Dawn of Skull Island Chapter 1

I Meme Everything
Member2KMay-15-2016 1:07 PMChapter 1: Megalania
Australia, 50,000 years ago
The Megalania roared at his opponent, another Megalania. His name was Bulldozer, and the other monitor lizard had walked into his territory. They were fighting in a desperate time. Food was disappearing, and, as a result, several animals had to resort to cannibalism. It was a battle for survival.
The other Megalania charged at Bulldozer, who bit one of his forelimbs. His opponent roared and bit him in the neck. Bulldozer retaliated with a slap to the face, screaming, "ASS! ASS! ASS!"
The other lizard let go, allowing Bulldozer to bite him in the snout. He shoved, and both carnivores were standing in an upright position. The other Megalania, driven by determination, lashed out with his claws, hitting Bulldozer's neck several times. He then hit him in the face, gouging out his eye. Groaning in pain, Bulldozer left as his enemy screamed, "Get the **** outta here! And don't come back!"
I know, not much of a first chapter, but there's more to come.
"Part of the journey is the end..."