The Dinosaurian Galactic Empire Seizes This Forum

I Meme Everything
Member2KJun-02-2016 12:00 PMHello, members of the Star Wars forum. The Dinosaurian Galactic Empire has officially annexed this forum. Don't worry, you will all be taken care of as long as you don't rebel.
Also, a message from the emperor, Lord GorillaGodzilla:
"Citizens of the Star Wars forum, you are now under the protection of the Galactic Empire and I, Emperor GorillaGodzilla. I'm sorry that I could not be present to personally declare this myself, but my Apprentice and also ruler of the Empire is here to deliver it for me.
Do not fear, you are in safe hands under Galactic Imperial protection."
"Part of the journey is the end..."

Something Real
MemberLegendJun-02-2016 12:09 PMLORD TYRANT - As long as I am afforded the right to eat ice cream and not be told when to go to bed, I am agreeable to this merger. :)

I Meme Everything
Member2KJun-02-2016 12:18 PM^You have those rights, I will guarantee it.
"Part of the journey is the end..."

Member2KJun-02-2016 2:27 PMGoooooooddddd. The Force is strong in this place, I wonder why.
Good grief.

I Meme Everything
Member2KJun-02-2016 3:22 PM@GG: It's Star Wars. Period.
"Part of the journey is the end..."

I Meme Everything
Member2KJun-02-2016 3:35 PM^Well, that's why the Force has a strong presence here.
"Part of the journey is the end..."

Lord Vader
MemberLegendJun-03-2016 1:15 PMI'd feel safer under the protection of a two year old with play doh scissors myself
Jack of all trades. Master of none

Lord Vader
MemberLegendJun-03-2016 3:05 PMFrankly, I'm a spiteful bastard
Jack of all trades. Master of none