Does the Colony MotherShip link to the underbelly of the Havester as the City Destroyers did to the Colony MotherShip?

MemberNoobJul-15-2016 11:44 AMI hope I've found the right forum for this.
I'm interested in knowing how or if the Colony MotherShip craft link to the Harvesters in Independence Day: Resurgence the same way the City Destroyers linked to the underbelly of the Colony MotherShip from Independence Day? And if-so, where abouts upon the Harvester do they attach/link themselves? Do they perform the same "underbelly maneuver" as the City Destroyers do/did?

MemberNoobJul-31-2019 11:05 AMSort of. In the book version when the sphere is using holograms to explain the history of the harvesters David notices that the colony mothership “buds out” of the Queens ship similar to giving birth and he ponders how many thousands of colony ships could have come from this 1 queen. It explains in greater detail how all of their technology is grown. It also explains that they’ve been doing this for a loooooong time and there are entire galaxies that they’ve stripped clean before they got to us and they are the reason that outer space is so quiet. Also, spoiler alert if it remains cannon and they do a part 3 but the sphere created the harvesters at some point in the past