Darth Vader Vs. Darth Maul in Rebels Season 3?

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I Meme Everything

Member2KAug-13-2016 7:03 PM

With the Rebels season 2 finale, we now know that Darth Maul is being hunted by the Empire.  He is confirmed to be a major antagonist in the third season, but my question is: will he face Vader in the new season?

The Empire is most likely still hunting Maul after the battle at Malachor.  Sidious may send Vader to eliminate him.  If the two were to fight, Darth Vader would obviously walk out alive.  Maul may also survive, but he will obviously have to meet his demise.

It was actually confirmed that Maul was originally supposed to meet his end at the hands of Darth Vader at the end of season 2, but of course, this never happened.  However, it may happen in season 3.  What are your thoughts on these two iconic SW villains duking it out in the next season of Rebels?

"Part of the journey is the end..."

1 Replies


MemberInitiateAug-14-2016 5:10 AM

The more they use Maul the worse it gets. Bringing him back wasn't a bad idea itself, but he literally just replaces Ventress in TCW, in pretty much every aspect, and it Rebels it seems he just holds a stand in antagonist because they weren't close to being ready to face Vader. I mean the guy that takes on 2 jedi in his initial appearance ends up losing to Kanan after he's been blinded.


Just have Kenobi show up kill Maul for good, and leave the role of antagonist to Thrawn.


If it can't be Kenobi to kill Maul I guess Vader's the best choice, but I don't think that at this point in Maul's life they stand even close to even in skill.

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