Here's a new look at the Rogue One Storm Troopers!

AdminAtmanJun-22-2016 11:10 AMI'm a big fan of the new Storm Trooper design being showcased in Rogue One. Considering the Empire is at its strongest during this time, we'll likely be seeing many different classes of Trooper revealed. Thanks to the latest issue of Entertainment Weekly, we've got a new look at the film's Death Troopers! What do you think of their design?

I Meme Everything
Member2KJun-22-2016 11:20 AMThe term is Death Troopers I believe
"Part of the journey is the end..."

I Meme Everything
Member2KJun-22-2016 11:29 AM^Knew it! Are they like his personal death squad or something?
I hope these Death Troopers can actually aim
"Part of the journey is the end..."

MemberLegendJun-22-2016 11:45 AMIt appears so, I'm secretly hoping one of them hs been trained with a Lightsaber, tough I doubt it - and it appears Chris is late to the Star Wars party, I think I mentioned the Death Troopers in a recent article.

MemberContributorJun-22-2016 2:52 PMNo no, the info revealed about Rogue One characters today or yesterday (cannot remember which) has it that the Death Troopers are under Director Orson Krennic's (Ben Mendelson's character) direct command, not Vader's. I think that might possibly have been leaked a while back, but either way it is official now
Not a map, an invitation

AdminAtmanJun-22-2016 9:46 PMAh, perfect thanks guys! I'll update the OP with the proper terminology.

MemberMartianJun-23-2016 8:50 AMInteresting design but im not sure if i Love it or not yet...
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