reasons why I absolutely think these films are ****ing filthy pieces of miserable ********. In other words, *Flips out middle finger*, **** you Michael Bay.
10. Disappointing
All these movies have really good trailers but end up being utter **** when you see them.
9. Inconsistent
In the first movie, they said the AllSpark created the Transformers, but according to the fourth one, they were built by some alien race. WTF?!
8. Confusing
These movies are cluster****s, so half the time I had no idea what the **** was happening.
7. Too Long
Don't watch these ****s, you're stuck with them until the end.
6. Boring
The only reason I didn't fall asleep when I saw these **** stains is because of all the ****ing explosions.
5. The CGI is Fake as ****
Self explanatory.
4. Ruined the Classic G1 Characters
Everyone loved the G1 characters, but these movies just take those characters and completely ****s their personalities and looks. Take the most iconic of them all, Optimus Prime. He's a ****ING PSYCHOPATH WITH A MOUTH THAT LOOKS LIKE A ****ING SHREDDED TUNA CAN!!! Also, in Age of Extinction, Grimlock was a *****.
3. Michael Bay Explosions
I ****ing swear, these movies gave me epilepsy!
2. The Cringey-ass, Disgusting, Unimpressive Pile of Dog**** Acting
The acting in these films are ****. They make you physically cringe from how disgusting and bad it is. I mean, MEGHAN FOX CAN'T ****ING CLOSE HER PIEHOLE!!!
1. The Godawful ****ing, sloppy, piss-tasting, ****-scented, cluster**** writing
What really kills these movies is Michael Bay's ****-ass, ****ty writing. All these movies are cluster****s due to the ****ing awful, not-thought-out writing. If it weren't for the writing, these movies might actually be enjoyable. But they're not, which is why I wrote this.
"Part of the journey is the end..."
MemberInitiateOct-15-2016 5:53 AMI don't really think the movies have great trailers. They always just show you what you're going to get, which is why it's so surpising people hate the movies so much the movies are bad right from the trailer outside of maybe the first movie.
Darth Shiro
MemberContributorOct-15-2016 7:22 AMI don't hate the movies and nor do i love them. I just like them but dude your thoughts have well...too much swearing.
Dinosaurs incredible creatures who roamed the Earth 65 million years ago. Never had nature been filled with so much terror and beauty...
I Meme Everything
Member2KOct-15-2016 11:30 AMDurp what are your thoughts on these Godawful movies?
"Part of the journey is the end..."
I Meme Everything
Member2KOct-15-2016 11:32 AMeven the first movie was ****
"Part of the journey is the end..."
I Meme Everything
Member2KOct-15-2016 11:34 AM"TRANSFORMERS IS AWESOME!" Shiro that sounds like you love them
"Part of the journey is the end..."
Darth Shiro
MemberContributorOct-15-2016 12:49 PMIt was my childhood man...
Dinosaurs incredible creatures who roamed the Earth 65 million years ago. Never had nature been filled with so much terror and beauty...
MemberInitiateOct-15-2016 5:21 PMI mean the first is fine and the rest I've seen at least once, turned my brain off said "meh" and never watched them again. They're not great movies, but people way overblow how bad they are.
I Meme Everything
Member2KOct-16-2016 10:15 AM^Even the first was ****. If anything, they deserve more hate.
"Part of the journey is the end..."